
Chapter 62 What is this Situation?

Athena's past role as chief editor at Vogue afforded her a deep understanding of the workings of high society. Yet, beyond this familiarity, she harbored a genuine desire for Hera to serve as the ambassador for her designs, she has long aspired to craft stunning dresses with Hera as her model in mind throughout the years. 

While Athena's personal interests are undoubtedly intertwined with her efforts to propel Hera into celebrity status, her underlying motivation is to ensure Hera's safe escape from the confines of the novel's storyline, allowing her to live a long and fulfilling life.

"Baby girl, you've finally arrived," Athena's uncle, Sebastian, greeted them warmly, approaching with a smile. He gently ruffled Athena's hair, a gesture of their evident closeness observed by everyone in the venue. Curiosity swirled around Athena's identity, with some even speculating that she might soon become Sebastian's fiancée.

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