
Planetos: Long live Rhaegon of House Targaryen, the First of His Name

Autor: Bobainox
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A man reincarnates in ASOIAF/GOT with cheats. Long live Rhaegon Long live this valiant king This fourfold devil With the three talents Of drinking, fighting And womanizing extra tags: #Incest # Smut # R-18 # Consider yourself warned

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Chapter 1Chapter 1

In a galaxy far, far away.


It is the Year of our Lord, 2024

Inside a dimly lit room within an old apartment located on the outskirts of a sprawling megacity, Henrik slouched on his worn-out couch, bitterly complaining about Game of Thrones' final season for its poor execution and lackluster conclusion as he mindlessly flipped through channels. His frustration boiled over upon particularly Jon Snow's decision to kill Daenerys – a decision that left him cursing the director and guionists, well deserved the burning of King landing.

Disappointed, he moved on to House of the Dragon TV show that was already completed the first season, he hasn't seen a chapter thinking 'why are u showing me the past instead of the future, why should I see that shit if we already know what happened'.

As days turned into weeks, Henrick found himself drawn to House of the Dragon show, hoping it would offer something new and exciting. However, Henrick found it equally unappealing, despite its intriguing premise, the show fell short of meeting his expectations. It was roughly okay, nothing great, but King Viserys was a shitty king, weak and easily manipulated, which only fueled Henrik's belief that Westerosi politics were nothing more than a farce, pure fantasy brought forth from the ass of the author and director, no king as friends, only subjects and foes, that the shit of Hightower could get so much power was horse shit, the plot was made to sow shit and reap the benefits of crumbling the dragons, not even Tywin gold shitter Lannister could get so much advantage against Aerys.

Feeling dissatisfied with the TV show but still drawn to the world, Henrik decided to dive deeper into George R.R. Martin's universe by reading "Fire & Blood" and "The World of Ice and Fire."

The events described were bloody disappointing; Aegon the Conqueror seemed like a mere pokemon master guiding his poke-dragons rather than a skilled strategist, the conquest was done by the dragons, and he just took little minions along the way, the planning is almost null, send the nuke and see if they surrender, if they don't just smash the zone until they die or surrender, well, having a nuke always makes it easy to conquer anything.

Done the 'conquest' and having happily got the weapons of his enemies from the battlefield as if picking weapons were his fetish, he made the shitty throne, there was more description of how he liked to pick and transport weapons than logistics of how to move troops long distances, they just teleported around, that's some serious medieval technology there.

He goes and gets crowned for the second time in Oldtown by the faith, declaring him rightful king of the seven kingdoms that were active at the time, he should have done like the Andals, come kick the ass of anyone and put his faith and customs instead of getting assimilated by them. Just like in China with the long Manchu dynasty giving the Hans and others a choice: ¿Do you want your head or your hair?, just like that controlling the entire population for centuries.

Anyway, being done with all the fantasy world drama, Henrik browsed through Reddit communities dedicated to Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF).

There, he sought answers to various questions about the series and books, such as Rhaenys supposed death in Hellholt or the message that Aegon receives before flying alone to Dragonstone and halting the war of conquest against Dorne, Aenys and Maegor not being from him. 

As he scrolled through endless debates about plot holes and inconsistencies, a sudden advertisement caught his attention. It promised to create a unique character within the universe of ASOIAF/GOT(Games of Thrones), a tantalizing prospect that piqued his curiosity.

Unable to resist the temptation, Henrik clicked on the link hoping it wasn't a virus, guided by an insatiable desire to immerse himself further into this fantastical world. Little did he know that this simple action would lead him down a path of damnation or a blessing depending on the eye of the beholder.

He selected the timeline before the conquest, creating a pure-blooded Targaryen born from Visenya, thinking purely in fucking the timeline from the start, making his character the rightful heir to the throne that don't even exist at that time, and also better than being a lesser status bastard from Rhaenys, blood purity above all.

With excitement coursing through his veins, Henrik began crafting his own Targaryen-descended protagonist, carefully considering each detail. From physical attributes such as height and build, making it a fourfold devil, with the three talents of drinking, fighting, and womanizing of course.

