
chapter 54

Chapter 28: The Sparse Ordinariness That Can't Go Back

Chapter 219: The Sparse Ordinariness That Can't Go Back

There is no doubt that this is a conspiracy.

Leonard looked at the familiar scenery around him and suddenly realized that he seemed to have fallen into a trap.

Privilege is a shortcut to a goal, which is almost a truth in human society. Relying on his status as a senior inspector registered in the Loen police system, it is not difficult for Leonard to retrieve the records of certain days at the three train stations in Backlund, Tingen, and Conston, not to mention someone with the identity of a night watcher. Endorsement.

Of course, this was a private action. He tried his best not to let too many ordinary government workers notice his extraordinary background, and even paid some financial bribes for this.

In the end, he got all the information he wanted in just three working days.

He was born in Jianhai County and graduated from Constance University. He has rich experience in international academic exchanges. He has been to countries such as Selga, Marsi, and Lundborg that value knowledge and wisdom, and has also been to barbaric and ignorant countries. The Southern Continent retains the tradition of horrific blood sacrifices and drug taking.

The only clear trend recently was to get on the secret wanted notice within MI9, and before that, he took a car from Tingen University, a top historical research institution, to Backlund with the widow of a wealthy businessman with a lot of assets.

This is all the whereabouts records of Sherlock Moriarty that can be found in the Kingdom of Loen in the past six months.

It was pretty much the same as what the church had summarized... After flipping through a few pages, Leonard intertwined his three fingers holding the paper, folded the document in half with familiarity, and closed the side with the text.

Perhaps the tragedy of that night is still before him, or perhaps Old Neil's experience taught him a lesson, or perhaps the thin and frail girl and her companion sitting next to him in the car just now reminded him of Klein's ignorant and Innocent siblings, in short, Leonard had complicated thoughts and did not intend to repeat what happened to Old Neil on his former colleagues who were buried as heroes before the truth was determined.

However, he is not a pedantic or blindly kind person. In his property in Backlund, there is a standard report that has been written and is lying quietly on the bookshelf.

He left enough clues that if one day he was unfortunately killed while investigating the Tingen incident, he believed that his colleagues in the "Red Gloves" could easily find the report.

Raising his head, Leonard looked at the acquaintances who were squeezing through the crowd in the distance, waving towards him, and smiled sincerely.

"Long time no see, Fry!"

The man was wearing a black trench coat, and his temperament was so fair that it was as cold as the skin of a corpse. He gave Leonard a hard hug.

"Long time no see."

The former No. 36 Zotraland Street had a stucco-covered ground floor, and the two windows on each floor above were surrounded by closed bows to form a whole. It had the same characteristics as many buildings in the Fifth Age around 1300, and the lighting was not that great. Great.

After the reconstruction, the ground floor is protected by a small porch, with two-story oriel windows on both sides. The details of the window frame include the wall between the windows and decorative column heads, supporting thin stone beams. Above the high oriel windows are The parapet wall continues the third floor.

This is a three-story architectural style that has only become popular in recent years.

In a daze, Leonard felt that he was in the wrong place.

He deliberately stood for a while, and then pointed at Frye's new facade with a slightly exaggerated reaction.

"Have we changed careers?"

"This looks less like a security company and more like a house that the club would rent."

Frye smiled faintly and did not comment on Leonard's fuss. He silently walked around the corner and led Leonard to a black door and a vertical sign.

"In the past, half of the weighing structure of the old house was blown up. The new design and reconstruction costs were sponsored by the Tingen city government. We did not have the power to choose the style."

"Besides, no one stipulates that security companies must be behind the times. Although the prospects of this industry are indeed not good, it is likely to be eliminated by the mainstream of society in 20 or 30 years."

Frye did not knock on the door, but leaned against the wall next to the sign, as if he planned to chat with Leonard outside for a while.

"You seem to be a little resistant to your current company?"

As a "corpse collector", unlike Dai Li, who is open and lively and is good at teasing his juniors and lovers for fun, Frye has always been the least talkative one in the team, but this does not mean that Frye's mind is not active. On the contrary, he is now keen It scares Leonard.

"Is there any?"

Looking at the poet classmate who was messing with his long hair, Frye mercilessly exposed his avoidance.

"Do you remember the last time you wrote a letter?"

It's a bit presumptuous to ask like this. After all, it's not everyone's obligation to write a letter of greetings. It's just a matter of life and death in the relationship of comrades. Such a straightforward question is not even offensive.

After thinking carefully for a while, Leonard's shoulders suddenly slumped.

The last time I wrote a letter to "home" was when I was just transferred to Backlund.

