
Hina takes a vow

"FUCK THIS! You must be kidding me!", ever so elegant Jiko shouted as he threw his cup across the room, smashing it against the wall, destroying the cup that probably costs more than my monthly salary, and of course also destroying the artwork on the wall that would cost more than my next life's full earnings. 

"Calm down Jiko", the ever-so-calm Mrs. Chan spoke.

"Actually mum, even I think this is a bit absurd", even the usually reserved Jisoo chimed in.

"With all due respect, I think Chairman Chan might have erred in his judgment here too", the longest-serving Managing Director added his opinion too.

"This could reflect badly on our shares in the market. The death of Chairman Chan itself is already causing concerns, but if this gets announced I think there's significant risk our stock values would drop - maybe even crash", now the CFO.

"To be honest I don't mind as long as our R&D fund does not get cut", the CTO shrugged.

"Well, if the company's having financial troubles your R&D budget WILL be cut", the CFO shot back.

"I didn't always agree with Dad, but he always had his reasons. I still don't understand, neither do I believe this is a good choice, but I respect his decision and will accept it as such", Jindo spoke to everyone's surprise.

"Are you fucking serious?!", well, Jiko.

"He left a generous amount for us sisters and brothers. I don't think any of us are in a position to complain or try to meddle in this now", said Chairman Chan's elder sister on behalf of the four siblings. I would have expected they would fight for their prize and the place, but it is true that they have been promised just about enough to give everything up right now and take the deal. 

"I think we are all forgetting the most basic thing. You can not 'inherit' the CEO position. You need to be appointed by the Board of Directors and will need shareholders' support. Hina is not receiving majority shares of the Group, and the way Dad distributed his shares to everyone here, Hina needs majority support from us to earn this CEO position.", Jisoo chimed in with a fact check. 

Then the lawyer fetched another paper out of the document safe box.

"Here is an appendix, which describes the conditions under which Chairman Chan will distribute his own shares to all of you here"

The condition that the lawyer read out was simple - all the families and board members would only receive their portion of Chairman Chan's shares if they pledged to vote for and appoint Hina as the CEO.

"Oh please. Even I know this shit. The children and family members of the deceased can claim their share of inheritance even if the will says otherwise", yes, even the stupid Jiko was actually correct here.

"Not if father's will is to donate his wealth unless you pledge", Jisoo noted, keeping his face expressionless but I knew he must be hurting inside.

"Master Jisoo is correct. I will remind you of the case from a few years ago where the former Vice President passed away and his sons attempted to claim the inheritance, against the pledge the Vice President made throughout his political career that he shall donate all his wealth upon his death. It went to the Supreme Court and was decided that the principle of protecting family members' claim to the inheritance was to ensure that favoritism and gender discrimination would not disadvantage other members of the family, such as the old tradition of the eldest son inheriting all the wealth. This protection of the claim to the inheritance, however, was not to be used to overturn the conscientious decision of the deceased, such as donations to a charity. Granted, if the donation was to a religious organization, you may have some ground to challenge Chairman Chan's will as discriminating, but his donation is to a trust fund that offers scholarships for university students, and if followed, will fund thousands of extra students per year. You could still decide to challenge, but I'd advise you to consider that this will be a long and painful process, and can only be harmful to the public image of the Chan family and its owned businesses"

"Jesus fucking Christ! You mother fucker must have given that idea to that shitty old man!", Jiko was fuming.

"The only way Ms. Hina Chan to NOT be the CEO is for her to forfeit the offered position herself now, so what does the young Miss think about all this?"

Now all eyes were on Hina. Poor little girl, only 19 years old, still grieving for her father and has just been designated to take over the Chan Group as the CEO according to her father's will.

She looked around incredulously, but being young and naive doesn't mean she can't sense the hostilities. Actually, soft-hearted people are often more sensitive to such things and I could see the tears swelling up in her eyes. Oh no, don't do it now - I thought to myself as I imagined Hina running out of the room in tears any time now.

Then she turned to look at me. 

Why. Are. You. Looking at me like you want me to say something.

But I could not turn my eyes away. I wanted to give her courage - not courage to accept the job, but at least courage to decide for herself. At the same time, I could not show any sign of encouragement or disapproval in my expression. Without Chairman Chan's protection, my position in the company will be extremely precarious. 

I'm sorry young Miss, but I dedicated so much in my life to this company, I can't let myself crumble now either. So I just kept a solemn face and tightly clenched fists, and after a few more seconds of staring at me, Hina turned away. 

Phew, that was my best poker face ever.

Hina then stood up and announced to the room with a solemn face and tightly clenched fists.

"I will do as Dad wished. I will take the job"


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