
Arcturus Black's Approval

"Well, Mrs..." Harry trailed off and gave her a questioning look.

"I am Miss Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." She replied.

"Ah, well Miss Bones, it started when I was in my room." Harry began. "I was looking at a magical device left for me by my father."

"What magical device?" Miss Bones asked.

"I would rather not say until or unless I have to, when this goes to court I'll be willing to show you what it is in private." Harry said to her. "Before you say anything, Professor Dumbledore knows what the device is." Harry quickly added.

"I do know what it is," Dumbledore confirmed. "it's a rather ingenious invention, if I do say so myself."

"Fine, but you will show it to me later." Miss Bones said to Harry. "Now, continue." She said.

"Okay, it let me know that Pettigrew and Black were in Hogwarts. It told me that Pettigrew was in the Gryffindor dormitory." Harry replied.

"What was he doing in there?" Tonks asked.

"I'll leave that to your imagination." Harry replied. "Anyway, I quickly rushed over in my tiger form."

"Tiger form?" Minister Fudge repeated.

"I'm an animagus." Harry explained.

"But you're not a tiger." Professor McGonagall protested. "Your form is a normal cat."

"Says who?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"You showed me it!"

"I didn't say that was my only form, did I?" Harry countered.

"Are you trying to have us believe that you have multiple forms?" Snape drawled, barely resisting the urge to sneer, his mind still on his last talk with Dumbledore.

"In a way. I have one creature I can turn into but that creature can change forms." Harry replied. "I am a Tri-cat."

"A Tri-cat?" Dumbledore gasped.

"What the devil is that?" Fudge asked with a confused expression on his face.

"It is a rare animal, I've had the pleasure of meeting one once, they have the ability to shift between three different forms."

"Mine is a cat, tiger and sabre-tooth." Harry informed them. "You can check the animagus register."

"Why didn't you tell me that you were a Tri-cat?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Slytherin." Harry shrugged before he turned back to Amelia Bones. "When I got there I saw Sirius exiting the Gryffindor common room. I took out my wand and remembered the advice that Tonks gave me - because she's the best and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise - and I hit him hard and fast with a lot of stunners." Harry said, earning a bright smile from Tonks and an approving nod from Amelia. "Anyway, once I took him out I tied him up which is once again advise I got from Tonks - why hasn't she been promoted yet? - then I dropped my familiar on him."

"That's me!" Jet hissed.

"I instructed him to guard Black and make sure he doesn't do anything or wakes up." Harry added.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Sirius interrupted. "What was he going to do if I woke up?"

"You know, snakes have these brilliant things called fangs and venom sacs." Harry said to him before turning back to Miss Bones. "Anyway, then I went in and found Pettigrew in the boys room in the hands of Ronald Weasley."

"In the hands of Ronald Weasley?" Professor McGonagall repeated.

"It turns out that you and I aren't the only animagus's in the room, so is Pettigrew. He's a rat...the rat."

"Sirius is an animagus too!" Peter cried out.

"Of for Merlin's sake! Can you just not?! For five minutes! Can you just not be a traitorous bastard for FIVE MINUTES?!" Sirius yelled at him.

"Any-hoo," Harry continued as if that had just not happened. "I stunned Pettigrew and turned him human before I brought him back to where Black was and then I tied them up and searched them both before the Professors arrived. Sirius Black had a knife, Peter Pettigrew had two wands including one that Professor Dumbledore claims belonged to Voldemort." Harry said, Fudge and Pettigrew squeaked just as the two aurors and Professor's (with the exception of Dumbledore) flinched with Amelia only slightly flinching.

"Where is this wand?" Miss Bones asked.

"Oh, right here." Harry said as he pulled out the two broken pieces of Voldemort's wand and handed them to Amelia.

"It's broken." Fudge frowned.

"Terrible accident." Harry said in a dry voice. "Anyway, it's his, apparently."

"That is definitely it," Dumbledore nodded. "if you require more proof then might I suggest taking them to Olivander to have it confirmed." Miss Bones nodded as she pocketed the wand.

"Now," Miss Bones began. "I..." Whatever she was about to say was interrupted as three more people entered the hospital wing. The first two were Andromeda and Ted who both immediately rushed over to Harry to pull him into a hug. The third was none other than Arcturus Black.

"Lord Black?!" Fudge's eyes widened upon seeing him. "I...I wasn't expecting to see you here, I..."

"Shut your mouth and move out of my way, you intellectually malnourished little cunt." Arcturus said in an irritated voice as he walked past Fudge and stopped in front of Harry. He glanced between Harry and Sirius and Peter. "Well done, boy." He said to Harry.

Sirius, meanwhile, was gaping at the two of them. Arcturus Black, Lord Black, had just said 'well done' to his Slytherin half-blood godson who was apparently a parslemouth. What the fuck was happening?


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