The cheat section was locked and predetermined to only one, 'Dragon God Bloodline'. The description only showed 'a Dragon in human form with divine powers, to know more of his capabilities discover them on your own'.

Suddenly after confirming the character, Henrik experienced a blackout.


Universe of Asoiaf/GoT

Island of Dragonstone, Targaryen territories, Westeros

13 BC - before Aegon conquest

In Dragonstone, we can see a man with an angry and displeased face facing a woman, berating her for having done something against his will that nonetheless she gives a fuck and she has done because she wanted to do it, and is happy for having done it.

"What are you talking about?" he growled, clenching his fists in frustration.

Visenya remained calm, despite his outburst. "I am expecting a child," she replied simply, watching his reaction closely.

"And whose is this child?" He demanded harshly, stepping closer towards her.

She looked up into his furious eyes without flinching. "Your child." She said firmly, holding his gaze defiantly.

He stared back at her, clearly taken aback by her response. "How could you possibly have-"

She cut him off, her voice cold and hard. "I used blood magic to impregnate myself." She revealed matter-of-factly.

A look of horror crossed over his features. "Blood magic? Vise-"

She interrupted him again, her tone unyielding. "It's what I had to do to ensure our lineage continues."

His anger seemed to dissipate slightly as he considered her words. "But why did you choose now?" He asked quietly, almost tentatively.

Visenya smiled faintly, feeling satisfied that her plan was working. "Because you are my brother Aegon and husband, and I want nothing more than to bear your children and future heirs."

Aegon stared at her in shock, unable to comprehend her actions or motives. "But-"

She silenced him with a wave of her hand. "No 'buts,' dear brother. This is how things must be."

As time passed, Visenya's pregnancy progressed smoothly, much to everyone's relief. However, rumors began to circulate throughout the castle about the true nature of her condition.

People whispered behind closed doors, speculating whether she had somehow managed to seduce their sir from her younger sister or if there were other reasons for her strange behavior.

Meanwhile, Aegon found himself grappling with conflicting emotions regarding his sister's actions. On one hand, he felt proud that she would go to such lengths to secure their family's future; on the other hand, he couldn't shake off feelings of guilt and shame at being involved in such an unnatural act.

Despite these internal struggles, however, both siblings continued to maintain appearances, presenting themselves publicly as close allies who shared many interests – including each other's company. In private, they spoke openly about their unusual arrangement, even discussing potential names for their unborn child should it turn out to be male.

Rhaenys, too, became aware of the situation but chose not to interfere directly. Instead, she silently observed from afar, keeping her thoughts and opinions hidden away until the right moment presented itself.

Thus, life went on within the walls of Dragonstone, filled with secrets, lies, and unspoken desires. And while none of them knew exactly where this path would lead them, all three Targaryens understood implicitly that whatever happened next would forever change the dynamics of their family.


12 BC - before Aegon conquest

The air was thick with anticipation as Dragonstone loomed before the cliff, its ancient stones weathered by time, yet still standing proud against the crashing waves of the Narrow Sea. Within those walls, a new chapter in the saga of Westeros was about to unfold.

Inside the walls of Dragonstone, in one of his many chambers, old Maester Simon bustled about, his weathered hands moving with practiced precision as he attended to Visenya Targaryen, the mother about to give birth to a few childs given the sight of her abnormally big belly, making uncertain the old maester.

The birthing chamber was alive with the sounds of labor, the echoes of pain mingling with the whispered prayers of the midwives who stood at the ready.

With a final cry that echoed through the halls of Dragonstone, Visenya brought forth her children into the world.

Henrik, was the first to emerge, with silence filling the air as he took his first breaths of life, if it wasn't because of his eyes looking around and beating heart, Maester Simon would think it was stillborn.

Beside him came a pair of girls, their cries filling with joy the chambers in a chorus of new life.

Maester Simon worked swiftly, his hands moving with practiced ease as he tended to the newborns, ensuring that they were healthy and strong.

