
Volume 0 (3): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 3 : Signals Part 3.

After reaching his destination, Peatell is received in the Lunch Area entrance by a toned build male with short green nature hair that approaches him rapidly.

The ice blue eyes with feline pupils locked on Peatell, enhance the confidence show on the facial expression of this young Hûrngöth due to his height of 7 four fifths Vul (3.9 meters).

—Norren!; Exclaimed Peatell, the other Cadette is a bit annoyed but respond to his friend —What take you so long "Patt"?, the food is already on the table …, let's eat.

Peatell take a seat in one of the multiple tables of metal maple around the Lunch Area, Norren takes the seat to his right, and both pose their sight on the green bluish parallelepipeds of superfluid jelly inside of a grey bowl.

The taste of the food is plain but acceptable, after all, the nutritional value is completely outstanding, being capable of satisfy the average Hûrngöth with only 6 blocks per day (8½ human days) or one block every 15 hours (33.75 human hours).

Seeing the dissatisfaction of his friend, Norren hold a darker green shade of jelly from his own bowl, swallowing one of the blocks of food, tasting this specific nutriment for the first time, just to realize something he has heard before.

Expectant for a change, Peatell inquire, hurrying his friend —How's the flavor?!.

Unfortunately, Norren is no liar, as every respectable Hûrngöth —Well …, blatant plain as the previous one, or yours.

Peatell stands up and shouts displeased, his voice echoing across the Lunch Area —What is the point of "Better" food if remain this superfluous taste?!.

Norren laugh a bit and gestures Peatell to calm down and not to catch more attention while report a fact to the young Hûrngöth.

—I got the same though, so i ask "Mister Ideal" …

—If you asked, why not doing it to Cadette Bverxkka directly?.

An obvious reasoning that is quickly clarified by Norren —I did, but he said is incapable of perceiving flavors, and the important part of eating, was having high nutritional food.

Peatell voice has a knowing tone —That's quite him. So he inquire again »—What about Mister Ideal?.

—No change until the best vanta black blocks.

—And?!. Peatell asked almost desperately, but Norren doesn't have his enthusiasm —I am going to quote him, "Is intense but highly unwelcoming, better the previous food, the only reason i ingest this unpleasant blocks is for fear to the punishment".

Curiosity spark up in Peatell —What punishment?!.

But Norren shake his head negating dismissively —No idea, but he genuinely look scared out of his mind thinking on it, considering the way he is, well, it was quite disturbing …

Moments later, Marshack pass near the table of Norren and Peatell, stoping abruptly in front of the latter —Congratulations for you relationship, satisfied her properly, if you lack the skills, ask to others for knowledge, enroll on a practical class or take the Pink Line Capsule to the last Station, outside, ask for "Madam Lake" on my name, she can teach you.

Marshack resume his walk and stop again a couple of tables away, this occasion in front of an attractive female Hûrngöth with orange hair in a ponytail and yellow feline eyes with two pupils.

—Cadette Lane, why is not with you Instructor Slom?.

A valid question considering that she is always stuck with him like magnets from opposite poles during recess or lunch times.

The female downcasted respond —He has to attend today's Instructor Reunion.

Even with all his facial hair is easy to understand that Marshack is confused by the statement of Cadette Lane —There is not any Instructor Reunions until next month, even surprise check up's.

The female gets excited —He confess to my friend!, finally we are going to have a threesome!.

Peatell intervene, clarifying the situation due to the message Bertha received —Cadette Bverxkka there is an Instructor Reunion right now, the notification reach Instructor Cole a few minutes ago.

Marshack think for a second, acknowledge Peatell information and proceed to take a seat on the next table available to eat his food, a bowl filled to the brim with parallelepipeds of vanta black colour.

—That was weird of him; Mentioned Peatell but his friend has another conclusion —Not really, although it may not seem like it, Cadette Bverxkka is quite competent at uniting individuals into Partners.

Peatell incredulous expression is evident and rapidly ask —You mean?.

Norren struggles a bit —How can i say it … , you know that i believe in the "Empiric Astral Entitys", and almost nobody has seen Cadette Bverxkka eyes …

Peatell gets extremely confused —What has to do that with him being a good "Match Maker"?.

—Everything!. Norren hastily state »—He has the hair of Qkryquel'Döm, and if his eyes are lilac like Aza'Terov, he should be capable of see when someone love others, or that is what said a …

Norren whisper »—Book made of skin; Then he clears his throat and continues »—I and others talked about it, and i mentioned this to the Lone Prickly because is the one that interact in the past with Cadette Bverxkka …

—Don't let me hanging, and say it already; Peatell curiousity is overwhelming, and hate when others make him wait.

—She didn't give me an answer, but look at me and smile …

Peatell is stunned again —She doesn't show emotions!.

—That's not everything; Norren added —It looks like she has a Partner due to Cadette Bverxkka …; And with a light laugh mention to Peatell —Apparently, the advice you received is the same as her Partner …

The young Hûrngöth is astonished and took him a few seconds to process all the information he just received.

On the other hand, Norren can't stand it any more and started laughing non stop.

Which makes Peatell conscious enough to warning his friend with a really threatening tone —Don't…; Unfortunately he is completely ignored by the laughing Hûrngöth who mockingly remark —Impossible, "Chaste"!.

Peatell exclaim angrily —I'm not one!, you caught me in the training pool doing it with that girl of the other city!, she was so ashamed that doesn't contact me any more!.

Norren laugh intensifie catching the attention of some around them —No you idiot!, Heather spoke of your previous hairstyle and the poor girl got híper freakout.

Consciously about the matter, Peatell remember the harsh punishment —50 years of dehydration spooked almost everyone.

Norren end his laugh quite abruptly —Obviously …, wait, you learn that because of "Her", right?.

Peatell nods —Yes, and you where accurate about Bertha's feelings.

A smirk appears in Norren face —Told you …

—And my uncle, he was …

—Homosexual, Told you too …

—Yeah …, first hand knowledge?. Peatell inquire, this time Norren gets serious —Hey, shut it, but almost on point …, was difficult not to be aware of that fact, when my eldest brother got hit so hard by his dead, he literally cry light blood for days.

Shock strike Peatell —That is really bad!, even i know that!.

And Norren continue —Yeah, he almos died for the blood lost and then for nutritional insufficiency.

Intrigued by the issue Peatell do the obvious —How he manage to surpass that situation?.

Norren looks a bit clueless in his response —Something on his lab, he tested on me a couple of times.

Peatell ask the pertinent immediately —Consequences?; His friend could be in danger.

Norren rapidly dismissed the possibility —I'm not aware of any, but after his recovery, he got really try hard on all his investigations, now, every Energy Shield, has a Passive Auxiliary Sistem complementing the Passive Function, providing a proper defense even when the user is not conscious of the threat, on top of that, helps all weaklings, like you, to experience less strain on their bodies for constant performance, and still, you don't use it!.

Peatell complains —Come on!, is way too tiring.

And Norren state the obvious —Because you don't use it, like exercise, gets easy the more you do it, if i am not enough proof, ask Mister Ideal, he is there …

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