
A Better Tomorrow - 5

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After the revelation of their secret identities, they did the only natural thing of discussing the finer details of their lives over Chinese Takeout at the office.

Cadmus scarfed down a mouthful of Lo Mein and tapped his chopsticks against the plastic container. "So I take it, what's her name again, Killer Frost, knows both you and your hero persona?"

Dr. Stein nodded at helped himself to the Kung Pao with gusto.

"Before she became...Killer Frost, Caitlin Snow was once one of my brightest students." he sighed and looked far away into past memories. "Her and her fiance, Ronnie. Almost ten years ago, when I was working at Star Labs, the experimental fusion reactor we had been working on went haywire to a wild lightning strike that disrupted the cooling process. Myself, Ronnie, and Jefferson were present when it began to meltdown, and were unsuccessful in halting its collapse. The reaction turned critical and in its aftermath, both Jefferson and I became the two parts of Firestorm, while Ronnie...he was gone. Caitlin never forgave me for that, and she carries that grudge with her as Frost. My apologies, I don't enjoy talking about this."

The professor swiped at his eyes. Cadmus turned away, seeing nothing.

"And what of you, how did you come across your powers?" he asked.

Cadmus shrugged as he did when he did not feel like explaining much. "Nothing as dramatic as yours, I've just always had them."

"Surely with so much time, you must have done some discovery of what you're capable of, I understand of course, if you do not wish to divulge so much."

Cadmus looked over at the professor, unable to decide if that was a pun or not.

"I can do a few things," he admitted. "I can stop it, slow it down, speed it up to. I can localize the effects to a single object or make it across an area, of course, that's much more difficult. Never knew my parents, but apparently, it's a familial thing."

Stein was unable to hide his childlike wonder, disregarding the last part of Cadmus's words entirely. "The sheer wealth of possibilities...why I can't even begin to imagine what you could truly be capable of. I thought what we'd already accomplished was ground-breaking…" His face settled into a resolute expression. "I will help you."

Cadmus blinked. "Help me?" he parroted.

"To see just how far your powers can go. For the love of science alone would be enough reason, but you are a friend as well."

"Thanks, Doc...I don't know what to say. Just like that?"

"There's nothing to say," he affirmed. "Just like that. We may have to make a few changes to the lab to keep a controlled environment, though. I don't think adding that a metahuman with chronokinetic powers in the sources of error will go over well for us."

Cadmus cracked a smile. "I don't think so either."

"One last question," Stein began piling his plate high with the rest of the Chow Mein. "Have you ever thought about using your powers outside of the lab?"

"Like a superhero?" Cadmus laughed. "I think I'll leave the crimefighting to you, doc. What would I even wear, an hourglass?"

Stein and Cadmus took their leave not long after with promises to revamp the laboratory toward facilitating their new superpowered research topic. Only after much needling was Stein able to extract a grudging affirmation from Cadmus to at least think about helping other people in his powers in a more real-world setting.

Things were beginning to up for Cadmus, and invariably Fate decided to try to fuck him as a result.

As with being the friend of a superhero and appearing as nothing more than a mundane and helpless human, he had just painted a bright red target on himself as a perfect object for Firestorm's enemies to let out their frustrations on.

Killer Frost, in true supervillain fashion, had come to the conclusion that why target Firestorm when she could target those close to him, instead? A truly genius thought worthy of her intellect.

Had she known who Cadmus was, maybe she would have thought twice of such a course of action.

Cadmus had just turned in to bed in his small apartment in downtown Jump City.

It was located on the fourth floor of a small flat that gave him an excellent view of the concrete side of the building beside his own and was entirely within the budget of a lowly college student. In that same vein, the apartment was entirely spartan aside from a bed, a desk, a simple couch with a pullout bed, and a table with some chairs. The walls were smattered with designs and graphs from his current research as well as covered whiteboards and sticky notes detailing complex thermonuclear equations, up to and including the ceiling right above his bed.

There were no futuristic technologies or convoluted traps that were ubiquitous in his old apartment in Gotham. After all, who would hurt him here? Few strange things occurred in Jump City, in fact outside of Killer Frost's attack which didn't leave the headlines for weeks after its occurrence, the most eventful thing to occur in the city was the beginning of construction on some gargantuan T-shaped building in the middle of the bay.

Cadmus had no idea what it was for but it was an eyesore that stuck out like a sore thumb on the city's skyline.

He had just but closed his eyes when he sensed the cold, far away but swiftly approaching carried by a wraith. There was only one such being that he knew of who could cause this. A thrill of anticipation ran down his spine. Maybe he wasn't cut out for the boring scientist life, he hadn't felt this alive since he had escaped Themiscyra.

