
Carcosa's Items

It is not my intention to completely destroy it.

It is a rare item that is difficult to find again. This power will be preserved as much as possible.

Even if I can't use it right now, if my level goes up a bit, I can use it myself... … It will also serve as quite good information indirectly.

First, open the lid of the glass bottle containing the wriggling mucus. When the spell of oppression that had been imprisoning him is lifted, the slime trapped in the glass bottle begins to shake violently.

He slowly gestured as if guiding the slime.

"Now, come here. "This way."

The slime attracted by my hand slowly rises and becomes entangled with the magic circles I created.

"Yes, nice. That's it. Do you want to rest? "I have made a cradle for you."

Commands containing magical power give the slime new desires and direction.

"Yes, this is the crystal. "Go inside."


Sparks flew for a moment due to the repulsion of magical power, but it was not a big problem.

The slime had already settled inside the purified crystal.

I slowly lifted the crystal.

The crystal with black slime droplets trapped in it somehow looks like a small pillar of ice.

Now this slime cannot leave the crystal unless I allow it.

In the same way, [Black Goat's body fluids] are also sealed.

[Black goat body fluid] is white, so a crystal containing white water droplets was soon created in front of me.

"Phew… … "This is also quite tiring."

I took a short break by massaging the back of my neck.

It didn't take long thanks to my ridiculous magical talent, but it wasn't an easy task.

Anyone can completely destroy or burn something.

However, this is a task that an average level wizard would never even dare to undertake.

"Anyway, these things can't be fussed over anymore."

I thought for a while about where to place the two crystal pillars, but in the end I just put them on the bedside.

Although it was something I would have to do someday, this was just preliminary preparation for what I would do from now on.

'Now examine the mask.'

I took the mask out of my backpack and placed it on the table.

Looking at it again, it is a strangely shaped mask.

A color that retains the natural texture of wood.

Twisted and twisted features.

And there are four eye holes.

Jeong Eun-taek said it was a trivial object with no particular origin or history, but I can sense the magical power faintly oozing from this mask.

"Now, shall we take a closer look at what's inside?"

There is no need to repeat the purification operation.

Because I created a lot of magic circles to act as safety devices.

I raised my hand to the mask, pulling the magic circles floating in the air and preparing for any emergency.

[??'s mask (?? class accessory): Mask of unknown origin.

Research or appraisal is necessary to determine its identity.]

This is an item that professional appraiser Jeong Eun-taek could not appraise.

Someone had placed an artificial seal.

In order to appraise these items, you must use special artifacts or magic.

'But the problem is that the seal here doesn't seem to be of an ordinary level.'

As a test, I activated a level 1 emotional magic.


Paaaa… … .

[System: Releases the curtain surrounding '??'s mask'.]

[Judging to lift the curtain… … .]

[The caster's level is insufficient, so the judgment is penalized.]


[Judgment failed.]

It's as expected.

The seal on the mask is not at a level that can be broken through by a first-level spell.

'Indeed, if it seemed like it would be penetrated by the [identification] of the first rank, Jeong Eun-taek would have been able to appraise it as well.'

Probably [Foresight] of the 4th level... … Even if I can't do it, I think I need a level 2 [experience].

My hierarchy is only 1.

The seal cannot be broken with spells that a first-level wizard can use.

Of course, I didn't prepare this to end in such a trivial way.

"Whoa... … ."

I closed my eyes for a moment and exhaled.

In any case, the hierarchy of magic is nothing more than an artificial division.

I have already created and used magic that transcends hierarchy.

After concentrating the highly tuned magical power, I slowly opened my eyes.

My masked face is reflected in the mirror hanging in the corner of the motel room.

The appearance of a wizard wearing a mask shaped like a skull.

Before you know it, a dazzling magic circle shining golden light has formed in your eyes.

The world I see has suddenly completely changed.

Magic circles orbiting around me, and magic power flowing due to those magic circles.