In fact, he only wrote it twice in total, once in the Quiet Church in Winter County and once in the underground of St. Samuel's Cathedral.


Before Leonard could apologize, Frye had already pulled the doorbell and pushed open the ajar door.

Facing the smooth forehead protruding from the back of the Tingen City Honest Newspaper, Fry mysteriously put his index finger to his lips. The girl showed an expression of surprise at first, and then her face fell, as if she was Sulking.

She looked around sharply, trotted out from behind the front desk, and whispered in a low voice until she was in front of Frye and Leonard.

"Why did you come back so late?"

"There were many people at the station, so we chatted for a while."

Watching the careful plotting of his two companions, Leonard, who gradually regained a sense of familiarity, also lowered his voice and intervened in this confusing conversation.

"Didn't you tell the captain and the others about my return from leave?"

Roxanne glanced at him.

"Captain and Ms. Daly are at a critical period, and we plan to send you out as a surprise."

Sensing the uneasiness in his words, Leonard suddenly became more serious.

"What happened?"

"Just, the two of them, you know, just those things..." Her eyes lingered in front of Frye and Leonard. Roxanne couldn't help but sigh, and she held it in for a while before saying the second half of the sentence, "They had a quarrel. "

Despite Leonard's surprise and confusion, she rubbed the few strands of hair hanging in front of her forehead irritably.

"Just after you left, the doctor said that even if the captain's legs could recover, he would still have sequelae. He would probably become a cripple. Even if he didn't need crutches to survive, he would no longer be able to participate in any serious missions. At that time, even the captain's position would be transferred to him. To others."

"Ugh, seriously, is that a problem?"

"I don't understand what you are thinking. It seems that you cannot participate in the mission. If you continue to fight face to face with the cultists, it is like a death sentence for you. Isn't it good to be safe?"

Listening to the girl's suppressed complaints, Leonard and Fry looked at each other and saw the same emotions.

"Captain is unhappy about this?"

Luo Shan suddenly turned her head to look in the direction of the partition and corridor, and pulled her two colleagues to the tea room where she had determined in advance that no one was there.

"The captain didn't say anything about the possibility that he might have to use a cane for the rest of his life. When you last sent a letter, he and Ms. Dai Li had begun discussing marriage."

"Then why?"

"Because they have differences on future development issues." Frye suddenly interrupted and took over the leadership of the topic.

He sighed slightly, looked up at an indelible stain on the wall of the tea room, and spoke in a smooth and low voice.

"The captain wants me to take over his position, but Ms. Dailey is just the opposite. She plans to give up the opportunity for promotion and become the new captain, giving me more choices."

It seems that there is no absolute difference between the two plans. No matter which path, Frye's future development will be good. It doesn't mean that if you become the captain of a certain place, you will have no chance of promotion... Leonard thought this way, but he had already grasped it. Get rid of the most fundamental problem.

In fact, the captain and Ms. Dailey were not arguing about Frye's future at all. What they really disagreed about was Ms. Dailey's future.

The captain is disabled, and his future life can almost be seen at a glance, and he has long been tied to Tingen.

But Ms. Daly is different. As a genius appreciated by the church's top leaders, she still has a long way to go and should not be buried in a small city.

So when will the captain change his bad habit... Leonard gritted his teeth and suddenly understood Roxanne's mood when she looked at him.

He finally figured it out.

Even if the relationship between these two people is confirmed, they can't settle down.

Doesn't the captain know what's happening as the distance between husband and wife grows further?

Seeing the changes in Leonard's expression, Roxanne revealed the subsequent plan.

"Anyway, now that you're back, the two of them will definitely not dwell on this issue in front of you."

"Fry has already made an appointment at the restaurant. Luo Yao, Sijia, and Mrs. Orianna and I will drag them there in the evening. Cornley will also come. Then you will appear as a secret weapon and try to solve this problem completely. "

"Okay." Leonard nodded gently, with a sly smile on his lips, which made Roshan look in a daze for a moment.

At the same time, Leonard seemed to have fallen into an illusion, as if nothing had happened and everything was normal. He and Roxanne were preparing to persuade the captain and Ms. Dai Li, who had just escaped from death, to express their feelings.

Feeling that his vision was getting blurry, he quickly opened his eyes and said to Frye without turning his head.

"Can you go for a walk with me?"

"It's easy to be discovered by the captain and Ms. Daly in the company. I want to visit Old Neil and Klein first."

Frye glanced at Roxanne and did not refuse.

"Let's go."

Sunia Sea, another archipelago close to the Rhoad Islands.

