
Chapter 83: Sorry, I'm not anyone's gift

"Kira Ryosuke? I think I've heard that name before. There were rumors that he might be recruited into the U20 team."

"Tch, just rumors. He's nothing more than someone who came out of the Blue lock."

"Why is he here this time? Is he a gift from Itoshi Sae?"

The players below whispered to each other.

Although Kira could be considered somewhat famous, he was in no way comparable to Itoshi Sae. The players didn't understand why this guy was recruited.

In front of everyone, Kira maintained a polite smile.

"Nice to meet you all. My name is Kira Ryosuke. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

As he finished speaking, Kira's gaze swept over the people below the stage.

"Great, finally someone normal this time."

Yasumori couldn't help but sigh with relief in his heart.

But at that moment, Kira spoke again.

"Sorry, but I'm not anyone's gift. If anyone doubts my abilities, feel free to challenge me during practice later."

Although there was no change in Kira's expression, his tone carried absolute confidence.

"Confidence is a good thing."

At that moment, a man with stubble on his face stood up, wearing a smile on his face. The unique colored pupils in his eyes looked very special.

Aiku Oliver, the ace and main defender of the U20 team, despite appearing mature, was actually only nineteen years old.

He possessed unparalleled defensive abilities, capable of storing data on opponents he had faced in his brain's "database," allowing him to make the best defensive moves like a mechanical program.

Because of his presence, the U20 defense line was like an impenetrable fortress.

"But regardless, both of you will have to prove yourselves worthy of our trust on the field."

Oliver looked up, his gaze locked onto the two individuals, filled with curiosity.


It didn't take long for the U20 meeting to end, and everyone headed to the training ground at the training camp.

Yasumori only led them through a simple warm-up exercise before allowing them to engage in free training.

He didn't possess any coaching talent. Hirotoshi designated him simply because Yasumori was obedient. Besides, the U20 team had its own training system, and he didn't really have to do much.

Sae didn't participate at all; he just stood quietly on the side.

For him, the team's training was lagging behind, inefficient, and meaningless. Training with these untalented individuals was a waste of time.

The reason Sae didn't leave early was simply because he wanted to witness something.

His gaze locked onto Kira.

Although he had voluntarily requested Kira to join this team with him, the two of them had hardly had any interaction.

Sae wanted to see for himself how Kira would perform on the field.

"Hey, you're Kira, right?"

At that moment, Kira was engaged in ball control training when someone quickly walked up to him.

"I'm Sendo Shuto, the ace forward of this team."

Kira looked over in response to the voice. The person had a smile on his face, but it wasn't out of politeness.

Kira remembered that Sendo Shuto was the one who had dared to retort Sae's words earlier. He was a top-level forward in the country and indeed one of the main players of the U20 team, commanding a considerable reputation within the team.

Although his performance wasn't great in the original work, since he managed to secure the position of the leading forward, Shuto's true strength wasn't too shabby.

"Well, is there something you need?"

Kira looked at the other person, knowing that Shuto coming to find him couldn't be for anything good.

"As a Senpai, it's only natural for me to mentor the juniors"

Shuto's smile carried a hint of something else.

"Let's have a 1v1 match, where I can point out the flaws in your technique."

Shuto's tone still had a condescending feel to it, filled with the notion that he considered himself superior to Kira.

He believed that Kira, who had just come out of the Blue lock, couldn't compare to himself as a representative of the U20 national team, so he placed himself in a very high position.

On the other hand, Shuto intended to use the opportunity of a 1v1 with Kira to showcase his own strength and let these two newcomers know of his abilities, further solidifying his position within the team.

Kira wasn't the key; he was just an insignificant minor character.

What Shuto truly wanted was to impress Sae.

He was very displeased with Sae's attitude, but after all, Even if he was unhappy, Shuto wasn't confident of winning against him. If he lost to Sae, it would damage his reputation as a U20 ace.

Moreover, even if he tried to challenge Sae one-on-one, the latter would most likely disdainfully refuse, making the situation even more awkward.

So Shuto planned to first test Kira, who was an easy target.

"Sure, please enlighten me."

Kira smiled and nodded. Of course, he could guess the calculations Shuto had in mind.

However, he didn't mind. Facing Shuto was also a good opportunity for him to showcase his skills within the U20 team and gain more influence.

During this week, Kira had made further progress in his abilities.

Although he hadn't played any matches during this time, he still earned 30 points daily through training.

He used a portion of the points each day to enter the practice Space, while the rest he saved up to unlock new skills.

During this period, he successfully unlocked the Fourth Form: Distant Thunder.

It was a technique that allowed for long-range shots or passes spanning the entire field. Although he might not have a chance to use it in a 1v1, it could potentially come into play in future matches.

Shuto quickly cleared an area in front of the goal, preparing to engage in a one-on-one with Kira.

"Oh, Shuto wants to have a one-on-one with Kira?"

Oliver, standing by, showed a hint of interest on his face. He had guessed Shuto's intentions, but he didn't stop him.

