
Damon and Enzo

It has been a week since Stefan met Aurora and to say, this past week has been the most blissful week since his transmigration into this new life.

He spent all of his time with Aurora, taking her to places where she had fun, it was truly a wonderful week for him.

He was also surprised to find out that she inherited all of his abilities as a Vampire Progenitor, same goes for her brother who he has come to believe to be his doppelganger.

But what truly piqued his interest was that they both have access to magic which he attributed to them being from the Mikaeson family line and also due to being descendants of the Immortal Silas.

And another surprising news was that, Jacob has a unique gift of siphoning magic from witches and magical objects and he has even become strong to the point of besting Klaus in a one on one fight and the only reason he even listened to Klaus was because of their mother Rebekah.

Klaus has her hidden away from prying eyes, not even his most trusted aides knows where he hides her.

Stefan just smiled when he heard that and promised to pay back Klaus a hundred fold.

But for now, he just wants to spend sometime with his daughter.

On a fateful evening, Stefan and Aurora went to a park to have fun when he decided to get something only to come back to see some group of men harassing his daughter.

Stefan frown as Aurora promised to be at her best behavior during the time they spent together which means no killing.

He insisted that she should just be herself but she was stood firm in her decision, that what she wanted to do, be a normal daughter for her father.

Stefan on the other is going to show this bunch of worthless men why he is called the Ripper.

"Hello gentleman, if I may ask, why are you bothering this sweet little and harmless child?" Stefan asked as he got to where they are.

"Who are you? Trying to play the hero? Get lost, this is not a place for you" said a muscular man with a gruff who seems to be the least of the group.

Stefan just chuckled before dropping what he had in his hands before he grabbed the man by his neck and lifted him from the ground effortlessly "you know, I'm not trying to be hero, I'm just trying to be a father" said Stefan before removing the man's head from the rest of his body, "who's next?"

The men seeing this wanted to flee but Stefan could not just let them run away just like that as he vamp speed and tear off the head of one of the fleeing men and he continued to do so until he killed all of them.

He saw everyone looking at him terrified but he was not shaken, he has a siren to take care of the mess for him.

He just cleaned his hands and went to his daughter "you should forgo that your promise to me, it is not necessary" said Stefan as he held her hands and walked away from the Park.

"He is just like you, overprotective, kind to his love ones but a ruthless killer when it comes to his enemies. He is like the carbon copy of you" said Aurora as Stefan really reminded her of Jacob.

Stefan smiled and could not wait to meet his doppelganger of a son.


A group of influential men and women gathered together as they held a party.

Two men were the center of attention, locked in the cage like some dogs, hunger stricken, weak and unable to muster any of their special gifts to free themselves from their captives.

A man of tall stature and medium sized build. He wore a dark colored suit, he had short brown hair and blue eyes came out to address the people.

He is Dr. Whitmore, the organizer of this whole event, "good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to inform you that, we are going to have another additions in our numbers and he alongside his daughter has contributed a lot to the development of my research, ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce Stefan Salvatore and his daughter, Aurora Salvatore" said Dr. Whitmore.

The whole crowd gave out a loud round of applause as a man with dark brown hair and a blonde haired woman who looked to be in her late teens walked in hand in hand.

"You didn't tell me your family was also a cohort with the Augustine" said a very handsome, with short jet black hair, dark eyes, light olive skin and a solid jaw line. He physically appears to be in his mid twenties, he is Lorenzo.

"Me neither, but what I do know is I will be getting out of here today and I'm going to get my answers" said a man who is very handsome, standing 5'10" in height with a well-built, toned physique. His physical appearance is of around a 24-25 year old despite being over 170. He has a light complexion with olive undertones and has a strong bone structure with high cheek bones and a solid jaw line. He has dark brown almost black hair, which hangs just over his ears.

He is Damon Salvatore, older brother to Stefan Salvatore.

He looked at Stefan who walked in with the Blondie "hello brother, didn't tell me you had a daughter, I would have come to her baby shower" said Damon as he gave Stefan a weak cocky smile.

When the Augustine members heard their prisoner calling their new member brother, they went on high alert as they prepared the necessary items used against their kinds.

"Come on, you just ruined a perfectly crafted plan by my lovely daughter and now we have to stain our hands which was never on the plan" said Stefan as he smirked at the way the Augustine members were prepared to take him out.

He looked at Aurora and smiled "should I do the honours or you want to?" Stefan asked her.

Aurora placed her hands on her chin as if contemplating something.

"Oh please, release me and I will do the honours, what's so hard there?" Damon complained as he was itching to have a go on the Augustine members especially that Dr. Whitmore for experimenting on him for the past three years now.

"I think we should let Uncle Damon do the honours, I bet he is impatient to have his revenge" said Aurora as she used a spell to unlock the caged doors releasing Damon and Enzo.

Damon immediately rushed to a nearby woman and bit into her neck draining every ounce of her blood until she fell to the ground lifeless "I don't know where my brother got you from, but I will gladly call you my niece, but first, can you stop whatever you ate doing to them? I don't like the way they are just standing still, I want to hear their screams when I rip them apart" said Damon.

"Same here" said Enzo as he dropped a body to the ground.

Stefan nodded and told Seline to stop sirening the Augustine members.

Seline who was mixed among the Augustine members, left their side as she stood beside Stefan and Aurora before unsirened them.

As soon as she did that, screams filled the room as they tried to run for their lives but Aurora already placed a boundary spell around the house trapping every living soul inside.

"Now this more like it"

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