The final word "rebel" remained unspoken, yet Counsel heard it as clearly as if it had been shouted.
"Understood, My Lady. I will begin the process immediately. We have ten thousand men at the ready. Once we get control of the throne, we will have more than ten times that."
Noble felt a small bit of shock at Counsel's matter-of-fact statements. But hadn't he already told her there was a rebellion waiting for her to command?
It seemed he knew more of the details than he had originally let on.
Noble tried to process his words as they filtered through her anger.
'Ten to one odds is not great. But it would likely be a surprise attack, not a direct battle. Emira will be caught unaware and unable to rally all her men.' Noble swallowed.
What was she doing? This was insane!
'So is trying to get the Queen on my side when she has only been using me!' Noble's anger flared again before settling. She felt a small pang of guilt.
Emira's accusations were true, though the Queen had misjudged Noble's motives. It was unlikely that trust could be rebuilt.
"Whatever happens, do not hurt my Aunt." No matter how much she fought it, Noble still held some affection for the Queen. She would have to sift through those feelings another time. "We can talk about plans in more detail after the ceremony."
"You aren't backing out already?" Counsel furrowed his brow as they reached the stairs to her room.
"Not at all," she assured him and herself. "I just want this done the right way…"
While her words had seemed rash, the decision was more calculated than Noble wanted to admit.
Her confidence in her plan had been solid, but Noble knew from Counsel's emotions that he was sure that she would not agree.
So Noble forced herself to make a contingency plan. Like it or not, these people only felt real.
They were a recreation of times past.
But Noble was real. She had a future waiting for her in the waking world. That future had a name: Fort. Rain. Blaze. Brock.
So although Noble felt bad for turning on Brenna's flesh and blood, at the end of the day, conquering the Nightmare was what mattered.
Cold as it might seem, Counsel had offered her a way to get home to her family more quickly, and she decided to take the opportunity.
'It would be ironic if this were the real conflict all along…' Noble thought wryly.
But deep down she knew this wasn't true. The Lord of the Mountain was the conflict. He needed to be conquered.
If Emira was determined to block that path, Noble could not let her remain in the way.
'My family…my real family comes first.'
"As you say, My Lady. As long as Her Majesty will step down peacefully, no harm will come to her…but you must know—" Counsel stopped as Noble held up her hand.
She had been constantly using her extra sight to make sure no one would overhear. Now she could sense someone approaching.
"I will see you this evening. We can discuss the other matter in the morning." Noble added extra emphasis, making the suggestion an order.
Counsel bowed, a conspiratorial smile forming on his face. "Understood."
With the decision made, the two humans parted ways.
Kosi looked between them before following the woman up the steps. Whether this bothered or pleased Counsel, Noble couldn't say. All she knew was the Symncus could tell she was upset and nudged her back gently with a whine.
"Sweet Kosi," Noble reached back and patted the creature's head. "I can always count on you to lift my spirits. What would I do without you?"
Kosi sniffed indignantly. As if he would go! They both knew that without him, Noble would feel very lonely indeed.
Getting to her room, the woman rapt lightly before being admitted by Lenore.
"Hello Lenore, I-- Oh!" All other thoughts flew from Noble's head.
Laid out on a couch in the sitting room was a beautiful blue gown with wide sleeves. The fabric shimmered like the water of a pristine river.
'By far the most expensive dress I have ever owned. I doubt even the great clans have fabric this fine.'
"I am sorry," Lenore took her exclamation for disapproval. The servant shut the door and hung her head. "Counsel tried to get the other dress, but the Queen had it burned. Should I—"
"This is beautiful! Pen! You and Lenore help me get it on!" Noble called out to her second servant.
For the briefest of moments, the woman was far too excited to care about politics or any hidden meaning behind the gown. She felt like a fairytale princess going to a ball.
Lenore and Pen did their absolute best to fix their mistress's hair and gown to perfection.
When the two servants were done, Noble looked absolutely stunning. In the looking glass, she could hardly recognize herself.
'If only my Prince Charming could see me looking so lovely.' Noble's mind went to Fort.
She would just have to recreate this look when she got home. With all the credits she would get from her research papers and discoveries, Noble would be able to hire a salon to bring this moment to life a second time.
'I'll have to borrow Sarai's earrings again. They would be the only thing that could make this outfit better.'
Noble spun, vainly admiring her reflection.
"Oh!" Pen gasped. "Why didn't you take that off?"
The elder servant glared at Lenore who held up her hands. "Lady Brenna never takes that off, so I worked around it."
"No, Lenore was right." Noble ran her fingers behind her ear. [The Other's Voice] was proudly displayed. "This piece of jewelry reminds me of home."
The other two exchanged glances but said nothing.
Kosi, who had been quietly watching from atop Noble's bed, flicked his tail before purring lightly.
"I don't need Counsel to translate that. You clearly approve." Noble smiled.
Whether he did or not made no difference. Their time for preparation was finished.
There was a knock at the chamber door. Noble's heart skipped a beat until she remembered it was Counsel and not Fort waiting for her on the other side of the door.
'Let's get this evening over with.'
Gracefully gliding across the floor, Noble waited for Pen to open the door.
Counsel's eyes seemed to jump from his head. "I know I objected to the change in dress," he stammered.
"Don't finish that sentence. But thank you. Shall we go?" Noble brushed past him.
After tracking the woman with his eyes, Counsel stopped Kosi at the door.
"Sorry, Kosi. Humans only. I will tell you all about it when we get back."
The Symncus narrowed his cat-like eyes at the other protector. He let out sounds between a grunt and a trill.
"I know they won't be able to stop you. But here you will stay." Counsel answered firmly.
The two locked eyes in some unspoken exchange.
Finally, Kosi broke away and headed back into the room with a grumble.
"He says to check in after the ceremony or he will come looking for you." Counsel gave a lopsided grin.
'Sometimes Kosi seems like a child and other times like my father.' Noble smiled back at the Symncus's retreating form.
At the bottom of the steps, Counsel offered his arm. Noble quirked an eyebrow.
"It's an official ceremony and I am your escort. If you prefer to wait until we get closer…"
"No, it is fine." Noble took his arm and they began their journey to the Great Hall. The palace had undergone a drastic transformation in the short time she had been in her quarters. Banners of green and silver adorned the front hall as hundreds of guests filled in under the ornate stained glass.
The kingdom's nobility looked as grand and glorious as Noble expected. The men were stately and the women were elegant. Nothing but the best of the best was present.
Each time the doors opened, cheering from the streets filtered in with each new guest.
It made sense. The entire kingdom would be celebrating the Queen's hundred-year reign. It was likely a national holiday.
Picturing children dancing in the streets, Noble forced a smile as she was thrust into the crowd.
Out there, the world may have been bright, but in here, Noble did not feel like celebrating. She only thought of surviving.
And with how things were about to go, that would be harder than she thought.