Cadmus reclined in his bed with a smile on his face and waited.

The door to his apartment opened without a click, bringing with it a cold gust of wind that swept through the apartment. Footsteps as light as air approached, undetectable to any who were untrained or mundane.

There was only the light of the full moon to illuminate the form of Killer Frost as she entered the bedroom, which made her deathly pale complex almost luminous. And with her painted blue lips curled into a devilish smile, she looked the part of a succubus, if succubi also brought a trail of ice in their wake.

She sauntered closer, cocksure and arrogant that he posed no threat.

"Shame to ruin such a handsome face," she murmured. A single bitterly cold nail traced its way across the contour of his jaw. "Maybe I'll keep you around as an ice sculpture."

Cadmus's arm lashed out, catching her dainty wrist in its unrelenting grip, heedless of the sub-zero temperature.

Fear entered Killer Frost's eyes.

It would have been so easy. With a snap of his fingers and Frost would have been neutralized, rendered helpless, and completely unaware of her predicament. But where was the fun in that? He hadn't had a chance to stretch his muscles in weeks!

He rolled over pulling his arm in a wide circle that sent Killer Frost tumbling into the wall before falling to the floor with a dull thump. She raised herself to her knees clutching the side of her head.

Cadmus rolled out of bed and walked towards the disoriented supervillainess. "I know we got off on the wrong foot, Caitlin, but that's no reason to be such a frigid bitch."

Hate sharpened Frost's senses. "Don't call me that!" Cadmus turned to the side, and the space where his head would have been, a small replica of the CRS, was transformed into an ice cube.

"That wasn't very nice," Cadmus frowned. Now he would have to ask Stein for another. He batted away the pair of icicles hurtling towards his chest casually. Killer Frost rose shakily from her knees and took a step back only to meet the wall.

She turned for an avenue of escape. and Cadmus struck. One arm grasped an outstretched wrist while the other wrapped around her waist. Her flesh turned a pale shade of blue and the faintest sense of numbness overtook his fingertips and slowly down his hands. But it wasn't enough to force him to release his grip.

Caitlin Snow's eyes widened in surprise as she was suddenly airborne once more before crashing into the ground of the apartment with a rattling impact. The wind chill suddenly died as Killer Frost's eyes fluttered. She was pinned to the ground, arms, and legs splayed out and unable to move as Cadmus's weight held her in place with a knee pressing into the small of her back through the skin-tight leotard.

"What the fuck, you're supposed to be some research assistant? Let me go right the fuck now or I swear to God I'll give your dick frostbite." she struggled helplessly in his grip and turned her head as much as she could to undoubtedly curse him more.

He caught her by the jaw, turning her to look into his eyes. In the darkness of the room, the only light was from the full moon above and the twin pair of golden eyes that enraptured the captured supervillainess.

"I warned you what would happen if you messed with me. And I'm not someone who breaks their word."

"Oh, fuck me." the supervillainess whimpered as the severity of her situation donned on her.

Cadmus gripped her short icy locks and pulled upwards forcing Frost onto her hands and knees for support, inadvertently forcing her plush ass to rub back against him.

Frost froze. He pushed the bottom of her leotard aside. He reached down and discovered that not all of Killer Frost was frozen ice.

"As you say."

"W-What?" She squeaked, her brash tone wavering as Cadmus's fingers danced around her core, tracing the edges of her abnormally cool lips. "You — You little shit — if you don't let me go — I'm gonna frostbite your pathetic little cock off!"

"Is that so?" Cadmus said, amused. With one hand still holding down the struggling ice villainess, he undid his pajama trousers with the other and pulled them down his hips. His half-erect manhood sprang free, flopping down on Frost's bare ass with a heavy, meaty plop, nestled in between two twin globes of pale blue assflesh.

Frost's squirming froze abruptly.

"I-Is that…" She gulped thickly, her cold cheeks quivering against the heat of his dick. "T-That's not—"

"My pathetic little cock," he confirmed, lips stretching in a mirthless grin. "What's wrong, Caitlin? You were just talking such a big game."

Cadmus began to rub himself against her cheeks — slowly, torturously, threateningly; savoring every little shudder that passed through her body as he forced his heat against her.

This bitch woke him up from a good night's sleep.

Her ass is forfeit, as is the rest of her.



Frost jolted with a squeal as he slapped down on her right asscheek, hard. The blue ass meat jiggled deliciously under his hand, a faint handprint already reddening where he'd spanked her.

"You've been a naughty, naughty girl, Caitlin," he growled, reveling in the fear he could feel gripping the pale villainess. "And normally I like that in a woman, but you? You're just annoying. Entitled. Did you really think you could come into my home, ruin my night's sleep, and not have to deal with the consequences?"