Despite the hard challenges of the miraculous triplets childbirth and the strain on the mother's body that could kill her, both mother and children emerged from the ordeal unscathed, a testament to their resilience and plot armor.

Henrik, took his first steps into the world outside. His eyes, confused about all the ordeal, after all he have just finished making his character in the ad, to suddenly appear in a enclosed space with no sight and imposible to move.

The first thing he did was trying to look all around the place, a complicate feat because of his shortsight that was having only making contour of people.

After a initial fright he started thinking that he was dreaming or allucinating, but seeing no end to what was happening and being concient to his surrounding, he started to accept the reality that was reincarnated, depressed a little because he wasnt having a sad life at all before, but If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.

Once filled with the wonder of another life, now burned with a newfound adventurous heart and as the birthing chamber emptied of the chaos of childbirth, Visenya Targaryen, her face flushed with exertion, cradled her newborn triplets in her arms.

Maester Simon, his brow furrowed in concentration, hovered nearby, ready to lend aid if needed with the midwife's and servants in anticipation as the mother of 'dragons' prepared to bestow names upon her precious children.

Henrik, now reborn as one of the triplets, watched with rapt attention as his mother leaned forward, her eyes alight with love and determination. She studied each child in turn, her gaze lingering on their tiny features as if seeking a glimpse of the future that lay ahead.

After a moment of contemplation, with a raised eyebrow and an unsure look, while staring attentively at Henrik her face changing a few times in uncertainty and bewilderment, Visenya spoke, her voice soft yet filled with conviction. "You shall be Rhaegon," she declared, her words carrying the weight of destiny. "Strong and fierce, like the dragons of old."

Henrik, now named Rhaegon, felt nodding within him at his mother's choice, better than most valyrian names.

Beside him, his twin sisters, their identities still uncertain, stirred restlessly, as if eager to claim their own names.

Visenya turned her attention to the second child, her eyes shining with maternal warmth. "And you shall be Vaenya," she proclaimed, her voice gentle yet resolute. "A name fit for a lady, destined to rule with wisdom and grace alongside your brother and sister."

Henrik, now Rhaegon, watched as his sister Vaenya was christened with her name, a sense of wonder filling his heart. Beside him, his other sister, her identity still shrouded in uncertainty, awaited her own fate.

Finally, Visenya turned to the last of her children, her gaze softening as she beheld the tiny babe before her.

"And you shall be Rhaenya," she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath. "May your spirit be as fierce as the dragons themselves, and your heart as steadfast as the stone of Dragonstone standing alongside your siblings."

With the naming ceremony complete, Visenya cradled her newborns close, a radiant smile gracing her features as she gazed upon her children with boundless love.

Maester Simon offered a gentle nod of approval, his weathered face reflecting the solemnity of the moment.

As Rhaegon, basked in the warmth of his mother's embrace, the heavy wooden door of the room creaked open, admitting a tall and broad man into the chamber. His eyes, wide with wonder and awe, swept over the scene before him, taking in the sight of his sister-wife and newborn children with a mixture of pride and joy.

"Visenya," he murmured, his voice filled with reverence as he approached her side. "They are... they are perfect."

Visenya's smile widened at the sight of her husband and brother, her eyes shining with unshed tears of happiness. "Yes, Aegon," she replied, her voice trembling with emotion. "Those children are a blessing".

Aegon reached out, his hand trembling slightly as he brushed his fingers against the downy cheek of his newborn son, Rhaegon.

"And what of their names?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.

Visenya turned to him, her gaze softening as she met his eyes. "Rhaegon," she said, nodding towards their eldest son. "Vaenya," she continued, indicating their firstborn daughter. "And Rhaenya," she concluded, her voice filled with pride as she spoke the names of their children aloud.

"Their names in honor of Mother, I, you, and Rhaenys" after a little pause added.

"Thought that naming them like this would be easier for you and Rhaenys, accepting them".

Aegon's breath caught in his throat at the last bit. As he beheld his children, his heart swelled with love and pride for the family that fate had bestowed upon him.