Magic power, which normally appeared as a single flow or gas, now appears as a pile of shining particles and infinitely repeating lines.

My magic sensitivity can intervene in each and every tiny particle and magic line.

Now look at the mask again.

The dark magic power that is stored in the mask.

And the colorless curtain that hides it.

'It was created by the being of the abyss.'

It's definitely true. The origin of this mask is unknown, but at least this seal itself was created by an abyss being.

'very… … 'That's interesting.'

An object sealed by a divine being who rules the other world, the underground, the darkness, and the deep abyss.

What kind of power does it have?

I concentrate again and create new magic circles.

These are magic circles that contain the meaning of decomposition, analysis, penetration, cutting, and release.

The magic particles and magic lines that responded to the magic circles are concentrated at one point.


It is a similar action to opening a lock without a spell using only the movement of magical power.

However, the sealing technique itself, whose origin is unknown, is forcibly twisted open.

It's an absurd action that's a thousand levels away from opening an ordinary lock, but 'I...' … can do.'

The strongest wizard that the game [Cthulhu World] can implement.

Beyond the limits of games and systems... … I can be more than that.

A strange sound is heard.

A loud and unpleasant noise, like dozens of flying insects flapping their wings at the same time.

[System: Releases the curtain surrounding '??'s mask'.]

[Judging to lift the curtain… … .]

[The caster's level is insufficient, so the judgment is penalized.]

Get away from me.

I have no intention of making probability-based decisions.

A swirling awl, or drill, or blade.

The power and pure will created to penetrate and disintegrate magic and mana twist, pierce, tear and shake the veil that covers the mask.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzz… … !

[System: An error occurred. An error occurred. An error occurred… … .]

Kwahaak, kwahahahaha!!

Black smoke rises from the mask.

'It opens.'

The veil begins to tear. At the same time, the information behind the mask that was hidden by the curtain is revealed.

[Ka?Kosa Mask (?? Accessory): Great? Old, great gods? The rule of yellow??? level??]

Trying not to get impatient, I gradually remove the last bits of the shroud.

Suddenly - Saaagh.

There is a creepy sound of magic lines being cut.

The magic power that was suddenly like a blade, an awl, or a drill is now moving in a delicate and sharp manner like a scalpel or tweezers.

Blah blah, blah… … !


A blinding flash of light.

A flash of light erupted so intensely that every object in the room lost its shape.

'I did it.'

I lifted the seal placed by the being of the abyss using only my magical power and sensitivity, without even materialized magic.

Where the flash disappeared… … The strangely shaped wooden mask still remains.

An ominous mask with four eyes.

But now my eyes can read new information in this mask.

[Carcosa Mask (L-class accessory): A mask used by the great old ruler, He Who Must Not Be Named, and the great [Yellow Ruler]. Those who are not at the right level cannot fully utilize its power.

Yellow Seal: The great [Yellow Ruler] takes interest in you.

■■■■ : ■■■■■ 'It will not be activated because the conditions have not been met.'

■■■■ : ■■■■■ 'It will not be activated because the conditions have not been met.'

■■■■ : ■■■■■ 'It will not be activated because the conditions have not been met.'

Yellow Madness: Your mind is filled with 'Madness - Return to Carcossa' and random paranoia.

Carcosa's Oath: You can approach the great [Yellow Ruler]. Take your oath. You can become greater, wiser, and stronger than you are now.

Yellow Dominance: Adds the effect of 'Spell Enhancement: Infusion of Fear' to some magic.

Dreamy Blur: Automatically casts 'Blink' spell]

"What the fuck… … what's this?"

[High priest of the sunset]

[Master of Sunset]

[Owner of Aldebaran]

[He Who Must Not Be Named]

[What lies beneath the lake]

[Great Prince]

[King of Peacocks]

[Master of the Festival]

[The Indescribable One]

[King in yellow clothes]

These are all words that refer to one being.

Most beings of the abyss must not speak their true names, but the [Yellow Ruler] is the most dangerous of them all.