"I— I-I didn't—"

Another spank cracked down on her ass, left cheek this time, and her excuses quickly stopped.

"Here's what's gonna happen, you frigid bitch. I'm gonna perform a public service and discipline you. Slut like you needs a firm hand, after all. Did Ronnie keep you on a short leash, too?"

Frost's head whipped up at the mention of her former fiancé, a sudden flash of rage overpowering her trepidation.

"Don't you dare say his name or I'll—"



"The only thing you're gonna do is count out your spanks and thank me for them until I say you're done. Understood?"


"Yes, what?"

She hesitated, muscles coiled beneath soft flesh like a deer about to bolt.

Killer Frost bowed her head.

"…yes, sir."


"Hah~ fifty-nine! Hah, hah… Thank you, sir!"


"Sixty! Sixty-one! Ah — FUCK! Sixty-two!" Frost half-growled, half-whimpered as Cadmus continued to rain down spanks on her cheeks, alternating from left to right. "T-Thank you, sir."

Cadmus smirked as he palmed Frost's fat, jiggling ass — reddened from his constant smacking, the light blue of her skin had turned to a rather delicious mauve. She really had an ass made for spanking, and enough mental issues to deserve plenty of it. All a man could ask for, really.



Six successive spanks sent her squealing as Cadmus finished out his rapid rhythm on Frost's ass. She stuttered out the count to sixty-eight, thanking him through gritted teeth. Smirking, Cadmus trailed his hand down from her asscheeks to between her legs, fingers probing at her entrance.

He found Killer Frost red-hot and gushing.

Pulling his arm back, Cadmus let loose one final, penultimate spank, to really make sure the punishment set in.


"AHHH! HAAAH, FUCK! UGH, Hah.... S-Sixty-nine!" Killer Frost panted out, caught off-guard and utterly undone. "T-Thank you, sir."

Yes, Cadmus spanked her exactly sixty-nine times, because he was mature like that.

He pulled back for a moment to let the echo of the final spank rest in the air a little bit, along with the thin, salty smell of sweat and the sweeter smell of Frost's guilty excitement.

Frost stayed kneeling where she was, quivering on her hands and knees, red ass in the air.

"I think I prefer you like this," Cadmus growled, dark with lust. "On all fours like a bitch, dripping with arousal. Tamed."

Frost shuddered, shaking her head empathetically.

"P-Please. You've made your point. Haven't you done enough? Sir?" She added quickly as if that would make her case stronger.

He chuckled, before grabbing her hips and pulling her back into him. Her breath caught in her throat as his member — red-hot, full mast and throbbing —found its way back between her sore asscheeks.

She whimpered as he poked at her rosebud.

"Oh, you dumb bitch," He whispered in her ear softly, grabbing the front of her costume and tearing it off with one hand, her heavy tits flopping free. He palmed them hungrily, his fingers wrapping around a cold, hardened nipple and pinching. "I haven't even started yet."

With that, Cadmus thrust into her nether entrance.

Killer Frost had done anal before.

It wasn't her favorite thing to do, and it'd been quite a while since she'd last indulged in having her asshole plundered, but with a well-lubricated cock and a slow approach, she'd found the act bearable enough to let Ronnie fuck her ass on special occasions.

Cadmus's dick wasn't lubricated.

It didn't come in slow.

And it was much longer and much thicker than Ronnie's had ever been.

Caitlin's back arched and a gurgling groan ripped from her lips as her victim-turned-conqueror rammed his rock-hard cock into her rear, his hands grasping at her hips as he forced his length into her with deep, powerful strokes.

Inch by torturous inch, he pumped his pulsing, throbbing hot slab of meat inside her, sending shockwaves racing up her nerves as she gasped, breathless and helpless as her assailant split her ass in two.

How had things come to this?

This was supposed to be quick and easy kidnapping, d-damn it! To hurt that old idiot Stein by taking away someone c-close to him!

She was supposed to freeze this kid and take him away to her lair!

She wasn't supposed to get spanked by the kid like she was some kind of naughty little girl!

She definitely wasn't supposed to get fucked up the ass by him!

And she absolutely wasn't supposed to be enjoying it!

But she was. The pulsating heat of the largest cock she'd ever felt nestled deep within her bowels, the pain of the intrusion running up her nerves, followed closely by… pleasure? A heady, confusing mix of sensations bombarded her mind, her pussy flowing like a waterfall. Every slow stroke sent ripples of painful pleasure coursing through her body, and she grits her teeth against the urge to moan.