"Rhaegon, Vaenya, Rhaenya," he repeated as if savoring the taste of their names upon his tongue. "They are the future of our House."

Rhaegon's gaze drifted towards his father, amused at the man and with disdain, after all, he was a sterile cuck, I and my sisters are surely born from the blood magic of Visenya than being a son of this man and for the last implications of mother, it's like affirming the assumptions. ¿How was that maesters have written about him?.

Visenya the less loved of the sisters, married by duty and Rhaenys by love, for every night with Visenya he was ten with Rhaenys, and when he was with Visenya, Rhaenys entertained his bards, singers and favorites in her chamber.

Apart from being sterile, he lets his wife fuck around, a true cuckold, and the loyal big sister wife that also protected him at all times during the conquest given the cold shoulder, after the little hoe presumptive death on hellholt because there was no body of her at all or conclusive answers to her destiny, their relationship slowly died, after all, he already has a bastard by then born from Rhaenys with god knows who, it seems for him having a little Targaryen blood and being born from her beloved little sister was enough to be legit.

I have doubts about this man, after all, the lack of Aegon fucking around like his ancestors have done before him.

Hell even his father sired a bastard being Orys Baratheon, Targaryens are known to fuck around with the wives or daughters of their subjects in Dragonstone, their sons the so-called dragon seeds are a blessing to the folk.

The case of his bastard half-brother also demonstrates that they are not in practices with the customs of Andals or have little thoughts about them.

Is not called simply Orys the bastard dragon seed and has a last name, Bobby B should kill himself being a descendant of the lineage he wants to kill.

That aside, the man doesn't accept any marriage offer for alliances or pleasure, all prim and proper, to me maybe he is a bloody eunuch or has other interests like Renly Baratheon or Laenor Velaryon and he's tried having sex with women and it just doesn't feel right, and took both sisters just to quell rumors later on, loving Rhaenys maybe because she brings satisfactions that Visenya couldn't and keep the dragons in the family, but well, to each their own, if he likes that, good for him.

Years later Visenya gave birth to Maegor, who most likely was the clon-child of her using blood magic (tin foil hat.

The Valyrian was a race good at using blood magic after all who knows to what extent their magic worked.

While accepting Maegor birth he practically didn't love him as much or at all as his other bastard son, evidently didn't mind claiming her kid as his when he couldn't father his own.

All the Targaryen line after him was a bastardly line, so fatty Aegon IV legitimizing his bastard was an irony not known, house Blackfyre was made to make the wars of bastards, the pure descent line died on Aegon.

Unknown to Rhaegon, his mother was looking at him shocked, utterly bewildered. Then Aegon left Rhaegon on par with his sisters again, ending his monologue.

The heavy wooden door creaked open once more, admitting another figure into the chamber. Rhaegon turned, his heart skipping a beat as he tried to behold the newcomer being short-sighted.

It was Rhaenys, the sister of Aegon and Visenya, her mischievous and sensual bearing showed in her body, and eyes in the color of amethysts, sparkled with warmth and affection as she approached her siblings and their newborn children.

"Rhaenys," Aegon greeted, his voice filled with warmth as he embraced his sister. "You have come to see the newest members of our family."

Rhaenys smiled, her lips curving upwards in a gesture of genuine joy. "Of course, brother," she replied, her voice soft yet filled with conviction. "I could not miss such a momentous occasion."

As Rhaenys stepped forward to greet her nieces and nephews, Rhaegon finally could focus his attention on her body better, and felt a surge of horniness for his aunt.

She was a true beauty with silver-gold hair, which she kept long and wore loose, purple eyes, and a slender body.

As Rhaegon's gaze traveled downwards, he couldn't help but notice how her ample breasts filled out her tight dress in alluring ways that made his heart race.

He imagined himself grabbing onto them as they bounced around. His mind wandered to thoughts of sliding his hands under her clothes, feeling the softness of her skin against his own fingers.

He took in the sight of her hips, imagining what it would be like to have those strong legs wrapped tightly around him. The curve of her backside caught his eye, and he found himself wondering if it would feel as smooth as silk beneath his touch.