Worst of all, could this name be [He Who Must Not Be Named] at all?

"anyway… … "This is one of the yellow seals?"

[Yellow Ruler] spread symbols of his power to spread his power and madness to the world.

Anyone who comes into contact with an object imbued with that yellow seal will be able to gain powerful power and corrupted inspiration in the short term... … .

As always in these types of stories, in the end he goes completely crazy and becomes a servant of the [Yellow Overlord].

'That kind of item was rolling around in a pawn shop with its origin unknown?'

That sounds like nonsense.

It's a trap. This is not something that will come into my hands for no reason.

"Hmm… … but… … ."

I sat down for a moment and looked at Carcosa's mask.

"but… … "Maybe we can use this?"

The protagonist, who was overconfident in his own power, ended up using a forbidden object that he was not supposed to touch.

'… … It looks like there will be a narration like this.'

However, it is an option too precious to give up.

[Dreamy Blur: Automatically casts 'Blink' spell]

It is an artifact that provides a blink spell.

It's survival, right?

"Ah, Sidpa. "How can you give up your survival skills?"

In order to survive in [Cthulhu World], which boasts extreme difficulty, you need survival skills to avoid the worst situation.

This is not an area of ​​choice. It is required and mandatory.

I tapped my fingers on the plastic skull mask covering my face for a moment.

'It's a million times better than using these cheap plastic toys.'

"Hey, I don't know! Just write it. "The characteristics will do it anyway!"

I put down the plastic mask on my face and slowly put on [Carcosa's Mask].

What information,

Or the will flows into my head.

It is a strange noise, almost like a voice.

『It's so bad, so bad… It's so bad… … .』

A disgusting voice with no meaning.

『Byaunya Ain Ain, a large, tangled mess of chitinous blood shaking and dazzling… … Chulu, Cul… … Kha-Qua Mu… … The light beyond. beautiful… … Beautiful Carcosa… … .』

The voice, which was just noise, gradually began to form meaning.

『A huge pyramid. Yellow withered leaves. A lakeside filled with stagnant rotten water. A black mass with a foul odor. The shining moon. Ominous yellow color. A squishy hill.』

[Penalty function of the L-class accessory 'Carcosa's Mask'. 'Invitation to Carcosa' is activated.

// Invitation to Carcossa: 'Madness – Return to Carcossa' and random paranoia inhabit your mind.]

This is not something that was overturned without any countermeasures. Anyway, the penalty caused by the yellow seal is based on insanity.

『Crawling bugs. Maggots bigger than a human body. A rolling skull. Decaying corpses. Eyeballs. Eyeballs. Eyeballs.』


Bright blue sparks start flying around the mask and around my head.

[System: The exclusive attribute 'Abyss Madness' is activated. Negates the effect of 'Carcosa's Invitation'.

The madness and paranoia that tried to dwell in your mind disappear.]

Since there is already madness in one's head, no new madness can enter.

[System: L-class accessory, 'Carcosa Mask' belongs to you.]

In other words, I can use this artifact at will without penalty.

As soon as the spark disappeared, the strange noise in my head also completely disappeared.

"phew… … Did it happen... … ?"

The texture of the wood was softer than expected, and the fit was stable.

As a test, I used a few more spells to examine the mask and my body, but no special abnormalities were detected.

Anyway, I am in very good shape.

I think it will be okay to continue wearing this mask from now on.

Although there is a limit to the number of uses, it is a mask with an advanced mobility feature such as blinking. You should use it sparingly and well.

Lastly, I took the backpack I had left in the bathroom and took out some money.

A bundle of money made by tying one hundred 50,000 won bills together... … 8. A total of 40 million won.

Although it may seem like a lot of money at first glance, it is an absurd amount of money to secure a base and conduct stable activities.

It takes a lot of money to buy safety in the dangerous [Cthulhu World].

'I guess I should rest for a day or two more and then meet Tudor…' … .'

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