
The Birth Of The Strongest Master [Part 1]

Northern, after a long, satisfying sleep, opened his eyes. All his body felt numb but in a good way. He stretched with a stifled groan and then sat back in the bed, closing his eyes for a moment as he observed his environment.

His spatial awareness had grown significantly since the last evolution of soul eyes, making it become Spectra Vision.

Northern could now become increasingly aware of an environment up to a thousand meters.

From the number of structures to the length of the metallic wall that shielded the borders from the sea and its monsters, to the point where the snow stopped, mysteriously giving way to the tropical forest that lay beyond.

He could pinpoint, detail to detail, every single animate and inanimate thing all around him.

And because he could do so, he could also tell that none of them posed a significant threat to him. Almost by instinct, he had used his spatial awareness to determine that fact.

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