Oliver knew that Sae was very strong, but he had no idea about Kira's abilities. He had only heard some rumors about him.

He wanted to see for himself the level of this person who was invited to the U20 team along with Sae.

"Let me show you the attacking techniques of U20 first!"

Shuto smiled and took the initiative, as the one who attacks first in a 1v1 often gains an advantage.

Kira didn't refuse. It made no difference to him.

"Watch closely, Kira! Let this Senpai show you the attacking techniques of a U20 ace player!"

Shuto immediately advanced with the ball, confidently shouting.

He wasn't just saying it for Kira's sake, he wanted Sae to hear it too.

However, Sae remained expressionless, completely ignoring Shuto's words. His gaze was always fixed on Kira.

Shuto's speed was not slow, and in an instant, he was already in front of Kira, showcasing his skills with a quick dribble.

Kira, who possessed the ability of Rice Spirit, could see the opponent's movements. Shuto's rhythm wasn't slow, but it was too predictable.

At the same time, activated 'Transparent World'

It wasn't necessary to use this move to defend against Shuto's attacks, but Kira didn't want to miss the opportunity to use this ability in a real match for the first time.

As if the flow of time around him gradually slowed down, Shuto's movements appeared in Kira's eyes as if they were in slow motion, like a movie playing at 0.5x speed.

Kira could see every blade of grass, every stone on the field, and the expressions of everyone around him very clearly.

He observed Shuto, clearly seeing the movements of his muscles and even sensing his breathing rate from the rise and fall of his chest.

The flaws in his movements were clearly visible, like a huge black stain on a white paper, very conspicuous.

And now was the time.

In the next instant of his opponent's breath, Kira had already taken action.

Thunderclap Flash!

With an instant burst of speed, Shuto in front of him couldn't react at all. He could only feel a gust of wind passing by. In his astonishment, Kira had already appeared behind him.

And the ball at Shuto's feet had already been stolen by Kira.

"Shuto got the ball stolen?"

The other members of the U20 team were all stunned, completely taken aback by how the situation had turned out.

"No way, right?"

Oliver's eyes widened, filled with astonishment.

He hadn't even reacted to Kira's move just now.

What kind of terrifying speed was this?

In Oliver's "database," he had never seen such speed before. It was like a lightning ripping through the air.

Not only that, Kira had just completed the steal in an instant. Shuto was the team's ace forward, with excellent ball control skills, not something that could be easily stolen.

But Kira had seized a minuscule opening from Shuto and successfully stole the ball.

This guy was like an assassin lying in wait. Once the opportunity was right, he could strike and sever the opponent's throat.

Kira, such a terrifying individual...

Just as he said, he was definitely not a gift from Sae. Kira was a horrifying existence independent of Sae!

Oliver couldn't help but feel excited at the thought of being teammates with someone of Kira's caliber.

He turned his head and looked at Sae, seeing him staring intently at Kira with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Since Sae arrived here, he hadn't bothered to give anyone a proper look.

But only Kira could deeply capture Sae's attention.

"I... I..."

Shuto still hadn't come to his senses and couldn't comprehend what had just happened. He never expected that a high school junior could steal the ball from him so effortlessly.

How was this possible?!

Just as he was thinking about how to come up with an excuse, Kira smiled and spoke.

"I appreciate the opportunity, senpai."

Kira's tone was very relaxed.

"Hahaha, it's alright. After all, you're a newcomer, so it's expected," Shuto responded, feeling extremely embarrassed. In his heart, he couldn't help but marvel at Kira's terrifying strength.

He began to regret challenging Kira to a one-on-one match within himself.

"Senpai, it's my turn to attack now," Kira said, holding the ball as he approached Shuto.

"Bring it on!" Shuto immediately became serious, positioning himself in front of Kira.

Although he had just been stolen from, if he could defend against Kira's shot, he might be able to salvage some dignity.

"Yes, this guy's defense is good, so his offense should be slightly weaker. As long as I defend this shot, I can prove myself!" Shuto thought to himself, leaning back slightly. Based on Kira's speed demonstrated earlier, he anticipated that the opponent relied on speed for breakthroughs, so he moved backward and didn't intend to give him any space.

"Shuto has a good sense of positioning," Oliver, an elite defender, praised Shuto. As a forward, his defensive instincts were indeed quite good.

Meanwhile, Kira simply smiled at Shuto and took a step forward.

He was preparing for a direct shot!

"A shot from this distance?! That's insane!" Shuto couldn't help but exclaim, and everyone else on the field was equally stunned. They never expected Kira to make such a choice.

The distance to the goal wasn't far, and Shuto's positioning was very close to the goal, allowing for more reaction time.

But Kira still intended to go for it?!

On the sidelines, Sae squinted slightly, curious about Kira's choice of shooting.

At that moment, Kira's foot made contact with the ball.

Total Concentration Breathing!

Thunderclap Flash!

Thunder Swarm!

The moment Kira kicked the ball, a tremendous sound erupted on the field, like a Thunder!

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