
Northern Vs Caladhel [Part 3]

Northern sighed and fully raised his head, looking at Cal with a straight face.

Cal looked like he had just witnessed the birth of a deranged person. What was wrong with Northern, and why was he talking like that?

Was he having a mental breakdown?

A mental breakdown was not far-fetched; it was something that frequently happened amongst his own race. It just meant that some people didn't have the mental fortitude to deal with the horrors of the rift.

They either withdrew completely, settling to be mundane drifters, or tried their best to be Masters and ended their drifter careers there.

Was Northern someone like that too?

Cal doubted it. Those blue eyes he peered into didn't look like the eyes of a deranged human.

Northern was speaking with sincere concern.

'So he is actually worried about what will become of him should he start killing humans. Chaos and Void are consuming him?'

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