
Volume 0 (7): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 7 : Unwelcoming answers Part 2.

Opening her eyes, Alaney see a known burgundy ceiling of metal that belongs to her personal chamber inside the "Facility".

An ancestral building, legacy of the brightest times of her species the Hûrngöth.

{Strange, my last memory was being forced by the Stupid Callius to take a seat in the Underground Auditorium, then …, those powerful tremors}.

Realization hits her and tries to communicate with others, just to encounter her Communicator in pieces, over the desk in front of her.

With no other option, she leaves her personal chambers behind, walking across the corridor up to a hidden Control Room that only Marshack, Callius and herself are aware of.

However, before she reach that destination, she realized something else, a constant Psychic message that resound in her head, a message that only Marshack knows too, and that message has changed, as if someone had respond.

The rage invade Alaney's entire body, releasing an [Emanation] of Red Pyro Plasma in a wave that is absorbed by the burgundy metal walls of the corridor —Bverxkka!, you have gone completely insane!.

Resuming her movement with a more concrete intention, Alaney continues searching for Marshack as quickly as she can, running across the "Facility" hall's, to get a confirmation, of a decision "He" already take.

After 6 minutes (9 human minutes), she finds him in the principal entrance of the "Facility", a room big enough to harbor 150,000 people without a problem.

Today, lies over the dark brown floor more than 95,000 Hûrngöth, severely wounded by fractures, trauma, crush injuries and some have even lost parts of their body.

Whether be arms or legs, hemorrhage are common but a rough cauterization with orange Prio Plasma solve the problem temporarily until every Hûrngöth heal naturally by themselves.

The shock suffered by Alaney is enormous, she never experienced something like this before, not even in the "Unmentionable Brightness" because she was underground at that time, still this is insufficient to weave her determinated resolution.

Standing in front of Marshack, and without warning, she strikes at him with her right elbow directly to his face, hitting the left pomul of the young Hûrngöth.

The impact produce Kinetic Energy that is absorbed by Marshack while Alaney's arm ricochet and the pain she feels is quite substantial because fractures her elbow even if she is healing already.

{"The Absolute Apex of The Hûrngöth", why is he so arrogant!, to the extent of not making use of his Personal Shield to defend himself!, and the sensation of the impact i perform, was worst than punching the metallic burgundy walls of this building. How can he be so sturdy and dense?. I get a fissure in the bones of my arm, and he berely pay attention to my action}.

Full of anger Alaney scream —Why did you do it?!.

Marshack, with his always stoic and detached voice reply —It is necessary for the population, you are unaware of …

Completely enraged for his action and words she scold him harshly —You are unaware of the consequences too!.

He uses his steady stoic voice and continues —Indeed, but the other options available are way worse …

—Stop using logical reasoning!, and start sensing the entire connotation!, how can you don't interpreted the hidden meaning of those messages!.

Keeping his facade Marshack attempt one last time —"Ask for assistance if is needed", that was supously the meaning of the message we decipher, and some of the Hûrngöth require it, but …

Rolling her eyes, Alaney see the ceiling, then all the injured Hûrngöth in this place —You are insane Bverxkka?!, how can you contact them?!, after the warnings in the records of our ancestors!.

The admonishment gets more fierce, and she say all loud her thoughts to him without holding back —Arrogant and insensitive smartass, this comportment is the reason you are useless keeping the interest of others and you don't have a Partner!, even when you represent the best mate someone could thrive for! …

Silence permeate the Hall.

{I am unable to see the expression in his face, because is covered for all the prominent hair, moustache and beard on his head. However, the silece accompanied by the change in his posture gives me goosebumps, i step over a border, and no one is capable of defending me from him}.

Alaney voice break's down by the mistake she committed, attempts to walk back but her legs doesn't respond, her throath contracts, her body stiffens up more and a berely audible stutter goes out from her mouth —B-Bverxkka …, I d…

Tears are going to be produced and fall from her glowing aqua green eyes, the fear of the consequences for this offence are absolutely unbearable, and the silence made by Marshack is not making the situation any better, wich only increases the uncertainty of Alaney's future.

—You are correct.

His words overwhelmed her brain, they are firmer than normal but there is no doubt in them, just a bit of longing.

{Was that woman so impressive?}.

»—I am useless, "She" abandoned me because of that, and i am incapable of understand or perceive accurately those fellings because i labeled them as a burden, which apply to other meanings of similar nature.

He makes a pause and his voice obtain an annoyed tone that clearly is fake and somehow practiced »—To surpass that Blindspot i use 3 individuals as moral guides, Ark Duke Wickman, which is my legal tutor, who disappear almost 13 months ago from Hûlfhednär surface.

»—Then Dankner, an easygoing young man, that lies broken minded on his personal chambers, because his stupid crush, forgot to activate her Personal Shield in a situation thet evidently was an "State of Emergency"!.

»—Finally you, who was uncouncius in a jelly body, that somehow manage to not be splatter around in the Underground Auditorium walls, and "Somehow" you are entirely healthy after just half an hour ( 67.5 human minutes) of rest!, without any Trait increasing your capabilities, still, you came screaming that i shouldn't use logical reasoning even when you remain oblivious of the reality.

His posture change again and Alaney feels a chilling warm sensation over her skin, Marshack is not controlling his Plasmas appropriately, for the most capable Hûrngöth in all the existence of the Species is unthinkable, unless, some event, tragic enough to make him loose his cool.

»—So pay attention and hear the truth.

His voice return to the normal stoic but this time not detached tone »—That abhorrent abomination of Kern's City has stolen the Nucleus of our planet, wreaking it apart just to disappear, fleeing somewhere.

{WHAT?!, How could that have happened?!, especially with the amount of surveillance that there is in the global security network with Orbital and Suborbital modules, plus all the satellites of the "Facility"}.

The absurdity of the event is believable only because it is Marshack itself who is saying it, he doesn't lie, joke or have fun in general, he is the most outstanding of the Hûrngöth precisely for this behavior that force him to keep improving, and wasting time in the previous ones is not even a thought on his mind.

»—The population of 1.39 Trillions (Real Trillions has 18 zeros) inhabitants was reduced to 52.18 billions and 86.3% of them are injured enough to better let them die.

{Bverxkka is absolutely serious about that statement, but …, he decided not doing it right away, why?}.

»—So i did try going against the 4 logical answers i concluded …

One: Kill all the injured and attempt to maintain the rest of survivors in a decent state, collapse of the society in less than 8 and a half months, and the probability of success was 0.00031%.

Two: Reduce the population to the most suitable amount for prosperity with the poor infrastructure and the remain resources, that is less than 4 million inhabitants, success rate 3.89% to achieve 5 decades of survival.

Three: Reduce population until the most resilient are the only remaining ones, 79,481 inhabitants, 28.6% probability of success until 121 years.

Four: Eradicate everyone until i become the last Hûrngöth, probability of reaching 4,788 years while alone, 96.7%, even when i am not going to reach 2,000 years of lifespan …

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