
Chapter 31: Week Before Final Exam

A/N: It's been a whole week since ive last posted and I just wanted to let you guys know I still have to type on my phone, so here's another phone chapter.

This should be the last phone chapter, with the end of next week being the max of me moving (Meaning I SHOULD be moving before the end of next week maximim)

Also, I realised towards the end I got the timeline a little wrong, so just think of this as an AU (Or completely ignore it since its irrelevant) for some parts that may not make sense if you're the analytic type when reading. I made some changes to make it a little sense, but I haven't bothered proofreading it so yeah, whoops.


Fast forwarding a few days, it was now the final week before the final exams began.

Class 1-A were in their homeroom, with Aizawa having not arrived yet, as Kaminari and Ashido became the centre of attention in the class.

"I haven't studied at all...!" Kaminari screamed with evident panic on his face. Meanwhile, Ashido seemed quite laidback.

"You guys are idiots" Ren sighed as he face palmed, "And you..." He muttered as he exposed Tokoyami who whistled whilst turning his head away from Ren's eyes.

"Hey! Between the internships and the sports festival, it totally slipped my mind!" Kaminari argued with a shout to try and fight his case.

"And so you didn't study during these past few days...? Fucking imbeciles" Bakugo groaned as he went back to looking at his phone.

"Like you can talk!" Kaminari tried to turn the tables on Bakugo as he laughed, "I bet you're as dumb as I am" He declared confidently as he pointed his finger at Bakugo.

"Hmph" Bakugo grinned, lifting his head to look at Kaminari with a shit-eating grin on his face, "Jokes on you, I'm top 5 you canon fodder" He announced, being ranked 3rd when it came to the written proportion of the exam.

"W-What...?" Kaminari stuttered as a loud gulp came from him, "You... You're smart? How!?" He shouted in genuine surprise, unable to understand this development.

"THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?! YA WANT ME TO BLOW AWAY THE LAST LITTLE BIT OF BRAINCELLS YOU HAVE, HUHHH?!?!" Bakugo screamed as he planted one foot on his desk and looked down upon a frightened Kaminari.

"Please! This is all I have left! I apologise" Kaminari pleaded with tears dripping down his face.

"Heh... this is where I prevail compared to half of you guys" Mineta said with a smug expression as he leaned on his desk, causing Kaminari and Ashido to look at him with a questioning gaze, "Rank 10, baby~"

"WHAT!? I thought you were one of us!" Ashido said in shock.

'Mineta of all people, relatively smart?' Was what the class thought.

"Then again, when it comes to your height, quirk and personality, I guess you finally have a positive aspect when it comes to brains" Ashido mumbled to 'herself', though everyone in the class heard it (She did that on purpose)

"HEY! What's that supposed to mean?!" Mineta argued, to which she ignored his question by whistling.

"You know... if you two wanted help when it comes to academics, you could have just asked me. I would be glad to lend a hand to my classmates and friends" Momo, the knight in shining armour, said much to Ashido and Kaminari's joy.

"YES!" Ashido and Kaminari cheered, with Ashido running over to Momo and giving her a hug, "I LOVE YOU, MOMO, LEMME GIVE YOU A BIG SMOOCH MWWWAA-" Momo put her hand in front of Ashido's face and gracefully pushed her away.

"Aha..." Momo chuckled in embarrassment, "Please, don't" She stated as she cast a quick glare to Ashido, scaring her.

"Yikes... I didn't know Momo could be scary" She muttered.

"But, yes, I can gladly help you guys with the written exam" Momo smiled, "The practical exam, on the other hand, is a different story..." Her tone and mood turned depressing as she looked at her desk.

Sero, Jiro (Earphones girl) and Ojiro (Tail main) proceeded to then ask Momo if she could help them with studying as well.

"Hey, Ren. What about you?" Sero asked as he turned his head to Ren who had has eyes closed while having his hand supporting his chin on his desk.

Saying nothing, Ren simply raising his right hand that he wasn't leaning on to show all 5 fingers.

"Wow, 5th ay? I didn't know my friends were smart..." Sero commented before looking towards Kaminari, "MOST of them"

"All of you shut up and get yourselves sat down, homeroom's starting" Aizawa ordered as he arrived at the front of the class.

'Where the hell did he come from?' The class wondered as they sat in their seats and listened to Aizawa's boring lecture.