This damn bastard had humiliated her, violated her, and dominated her beyond anything she'd ever experienced before. She would not give him the satisfaction of knowing how much she was loving every second of it.

All it took was one, toe-curling thrust for all her determination to scupper as she screamed, pushing her sore ass back against him as he bottomed out his whole length deep within her bowels, hips clapping against his.

An orgasm ripped through her, the most overwhelming, eye-crossing, heart-pounding climax of her life.

Her legs spasmed, her arms shook, her pussy clenched and her mind went completely, utterly, deliciously blank as she rode the waves of her heightened passion, waiting to come down from the highest high of her life.

She didn't.

"W-Whaa—?" she slurred, coherence the last thing on her mind as the waves of pleasure continued to wreak havoc on her body. "Haaaah~ Whaaaa…?"

"I slowed your orgasm down for you. Like it?" Cadmus growled, thrusting against her tortured ass at a feverish pace. "Neat little trick of mine. Did you know pig orgasms can last for over an hour? The longest of any mammal on earth. I'm betting we can beat that record — several times over."

Another deep, powerful thrust and Caitlin squealed, nearly passed out from the overload of painful pleasure coursing through her body with unbearable sluggishness. "Hey, that's the spirit! You already sound like one!"

The Killer Frost of just a few hours ago would have been raging. She would've been a vengeful, primordial being of avalanches and frostbite and swirling blizzards. She would've fought.

She should have fought.

Instead, Caitlin thrust her hips back to meet his, ass clapping as she let him conquer her body, mind and soul, chasing every inch of painful pleasure he forced upon her and giving herself up in turn, bit by bit.

Cadmus was going to break her.

And in her time-dilated, fuck-addled state, nothing seemed more glorious than that.

When the sun rose the next morning, its rays peeked through the curtains of Cadmus's apartment, revealing an interior in disarray.

The headboard of the bed had cracked in two sometime in the middle of the night's activities, while the bare wood floor was dented and chipped in multiple areas, and much like the walls they also bore indentions made by long scratch marks made in a lust-fueled rutting.

The remains of a broken chair lay scattered across the living room, its purpose long served before failing under the strain of its occupants.

The son of Kronos reclined at the foot of his bed, basking in the feeling of the pleasantly cold pair of lips wrapped around the base of his length. Killer Frost sat between his legs, hands clutching his thighs as she stared right buck up at him, a mesmerizing duo of lust and hate warring in her glazed-over orbs.

The villainess was naked as the day she was born, the remains of her outfit left in scraps this way and that, leaving her pendulous breasts to sway hypnotically as she forced herself up and down his length, the flesh marked red from their treatment at his hand, the same as her hips and both bountiful cheeks, each bearing the prominent vestige of large handprints.

With one hand behind his head and the other tangled in a fistful of her icy locks, Cadmus luxuriated in the woman's ministrations. He pinched an engorged nipple roughly drawing a moan from the defeated villainess that reverberated straight through his body.

Frost's tongue lashed the underside of his member with dextrous determination in response, the sensations of pain registering as pleasure in her addled psyche. Whiles she had nothing but hatred for him, she had also learned quickly that there was a pleasure to be found as well under him if she obeyed.

Feeling the telltale signs of his release coming, he tightened his grip on her hair, forcing her up and down rhythmically much to the woman's muffled complaint. But Frost's hands did not move from their position, nor did they attempt to push him away, not that she was capable of pulling off such a feat.

Though she would deny it vehemently with all her heart if questioned, Frost's ministrations grew more frantic in response, urging him to his release even faster. And when it came without warning, Killer Frost took it like the well-trained bitch she'd been made into.

The first time she had taken his load down her throat, most of it had ended up staining the remains of her costume and onto the ground. A failure for which she had been greatly punished for.

By the end of the night, Killer Frost had learned to take every last drop without complaint.

Releasing his grip, Killer Frost removed her lips with a loud audible pop, leaving a navy blue ring around the base of his cock. Falling back onto her haunches, her arms too left their place where they once held onto him for support, splaying flat onto her thighs, the picture of a demure and properly-tamed whore.

The two looked at each other, the conqueror and conquered, in a vast and continuing silence. Finally, Cadmus raised his hand, like a king bading a cowed subject, and after a moment's hesitation, Killer Frost stumbled upward, making no attempt to cover her form.

"What do you want now? Do you want- me to ride you, take my ass again, on my hands and knees like some animal?" she asked with false bravado, fear, and no small amount of desire. She shifted, attempting to hide her face to no avail when he gave no immediate response.

"Tempting," Cadmus admitted with a mirthless grin. "You don't have to sound so excited about it."