A small fishing village is located next to the only river on the desert island. The scarred "Black Death" is anchored in the small port attached to the fishing village, swaying and looking like it may sink at any time.

At the port, a beautiful woman was standing in front of her companion dressed as a maid, bargaining forcefully with the "craftsmen" who lived in the fishing village.

She has bright red hair and a pair of green gem-like eyes. Her skin color is not fair, but it gives people a healthy feeling. However, the wounds vaguely exposed on her sleeves make her look a little more fragile and weak, which makes her look more fragile. Instinctively want love and affection.

Well, at least that's what Tracy thought.

The "Lieutenant General of Disease" changed out of his usual trousers and shirt, and put on a rare white dress, closer to what a normal witch would wear.

She held the "Good Luck Compass" that was supposed to be above the gray fog in her hand, and finally took a few reluctant glances at her lover who became more and more beautiful. She closed the curtains and turned towards the ritual patterns arranged in the captain's room.

Light the candle and let the firelight shine on the mirror. The thick, dark paste will automatically spread and spread evenly on every corner of the mirror. A face similar to Tracy's but more beautiful will appear. .

The "White Saint" who came to spirituality did not hide her curiosity. She admired her daughter's new outfit for a while before speaking.

"I heard that you almost died in the conflict between 'Sea King' and the elves?"

Her eyes fell on the compass in her daughter's hand, and Tracey's back felt cold.


"Because of this sealed artifact?"

"I don't know." Tracey shook her head affirmatively.

She cut some of what she said to Mr. Fool on the gray mist, and retell it to her mother. She changed the script originally written by the gods into a crude and vulgar adventure story, which made Catalina frown. Twitching.

Through divination, the Sequence Three who had lived for more than a thousand years was sure that her daughter had not lied to her, and she instinctively felt that something was wrong. She pondered for a moment and spoke slowly.

"In the Second Age, the Elf King did have a subordinate god called the 'God of Luck'. This compass was probably brought out by Qilingos from a certain ruins related to him. UU Reading www.uukanshhu. net"

Tracey nodded obediently, trying hard to restrain her spirituality and using meditation techniques to prevent her inner panic from showing on her face.

"So what do I do with it?"

Seeing her daughter's little reaction, Catalina suddenly had another idea.

"You can keep this sealed artifact. You just need to contact me from time to time and I will help you suppress its negative effects. You can also choose to sacrifice it to me directly to solve the problem once and for all."

"I choose to keep it."

"Okay." Catalina had no objection. "Then contact me once a week and use this ritual."

"Also, you don't need to do the task of transporting slaves anymore. 'Sea King' has already targeted you. It can be foreseen that in the next few months, you will be the subject of close attention by the Loen Navy and the Church of Storms." , there is no need to take risks."

So just like Mr. Fool said, will you give me a new mission? Tracey nodded slightly and waited silently for the next step.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, Catalina's girl-like sweet voice sounded again in the mirror.

"You will have a new mission."

Mirrors cast phantoms, weaving a map in the captain's cabin that was partly precise, partly blank.

"Help the 'Artificial Death' faction of the Spiritual Religion to collect information and pay attention to the key that Edwina just got. This is related to an important cooperation between the sect and the Spiritual Religion."

I may have to take off tomorrow, but I try not to take off if I can get home before five o'clock.

The driving school is just playing tricks on me. How can I have a test tomorrow and only allow me to practice driving today?

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 29: Sneaking Under the Moon

Chapter 220: Sneaking Under the Moon

In the evening, a third-level sailing battleship of the Zhongsuniya Sea Fleet docked at the port. Sixty-four cannons were displayed on both sides. The black muzzles reflected crimson and were undergoing final adjustments.

Klein dressed up as a Loen gentleman, with his face covered with a pure mirror mask. He stood on the top of the port lighthouse, overlooking the tensely mobilized Oravi garrison from above.

Sure enough, just as he had guessed, after the supernumerary ships including the "Pirate Hunter" completed the final spying, Admiral Amyrius, who was about to be transferred from Olavi Island, also made up his mind and deployed a second-level sailing battleship. The soldiers, including two third-class sailing battleships serving as load-carrying ships, formed a temporary formation, preparing to rush to the northern part of the Sunia Sea to intervene in the conflict between the two pirate generals, catching both sides by surprise.

The "Storm" route is a perennial powerhouse in naval battles, but with the development of giant cannons and steamships, the military has vague ideas about the "arbitrator" who has the power to weaken the mysterious side, enhance physical firepower performance, and possess powerful barrage suppression power. The strength to challenge the first echelon of naval battles under "Sea King".

