
006:Heaven´s door

Being exposed to that situation was hard. Unknowingly, he had repressed a lot of his feelings. Thinking that you are alright does not make you all right.

Sora started to let go of himself. He seemed alright, but he was not.

He stayed in bed mucho of his time, his constant chatter was reduced, and his personal hygiene was non existing.

Everyone on the family noticed it. The most shocked about this situation was Sora's brother.

His twin was his light, the one who has to protect, and keep safe. But sora's light was beggining to be fade little by little.

He asked him what was wrong, but the only answer that he received was:

«I am fine Itachi» said sora with a forced smile.

Fugaku and Mikoto were worried. 

The first had to deal with the clan issues everyday, but sora's precence made it a little bit better. 

His constant curiosity about ninjutsu, even if he could never be a ninja, made a strong bond between them.

But it was gone, very abruptly. 

Just like any Uchiha, Fugaku did not know how to deal with this situation. And, in a way to distract himself of his family situation, he started working even more.

Avoidance was the way he learned to cope with his emotions. 

Mikoto's response was bad. She was the first to realize that something was wrong.

She made her job to be for him. Avoiding the elephant of the room was a stupid choice.

She was an experienced kunoichi and she knew that she had to be there for him.

Until he could be comfortable enough to tell her what happened.


«Your family does not deserve this» said Senbonzakura.

He knew that not knowing what happened to him, and watching him like that, was tormenting his family.

The unknown his always harder to accept.

«Mmmm» accepted sora. He knew that he should at least tell his family. 

Not everything, but something.

His logical mind indicated him that he had to ask for help. But, emotions are called like that because they are not logical.

Sadness and doubt corroded his mind. 

What happened was a catalyst, the last drop to fill the glass, and he broke apart.

He had a happy life goddammit. Why, why it had to be like this. He did not want this.

«I... I would like to go back to my own world» said Sora to Senbonzakura.

He nodded and told him:

«Now you have a new goal. Just don't forget that this is also your family» said Senbonzakura with a stern tone in his voice.

Lamenting a past that happened and giving up on the present was stupid.

Senbonzakura continued:

«Wanted or not, this is your reality. Just know that you are not alone, and I will be here with you» said Senbonzakura. He also was displaced of his home. 

He also wanted to go back, but he realized that maybe that was not possible. 

But, he did not lose hope. What constant war and fights taught him, was that he had keep going.

Sora took a deep breath, and nodded. He cried one last time and said

«I need some kind of closure. Can you... Can you please go with me to visit her grave? I want to do something for her»

Senbonzakura nodded.

With a renewed purpouse, he wanted to make things right. 

But first, sora smelled his clothes.

«Damn it! I stink. I need to take a bath» sora said. 

«And I also need to organize my room, this is too messy» continued sora. 

«Mom! Please prepare the bath, I stink!» yelled sora .

His mother was outside the room just in case her baby needed her.

And yes, she was right.

«Okey!. Take a bath and then come to eat something. I prepared your favorite, fried chicken with mayoinesse!» Mikoto answered. This was one of her son's dishes.

It was easy to prepare and tasty.


The family went to the cementary, well, everyone except Fugaku. 

Sora asked them to acompany him. On the way, he explained how he met and old lady that lost her daughter.

He was so sad for her, that it shocked him. That is why he was not doing well these days.

Of course, Itachi and Mikoto knew that it was not the whole story. Perks of being an ex jonin ninja and perks of being a twin.

But they knew that Sora's needed his family, he didn't need to be pressured.

They got to the cementary with some lilies. He saw some dirty tombstone, and went to clean them.

 The friends and family of those people must have passed away. But he wanted to help them out. 

Cleaning the tombstone allowed him to focus, and when he looked up, he saw an old man with a broken leg.

The old man said:

«Thank you lad for taking care of my tombstone, I did not have kids and my friends already passed away. Thank you» said the old man with a smile.

Sora, much calmer, nodded to the ghost. He looked around and saw more ghosts around him.

When he was done cleaning some tombstones, he offered a prayer along with his family.

At last, Senbonzakura at his side said:

«Are you going to do it?» 

Sora nodded.

«Mom, before we go, can I sing a song? I am sure that they would like it, and they can listen, from the pure land» said sora

Mikoto was surprised, but she accepted his request. She knew that her son needed to do it. Call it maternal instinct.

Sora started:

«I was listenin' to the ocean

I saw a face in the sand

But when I picked it up

Then it vanished away from my hands, dah

I had a dream, I was seven

Climbin' my way in a tree

I saw a piece of Heaven

Waitin' in patience for me, dah»

The souls of the dead resonated with his song. The souls of the land, the air, the sun and the trees. They were all singing. The world was singing along him

Little by little, just like the song came to be, their surroundings started to change.

It was subtle, but Mikoto and Itachi saw a land of snow.

A little blond girl running happily on the woods. 

She was singing, along with her son. 

They both were singing to their souls. A beatiful feeling spread trough their bodies.

Mikoto could feel how her mental scars were healing, how her problems did not feel that bad. At least, for a little moment.

Itachi was also affected. He could finally breath and smile. No worries on his mind. He did not have to train, only enjoy the moment.

«And I was runnin' far away

Would I run off the world someday?

Nobody knows, nobody knows

And I was dancing in the rain

I felt alive and I can't complain

But no, take me home

Take me home where I belong

I can't take it anymore


And I was runnin' far away

Would I run off the world someday?

But no, take me home

Take me home where I belong

I got no other place to go

No, take me home

Take me home where I belong

I got no other place to go

No, take me home, home where I belong, no, no

No, take me home, home where I belong, oh, oh, oh

No, take me home, home where I belong, no, no

No, take me home, home where I belong

I can't take it anymore


The souls that were on the cementary helped in the final chorus, and one by one, they started to leave. The made their journey to the sky, now free of their earthly regrets.

They were happy to listen to one last song.

They had to move one, just like Sora.

Then, just like if everything was an illusion, it stopped with his last words.

The world changed back to the cementary, the same trees, and the same grass. Only, the feeling of sadness was not there.

It felt new, it felt good, it felt alive.


Sora fainted. Unkwnon to him, he used reiastsu to sing. That is why he was so tired and fainted.

«Sora! Sora! » Mikoto reacted and took her son to the hospital. 

«Go to the clan and tell your father to go to the hospital!» Mikoto ordered.

Itachi nodded and left. 

He was worried for his brother, but he knew he could not be of any help there. He had to tell his father.

Mikoto took her son to the hospital, and in the way, she was amazed by the weird ilusion that her son's song made. It seems that he doesn't have chakra, but he can make ilussions. 

All in all, she had to tell Fugaku. But first, she had to check if her baby was alright.


A/N: So, did you like it? I cried a little writing this. I tried to make the charchter´s reaction as human as posible. While I like some chinese/korean/japanese/ Mc with his own harem and willing to conquer the world, I find it weird. It may be flawed and sad, but i feel that sora is human after all (ragbone reference).

I don´t know if it the pace is fast or slow (once I start to write a chapter, I don´t look back). Because someday I would like to come back as a reader. 

All in all, thank you for your good wishes and well, just thank you. Creation is hard and this is my first work.

By the way, the song used was runaway of aurora aksens. You can reread the chapter listening to the song if you like. 

Well, see you and have a nice day!

Thank you and have some fun. Also, If you have more ideas, write them down on the comments.

charlesmccreators' thoughts
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