He raked his eyes down her form, taking in each pale blue welt, the long line of marks made by his hands and lips that ran down the column of her throat, standing prominently against the paleness of her skin, and the seed nestled in her well-fucked cunt. The picture of a taken woman.

His woman.

And now he had to decide just what to do with her.

He took her hand and pulled her onto his lap wrapping his arms around her delicate waist and grazing over the smooth plane of her back.

By instinct Frost's hands found purchase upon Cadmus's shoulders and an instinctual mewl of surprise escaped her lips as his length found its way between her bountiful cheeks, edging dangerously close to her thoroughly plundered backdoor.

She dared not move even as he rose to half-mast again.

"How can you still be going? We've - you've been going forever." she bit out with impotent anger and wonder. Whatever training that had been instilled into her was already beginning to fade and her earlier brashness had begun to resurface.

Cadmus gave her a wry smile. and a hand reached forward towards her face. She turned her head away and tried to lean away from the appendage, but trapped as she was in his lap, Killer Frost reluctantly submitted and allowed him to take her by the chin. Her pulse fluttered like a hummingbird beneath his fingertips.

"Oh, Frost," he said. "It's only been a few hours."

"No!" she said shaking her head in denial and doing wonderous things to her breasts which wobbled enticingly before his ravenous eyes. "It's been days, a week! I know it, I counted down every last second!"

He sincerely doubted that since for much of it, she was in varying states of unconsciousness and cum-drunkeness. "Now imagine what would happen if you really pissed me off."

Cadmus kneaded one of her cheeks in hand, drawing a whimper of pleasure, before delivering a ringing slap that elicited a squeak and cry from the overstimulated villainess.

"Ride me," he commanded.

With a reluctant sigh belied by how her lips parted in wanton desire, Killer Frost slowly raised herself up, powerful and muscled thighs shaking with exertion and without delay impaled herself down upon his shaft.

Her lower lips parted around him, taking in every inch of him as it had done countless times like a well-fitted glove. Killer Frost threw her head back in agonized ecstasy, a keening mindless moan escaped her parted lips, her eyes half-lidded and staring into nothing.

Wide and full hips rolled slowly and of their own accord, riding slowly, walls clinging tightly to him every time she rose up. Cadmus pulled her close, the swell of her heavy breasts pressed against the unyielding front of his body.

Had anyone looked through the window they would not have been remiss in believing they were watching two passionate lovers wrapped in one another's arms. They also couldn't have been more wrong.

"I want you to listen very carefully to me," he whispered into the shell of her ear. "Whatever you call yourself, Killer Frost. Caitlin Snow. It doesn't matter to me. What does is that you understand this. You belong to me now. And one day, I will call for you. And you will answer."

It was significant enough that his statement only drew a mindless animal groan from the icy villainess instead of a brash denial as she would have given just hours ago.

"Until then, you will continue as you are, and will most certainly not cause any more trouble for me." he continued, adjusting his hands to cradle the swell of her breasts. "Am I understood?"

A small sneer of denial attempted to find purchase in her expression, but a swift smack to still overly-sensitive assflesh banished it away.

"I said, am I understood? Don't nod, bitch. Swear it."

"I-I swear," she gasped. "I swear, oh God, please just stop, I-I can't take any more."

Unbeknownst to her a quicksilver thread wound itself around her pretty little neck before disappearing.

Cadmus nodded in approval. "Good girl," Frost's heart skipped a beat at his words. His hands fell to her cheeks, taking a firm grip of the flesh, and began to meet her rhythm with his own thrusts.

Within minutes, she came beautifully with a shrieking cry, her walls spasming and milking him of his own release, taking it greedily as it had the many before it. He let her fall bonelessly beside him onto the bed, eyes immediately fluttering closed and chest rising in soft ragged breaths as blessed sleep finally claimed the exhausted and broken villainess.

He ran a hand down the side of her face almost tenderly, the pale blue flesh of her cheeks red from exertion.

Cadmus parted her flushed and full lips with his thumb, watching with amusement how her lips immediately suctioned onto the intruding digit. He withdrew with an audible pop and wiped his stained hand on the flat plane of her stomach, tracing the barest hint of abdominal muscle that lurked beneath. Her eyes fluttered, before meeting his own.

What was she now to him? Follower? It wasn't though as he gave her a choice in the matter. Was slave a better word, then? No, that word didn't work either, worshipper, perhaps? Maybe, one didn't always need to worship out of love alone, fear was as good a motivator for many.

He would have to figure out a term for what exactly Killer Frost was to him now at some point.

"Now that that's settled," Cadmus said rising out of bed and making for the kitchen. "Would you care for something to eat? I have pancakes."

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