They coordinate the extraordinary abilities in their hands with ordinary armies, just like the "war bishops" who command the fleet. Although they cannot use their arms and fingers like their own, they can still maximize the level of their physical equipment.

The wind blew in his ears, making Klein's windbreaker rustle. The hem of the black coat floated in the night, completely blending into the deep background with a hint of crimson. Only the friction of the fabric accompanied by the whistling air and the reflection of the moonlight on the mirror Make his presence known.

Unexpectedly, the benefits of appeasing "Vice Admiral Disease" would come so quickly... Klein's eyes moved and locked on the gangway on the edge of the sailing battleship that was slowly being pulled open by the boatman.

As a long-established veteran pirate and a new pirate general, Tracy Pellet is very familiar with the behavior patterns of navies of various countries. A few simple leading questions, sifting out the useful parts of the long conversation, plus the fragmented information collected from Bilt Brando, the Golden Rooster Casino, and the port pirates, combined together, after already knowing the result Under the premise, it is not too difficult to restore a rough process.

"Spellweaver" Aimilius is bound to win against the two pirate generals who are about to start a war on the edge of his jurisdiction. The missing blank content is nothing more than when he will take action and how to ambush to maximize the results.

I don't have the ability to move underwater, but with the help of sealed objects, I can move briefly on the sea... As long as the temporary formation of Loen Navy inserts into the center of the battlefield between "Vice Admiral Dusk" and "Admiral Blood", it will be within the scope of my ability. The amount of combustibles will be greatly increased, and you can use flames to jump and shuttle at will...

The second mate of the "Pirate Hunter" said that Amyrius himself could not leave without permission. Tonight, Klein stood at a high point and observed for a long time, but there was no trace of the demigod. He only saw one A young soldier with a suspected rank of colonel boarded the ship surrounded by several other colonel officers.

I hope Amyrius really won't appear... Klein used his strength to jump down from the top of the forty-meter tower, followed by another shadow.

Two figures in windbreakers were closely accompanying each other. One faced the resistance of the airflow and fell vertically, while the other was as light as tissue paper and floated in the air.

The dazzling white light rotated from left to right, and with the loud noise of the searchlight base gear in the tower rotating, the light captured the two people falling at different speeds, and the oval bright area illuminated dragged on the slender iron ship anchored on the sea, as if missing. A corner of the waning moon.

But the incompleteness was quickly made up by the fire, and the fleeting abnormality did not attract the attention of the sailors due to the combination of nervousness and illusion.

The figure that was originally falling straight was accompanied by a faint sound of airflow recoil. It was about to lose half of its height when the key point out of the lighting cover was suddenly compressed into a piece of thin paper. For a moment, it gained a weight that was lighter than the follower above. It was balanced by one hand. Fall speed reduced.

Orange flames erupted from a corner of the paper figure, and the heat of the explosion not only burned away the rough human-shaped paper, but also engulfed the graceful feather-like figure.


The ashes of burned paper scraps fell quietly from the air like snowflakes, covering a sailor's epaulettes, covering his only thin golden stripe.

He didn't notice it and continued to monitor the boatmen coming and going, completing the final work before the temporary formation set off.

Inside the third-class sailing battleship, the warship that serves as a load-carrying ship has only two decks. The second deck is full of supplies such as spare gunpowder and fresh water, and only two or three sailors patrol and inspect it.

Black "spiritual threads" originating from different lives appeared in Klein's eyes, and their different trembling amplitudes distinguished their types.

There were 436 people in total, as well as 18 military dogs... He looked up and stared at the ceiling, his palms covered by black gloves carefully placed on the gas lamp that he had damaged just now by temporarily using it as a springboard for "Fire Jump" , carefully retreated into the shadows.

What happened within the Loen Navy that made Aimilius so anxious?

Although his former best friend Peng Deng often ridiculed Zhou Mingrui as "a 'keyboard strongman' who knows a little bit of everything and a little bit of everything", Zhou Mingrui actually didn't know anything about the common military affairs of the world during the Victorian period, and even didn't know much about the military affairs of that period. I'm not too interested in military models and games either.

It wasn't until he boarded the sail battleship at his feet that Klein realized how many people the Loen Navy had dispatched to deal with the two pirate generals this time.

If there is not much difference in the number of people carried by the two third-level ships, including the second-level ship as the flagship, the number of people may reach as many as two thousand.

This number has almost reached one-third of the total Loen navy on Oravi Island!

The breath of marionette Georgia wetted the back of Klein's neck, but Klein, who was squeezed into a small space with marionette, didn't notice it at all.