A few hours passed, and it was now lunch with the boys (Ren, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Tokoyami, Bakugo) all sitting together on their usual table.

"Say, Bakugo, Ren, think you guys can help me with my studying?" Kirishima asked, putting his hands together as he prayed they'd agree, "Please?"

"Hmph, this group is full of idiots" Bakug huffed as he ate his food.

"Nice, Bakugo the tsundere agrees, how about you, Ren?" Kirishima said as he turned his head to Ren, ignoring Bakugo who spat out the food in his mouth.

"THE FUCK?! WHO'S A TSUNDERE YOU HARD-HEADED RED-HAIRED LESBIAN?!" Bakugo shouted in anger, attracting a small crowd of students who sat on the tables near them.

"Haaah... the usual, they're always loud, aren't they?" A student from another table sighed.

"Hey, at least they make lunch fun!" Another laughed, "Especially the angry porcupine" He said, referring to Bakugo.

"WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT?! YOU WANNA DIE?!" Bakugo shouted as he turned his head to the tables full of loud murmuring.

The other 1-A boys on the table ignored Bakugo's usual antics.

"Sure, why not" Ren shrugged as he ate some rice from his plate, "How about you, Tokoyami?" He asked as he turned to his bird-headed friend.

"I'm fine studying by myself..." Tokoyami replied.

"Shock! The quiet, emo kid wants to study by himself" Kaminari said sarcastically, "What's next? You gonna pull up to UA with an AK-47?" He laughed.

"..." Tokoyami looked at Kaminari, the only one laughing, with a deadpan expression, "To kill you, I wouldn't even need to use a gun. How about worrying about passing your exams rather than worrying about if I'll bring a gun to school for whatever reason" Tokoyami rebuked, going back to eating his food calmly.

"Ouch..." Kaminari faked a wince as he gripped his chest.

After lunch ended, the students of 1-A returned to class where they had another lesson before Homeroom.

With homeroom having ended a few seconds ago, Izuku and the others that were on his lunch table announced what they heard from students of class 1-B.

"Robots? Seriously? No sweat!" Kaminari breathed a sigh of relief, "That's an easy pass then, I just need to worry about the written part now" He added with a smirk.

Ashido and Kaminari then spent the next two minutes celebrating the fact their final exams would be against robots.

'Oh boy oh boy, if only they knew...' Ren looked at the two with a small smile on his face, like a god looking down on the mortals below.

"Humans or robots, I'd just blast 'em all. What's the big deal, morons?" Bakugo scoffed.

"Who're you calling a moron, moron?!" Kaminari exclaimed back towards Bakugo.

"You, the moron who doesn't even know how to dial back his own quirk to not make him go retarded" Bakugo raised his voice a little, seeming agitated, "Hey! Deku!" He called out causing Izuku to look his way.

"Stop pissing me off with all those stunts of yours, just coz you've gotten a little hang of your quirk" He said, referring to the rescue race where Izuku moved around like him, "When it comes to our term grades... like it or not, imma crush you into dust!

I'll open the gulf between us so wide... it'll kill you dead, and you'll never be able to reach me!" He finished before turning to Todoroki, "You too, Icy-hot" Then Ren, "And you as well!"

He then left the classroom without saying anything else.

"...Where'd that come from?" Kirishima wondered as he asked no one in particular.

"Must be having his 'Deku' period again, it appears to be that time of the week" Ren joked.

After that, the week quickly passed with everyone preparing for the final exam.

Ren decided his plan of action for the week was to spend an hour studying with Bakugo and Kirishima, then leaving the two by themselves to carry on

Then he'd spend pretty much the rest of the day training his martial arts at the dojos, but mainly Taejin and Mori's unsurprisingly - where they boosted the quality of training for Ren which made his body, mainly his legs, a whole lot stronger.

His legs weren't on a crazy superhuman level where he'd be able to destroy a house with ease or something extravigant like that, but he was sure he'd be able to split steel with enough full-power kicks

(A/N: I think that's a good way to scale him? If not, tell me what you think I can change. Reminder: This is only the MHA world so don't expect him to be on the levels of dragon ball characters or something like that)

His body, on the other hand, in terms of durability he felt like he'd be able to survive being punched through a building with slight struggle (A/N: Same as above)

Anyway, the week passed meaning it was time for the final exam.


Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed

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