
Shizi Dogs vs. Faith Weavers (2)


If there was one word that could describe how the Faith Weavers felt, then it would be that—destroyed. 

The second quarter had just rolled in, and it was already obvious who was going to win the game. Their captain, who hadn't left the court ever since the first quarter, couldn't believe his eyes. 

"W—who are these guys?" he stammered as a large shadow loomed above him. 

A small smile made its way on Yuze's face as he dunked the ball, earning loud cheers from the crowd. Despite their small number, their cheers were actually pretty loud. 

Nina and Rolan looked around with satisfied smiles.

Nina continued snapping photos of the players, their happiness apparent with every shot. 

"I wish more people would see this!" Rolan exclaimed as the game continued. 

Andy had subbed out Jinping while Kun was replaced by one of their bench warmers. 

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