A possibility that he had ignored for the past few days made him hesitate.

If Aemilius' actions were not just to deal with the pirate generals, wouldn't the appearance of the two thousand-man fleet be much more reasonable?

Klein looked to the north and pulled off the glove on his right palm. The flesh and blood on the palm of his hand peeled apart, and he pushed out a badge that felt like flesh and blood, with a metallic black color and a cold texture.

Holding this token, which was essentially a part of Mr. A, Klein summoned the Aurora Society's public messenger.

The invisible shadow raised its head and saw that there was no letter for it to swallow. It just straightened its body and waited silently for instructions.

"Requesting confirmation of the movements of the Fusaksunia Sea Fleet...the temporary fleet has about two thousand people and carries a large amount of ammunition...the operation can be started in advance, plan A."

With a low voice, Klein used illusions to cover up the echoes in the confined space, and slowly stated what he saw and thought.

The messenger, who showed only a shadow, sank into the spiritual world, the shadow died, and the urgent secret message flew thousands of miles away.

The silver-white broadsword slit his throat, and the warm blood spilled a perfect arc in the air. Jerry Zaratul couldn't help but whistle as he admired his partner's smooth and artistic execution.

His frivolous behavior attracted the attention of Miss "Resentful Soul", but he didn't care. Instead, he sat down on the chair more casually, and his five fingers moved rhythmically, controlling a man who had lost his head to give him a hand. Important documents just taken out of the safe.

After catching the blood-stained document, Jerry Zarath's fingers instantly relaxed, and the transparent spirit body immediately separated from the headless body, melted into the air, and disappeared without a trace.

"Extracting tropical plants to make highly addictive drugs?"

Jerry Zaratul exclaimed, and Mr. A, who was wearing a spotless black robe, raised his eyebrows.

He swallowed his original reprimand to his slutty partner and asked patiently.

"Be specific."

Looking up at Sharon and Mr. A floating in the air, Jerry Zaratul flicked the edge of the document.

"I think we found a better entry point."

"With what this guy has in his hands, there is no need for us to risk a sneak attack on the port in the hands of the 'Rose School of Thought'."

"Indulgent pie."

Jerry Zaratul didn't pay attention to Sharon's correction and continued.

"Gaspar is one of the ports closest to the coast on the canal, far away from the battlefield on the Eastern Front. As an important logistics port for the 'Indulgence Faction', at least one demigod is guarded here. We can easily fall into passive strangulation. "

With the Great Smog in Backlund, the Kingdom of Loen, which claimed to have suffered a malicious terrorist attack from the Second Empire of Trunsoest, had not had time to start a war. The Second Empire had already restarted the war of annihilation against the "Rose School" on the border.

The infiltration of the "Mother Tree of Desire" intensified, and the "Indulgence Faction" tried to assassinate the God's Favored One. Coupled with the instigation of the "Red Angel" Medici and the selfish Orsono I, the High Council of the Second Empire almost Therefore, the "War Red" was assembled at an unprecedented speed, crashed into Fusac's symbolic defense line on the empire's border, tore open the Harvest Plains, and broke into the Pas Valley.

With only a few members of Backlund's classic team, Mr. A is certainly not arrogant enough to think that a few Sequence Fives can cause the "indulgent" demigods to run in both directions.

It was precisely because of the report from the Holy City that the Medici family went out in full force to hold back the "god" Si'a's battle report. They also obtained the battle report from a familiar blood demigod, known as "Crescent Moon" among the blood angels. It was revealed that the big shot was eyeing Barranca and was preparing to avenge the late eldest princess on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor. Only then did he and Klein have their own thoughts and set their sights on the last two "Indulgent Faction" members who had not entered the battlefield. God.

Gostars will definitely not show up, but it is good to consume and harass them.

It would be best if there were really demigods who took the bait. No one would pay attention to these little shrimps. It was perfectly fine to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the chaos to kill or severely injure Senior.

"The 'Rose School' has always had the tradition of using highly addictive drugs to communicate with the 'Bound God'. This tradition is also shared by Death God believers, which is a characteristic of the Southern Continent." Mr. A pondered slightly, and nodded in agreement with Jay. Leigh Zaratul's opinion, "First determine the 'Indulgence Faction' and the date when they will hand over the medicine..."

Suddenly, Mr. A stopped his voice, and the shadow under his feet swelled. Without hesitation, he broke off one of his fingers, threw it into his mouth, chewed it, then opened his mouth, and the blood fell down by gravity, writing a large piece of text on the ground. .

"Can you turn around and do it next time?"

