

A few hours later, Apollo stood up from his beggar spot and went to the street. He wanted to find a place that sold cheap food. He didn't want to go back to the Filly Restaurant, as diners kept looking at him like he was some sort of animal in a zoo.

But the moment he stepped onto the streets, someone shouted from his side.

Turning to the sound, he saw Ned standing beside the door of the restaurant. He had a smile on his face, and in his hands was a wooden basket.

"Good morning, Mr... Beggar?" Ned greeted.

"Hello," Apollo nodded, his eyes glancing at the basket in the server's hand.

"Here," Ned handed the basket to him. "I was tasked to give this to you every morning from now on."

"What's this?" Apollo raised an eyebrow, though he already guessed the contents.

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