Rhaegon's mouth watered at the thought of kissing every inch of her neck, savoring the taste of her sweet skin on his lips. 

As he continued to study her from head to toe, Rhaegon felt a growing sense of urgency and resignation within himself about his little body.

Thinking about that he also took the chance to observe better to his mother being near, Visenya was truly a beauty an hourglass figure left little to the imagination when it came to her luscious curves.

Her massive tits seemed ready to spill out at any moment, offering a tantalizing view of her succulent mounds, practically begging to be touched, her clothing hugged her body tightly, accentuating each delicious inch of flesh beneath.

Her piercing purple eyes locked onto anyone foolish enough to stare directly into them, holding them hostage with their intense sexuality but presenting a tired face after giving birth nonetheless.

Her silver-gold hair fell down around her face in soft waves, framing her delicate features and inviting further exploration, her plump lips parted just enough to reveal the hint of pearly white teeth behind them – teeth that would surely leave an impression on anyone daring enough to taste them.

It was clear from her bold gaze and playful smirk sent to me that she knew exactly what kind of effect she had on others; after all, who could resist such a temptress?.

Wait, how can she send me that gaze and smirk to me?. As he tried to decipher the meaning behind his mother's gaze and smirk, he couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty that lingered in his mind. He wondered if it was just his imagination or if there was something deeper going on between them. He hesitated for a moment before looking away from his mother's enchanting eyes, unsure of how to respond to her unspoken message.

"May I?" Rhaenys asked, her eyes shining with anticipation as she reached out to cradle one of the newborn twins in her arms.

She carefully takes the baby in her arms, feeling its tiny weight against her chest. As she looks down upon her, her heart swells with love and joy, knowing that this precious child is now part of their family.

Visenya nodded, a smile playing at the corners of her lips as she handed Rhaenys her daughter, Rhaenya. "She is a true beauty, is she not?" Visenya remarked, her voice filled with maternal pride.

Rhaenys nodded, her gaze fixed upon the tiny bundle in her arms. "Indeed," she replied, her voice barely more than a whisper.

"She is called Rhaenya, after you and I" said Visenya.

"And this other little one is called Vaenya after mother, both my little jewels" And then looking at Rhaegon with eyes showing love but also something else and smiling, "As for this is Rhaegon, my sweet boy".

Then the heavy wooden door creaked open once more, two more figures into the chamber. A couple more older than Aegon and his sisters.

"Father, Mother" Aegon greeted, his voice filled with warmth as he embraced his parents. "Thank you for joining us on this joyous occasion."

Aerion Targaryen and Valaena Velaryon, lord and lady of Dragonstone, the patriarch and matriarch of the house.

As Aerion and Valaena entered the birthing chamber, they were immediately struck by the sight of their grandchildren – three tiny infants swaddled in soft blankets, two nestled in its mother's arms and other in Rhaenys arms.

They approached Visenya slowly, careful not to disturb the fragile newborns.

Valaena reached out tentatively, brushing her fingers against Rhaegon's cheek gently. Her touch was tender but firm, a demostration of how much love she has for her grandchildren.

She smiled warmly at him, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears of happiness.

"Oh, dear boy," she murmured softly, her voice thick with emotion. "You are truly a miracle."

Aerion stood back slightly, watching the exchange between his wife and grandson with a mixture of amusement and affection.

He knew that Valaena would dote on these little ones just as she had done with all of their children throughout the years.

Aerion commented about the situation "To see our family grow and prosper is a blessing beyond measure."

Rhaegon looked to Valaena, observing and taking to mind her curves and look, a beautiful mature woman silver hair and purple eyes of the Valyrians, already in her forty to fifty by looks, the man same as her an old age for the expectation of life during these times in technology, medical care, gastronomy and pace of living, being highborn as his privileges of living more and better.

Rhaegon looking bored already of the people present and feeling hungry, started to make noise to suck the big sweet mama tits of Visenya, I mean sweet milk, yes, sweet milk.

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