Jerry Zaratul's expression was distorted, and he slapped his nose with his hand.

Unlike him who was so pretentious, Sharon said nothing. The floating illusory figure descended close to the blood and read the content sent by the messenger carefully.

Her eyes flashed, and her face looked more like a doll than a real person, with an expression of concentration.

After reading the new information provided by Klein, Sharon looked at Mr. A.

"Port or addictive drug?" Sharp nails were written directly on the skin. Mr. A contacted the colleague in charge of Fusac while trying to ask for his partner's opinion.

With Klein's new information, the originally finalized choice suddenly became entangled.

The fleet of two thousand people was no more than no less, and it was still easy to destroy the two pirate groups. It is self-evident who the remaining lingering words were aimed at.

"Why not choose them all?"

Leaning on the back of the easy chair, Jerry Zaratul observed the expressions of his two companions and said slowly.

"The person responsible for supplying highly addictive drugs to the 'Rose School' is an ordinary person. He didn't swallow the potion because of his poor health. It's not difficult for me to play the role."

"We can completely use his identity to contact the members of the 'Indulgence Faction' and set the location for handing over the new goods at the port. We don't even have to look for reasons. His Highness Medici has given them enough pressure on the front line. They urgently need it. A batch of medicine to embolden the army of servants below."

Jerry Zaratul's eyes moved between the two. UU read www.uukanshu.net

"If the real goal of the three battleships separated from the Zhongsonia Fleet in Loen is to eliminate Senior and Bulatov while also giving the Fusak-Sonia Fleet a slap in the face, then we can definitely take advantage of this opportunity. Señor calls for help, empty the port of Gaspar, blow up the infrastructure and burn all the addictive drugs."

"If Olavi's side is just a false shot, we can just burn the inventory of the drug warehouse and do a little harassment, and leave the rest to V to fight for it on Olavi's side."

He was clearly communicating with Mr. A, but Sharon understood that the following words were meant for her.

In fact, no matter whether the "indulgent" demigod will leave Gaspar or not, she will not be assigned an overly important task. Burning down the pharmaceutical den warehouse and evacuating with her two companions is all she needs to do. .

Without him, she would probably be suppressed by the "Indulgence Faction" during the battle, exposing her identity, triggering unnecessary dangers, and making the entire operation more difficult.

Jerry Zaratul said finally.

"We can already contact the 'Indulgence Faction'. It won't take long from Oravi to the maritime border of Loen and Fusac."

It was raining lightly, and a black carriage was parked outside the Oldville Restaurant. A woman, accompanied by several young people, was pushing a wheelchair up the steps of the restaurant.

Leonard watched this scene quietly, took a deep breath, and walked over.

I came back from driving school yesterday and almost died suddenly. I was so annoyed.

My buddy Kaoke San was almost killed by a dump truck and almost traveled through time.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 30 Blood Sacrifice to the Blood Tree

Chapter 221 Blood Sacrifice to the Blood Tree

The white tablecloth was spread flatly on the long table. The waiters came with plate after plate of food, divided it first, and then delivered it to each guest.

Leonard stood behind a decorative pillar and carefully peeked through the bushes at the long table filled with a harmonious yet depressing and eerie atmosphere. When no one was paying attention, he adjusted the fake beard he bought casually.

It can be seen that the captain is trying very hard to liven up the atmosphere, but just asking a middle-aged man who is behind the times to imitate young people and tell fashionable jokes will often only achieve the opposite effect.

In the past, this kind of work was left to me, Klein, and Cohen... Leonard noticed that the married Cohen was not sitting next to Roxanne as usual. The novice husband was very nervous. Knowing how to avoid suspicion, in the Blackthorn Security Company, which currently has a very high proportion of women, she squeezed into the position between Frye and the captain, making the already awkward atmosphere even worse.

It's simply a disaster... Leonard said silently.

Ms. Dai Li, who was silent and had a fake smile on her lips, suddenly raised her head and looked towards the pillar. Leonard quickly retracted his half-leaning body.

He scratched his nose, ignored the strange look the waiter gave him, turned his head and whispered into the air.

"Old man, how should we deal with this?"

Because he insisted on returning to Tingen to investigate the death of Klein Moretti, the "cohabitant" had not spoken to him again for a long time.

But at this time, the old voice responded, as if after returning to a familiar environment, he felt relaxed and comfortable again, and his mood improved a lot.

"What's so hard about this?"

"Now walk over openly, have dinner, find a reason to leave the next day, and return to Backlund."

"How can I go back directly?" Leonard's restrained voice was mixed with slight excitement.

"Are you going to get married?"

The old man's question immediately blocked his mouth, and he kept chattering in pursuit of victory.

"What is the purpose of your return to Tingen?"

"Isn't it to confirm the true identity of Klein Moretti, to confirm whether he is still lying in the small grave you dug for him, and whether his body has been desecrated?"

"Hey, you have no idea what you encountered in the workhouse that day. After getting His hint, you naively had expectations for your former colleague. This is the biggest mistake."

"Don't forget, you only really got along with him for less than a month."

"It was Klein who saved us." Leonard stubbornly refused to admit it.

He understood that what the old man said was right. More than a month ago, when Deacon Sesima interrogated every member of the Blackthorn Security Company on behalf of the Holy Church, he should have understood that some things cannot be avoided and pretended to be deaf. It will only allow the destruction that should have erupted to accumulate in silence until it can no longer be contained and completely destroys everything.

"If it weren't for him, no one would be standing here today, and maybe the whole of Tingen wouldn't exist."

Leonard is trying to convince his "cohabitants", but he is also trying to convince himself.

There are many coincidences in Klein's appearance, and there are also many unclear doubts about the Megoos incident. The attitude of the Aurora Society is unpredictable. In several actions, special preferential treatment for Klein Moretti was revealed everywhere. Even in the end, when the "Sun Flame" ignited the true heir of the Creator in Megoos's belly, ending the divine descent ceremony that was a complete tragedy from beginning to end, there were too many unclear things that were revealed in the files.

The old man said that the true creator was the god who originally controlled the "sun"... Leonard tore off the two fake beards under his nose and suddenly walked out of the pillar.

Am I making excuses to defend Klein, or am I trying to defend the worldview that I have been taught since I was a child and have persisted to this day?

The tombstone at dusk appeared in front of him, with three short lines of epitaphs and a black and white photo. Leonard re-examined the bookish young man in the photo and the possible presence between Sherlock Moriarty's brows and eyes on the wanted poster. Similarities, sweeping away the haze of emotions, trying hard to pretend to be familiar with the slutty appearance of friends and teachers.

Roxanne's deliberate exclamation became clearer in her ears, followed by the teasing of Cornley and Sika, with overflowing smiles. Leonard's steps became faster and lighter.

Enjoying the surprise in the captain's and Daly's eyes, Leonard temporarily put aside his worries.

"Because countless evil natures are gathered in him, and fate is like a prostitute, deliberately flirting with traitors, but all of this is powerless. He does not care about the joy and anger of fate, brandishing his bloody sword, like a evil spirit Like a star, he slashed all the way until he was in front of that slave..."

"Blood Admiral" Senior glanced at the notes he snatched from the corpse of the wealthy businessman on the ground with a strange look on his face. It turned out to be written in Rosselvin.

Different from the information given by White Shark, it is not the Bailang documents collected by the Spiritual Religion Group...

He looked more like a ghost than a human being. With a sarcastic smile on his bloodless face, he crushed the fat businessman's head with his foot.

The sailor with an evil smile dragged away the businessman's body. Senior watched tiredly as the bloody sea breeze swept away the note from his hand. When the paper was about to fall off his fingertips, he hesitated again, causing the cold wind to blow away. He took it back honestly and stuffed it into his red coat.

Although no one in the world can understand the ghostly drawings of Emperor Roselle, for some reason, the top leaders of the "Rose Sect" attach great importance to these heavenly books and seem to have been trying to find some clues from them.

In fact, Klein happened to see the content on the paper at this time, and he would definitely recognize that it was a line written by a writer named Shakespeare in "Macbeth".

It's a pity that Señor didn't understand the meaning behind these fonts and sentences, let alone the circumstances under which Russell borrowed the writer's language in his later years, and what kind of underlying emotions he was expressing.

Of course, Senior didn't even know a few Tanwen in the southern continent, and he wouldn't think so much.

He stopped at the edge of the deck and stared at the vast distance of the sea, where the brilliance of dawn dyed a corner of the horizon. The mighty stray fleet was approaching at a constant speed. Even though they were two sea miles away, he could clearly see the Fusac people. Salmon hung to dry under the mast.


Senior shouted angrily, venting casually like a scream, accurately conveying the anger and dissatisfaction of the "Blood Admiral" to every crew member, and his unbridled desire and eagerness for the pleasure of killing assimilated their thinking.

It's a command, a signal, and a curse.

For a moment, the entire "Blood Treasure Tree" became restless, and its cannons were aimed at the incoming fleet. The "alien" took off their coats one after another, or exposed their hard-haired outer skin, or picked up a few living corpses to sharpen their teeth and claws.

The navigator, who was naked to the waist and had a blood tree totem tattooed on his back, spit on his hands and shouted to the sailors to disembowel the prisoners they had just looted from the merchant ship. The smell of blood instantly filled the deck.

The pirates who had endured for a long time tore away the last inch of their restraint. The altar made of flesh and bones was messy and haphazard, and it was truly connected to a certain existence that held the power of corruption and evil.

Senior held up a skull, filled it with blood, and poured it from the top of his head to his whole body. He stood in front of the flesh altar and suddenly burst out with the sharpest scream.

"Sacrifice your blood to the blood tree, sacrifice your soul to the abyss!"

"Kill them all!"

The screams of the "Wraith Spirit" spread for several nautical miles on the open sea. The bloody naval battle directed by the two pirate generals had already begun. The third protagonist of the drama played by the Loen Navy was still in the windless zone 62 nautical miles away. After a delay in going up, the fog has just broken through, and we are driving out of the vast milky white. Through the gray weather, we will see one or two orange-red explosions from gunpowder.

On the second-class sailing battleship serving as the flagship, the "Punishing Knight" with the rank of colonel stood ready, with twenty-eight long guns hoisted high on the center gun deck, trying to cover the fighting range of the two pirate regiments at an elevation angle.

The thumping sound made by sailors and sailors running around on the deck was like a drumbeat. Klein leaned on the lower part of the second deck and looked out from the gap in the small window. The secret puppet Giorgia was standing by, as if he had merged with the shadow.

The fight has begun...

In the small space, Klein prayed softly and walked four difficult steps backwards before ascending to the Gray Mist Palace.

He sat in the top position, familiar with the spread of spirituality, and lit up his own crimson star.

The enchanting colors exploded, the old mottled bronze long table suddenly became illusory, the monotonous gray field of view instantly expanded dozens of times, and the blue seascape slowly unfolded.

With the blessing of the gray fog persona, Klein used the prayer light spot to see the sea areas that the sailing battleship he was riding on had not yet reached, and saw the scenery sixty-two nautical miles away.

The "Blood Treasure Tree" collided with the flagship of "Vice Admiral Dusk". The mast made of skeletons was dyed red with blood. Countless shadows flew out of the eye sockets of the skulls, attacking indiscriminately everything except "alien species" on the battlefield. of all living things.

It fits my stereotype of the "Rose School of Thought"... Klein, who was at the top, moved his gaze slightly downward and discovered that there was a concentrated rose-red area on the front deck of the "Blood Treasure Tree" that gave people a sense of filth.

The place is tightly protected by several mid-sequences belonging to the "Rose School", and "Admiral Blood" himself has been lingering nearby. No matter how provocative "Lieutenant General Twilight" Bulatov Ivan is, he will not Too far away from the plum red area.

Moreover, Klein couldn't see all of this alienated deck clearly even above the gray fog.

It seems that this is the insurance Senor used to call the demigods... Klein also discovered that near the "Blood Treasure Tree", there were several ships of the "Blood Admiral" pirate group that barely participated in the battle. One side of the artillery was not pointed at the battlefield, but instead pointed at the empty sea, as if to guard against some accident that might occur at any time.

Senor is not ignorant about the possible sneak attack by the Loen Navy. Well, Ivan Bulatov seems not to have grasped this information. He is concentrating on dealing with the enemy... Unhooking the silver chain from his wrist, Huang The crystal pendulum straightens naturally.

This is a souvenir that Klein bought before he went to sea. It is similar to the "yellow and black eye" style that has become the main ingredient for his potion when he was promoted to "Secret Puppet Master".

"The Fusac Navy will intervene in today's conflict between Bulatov Ivan and Senior."

The citrine pendulum rotated slowly, hesitantly adjusted a few arcs, and began to rotate firmly in the counterclockwise direction.

This means negation.

The Feysac Navy won't show up today?

Why... Klein's spiritual intuition told him that there was nothing wrong with the divination, but he couldn't understand the answer he got from the divination.

It is not difficult to find out that Emilius Levitt wants to turn two pirate generals into political wealth. After all, "Vice Admiral Dusk" is a powerful Sequence Five who has been working hard at sea for the Church of God of War for a long time. Even if the Church of God of War is rich and powerful, it will not Without one or two sequence five consumption, it is not easy to cultivate another pirate with Bulatov's current influence.

Could it be that Fusak really couldn't figure out what was going on on Olavi Island?

Klein leaned back on the chair, frowned slightly, and the corners of his lips sank slightly.

It may be necessary to change the details of the plan.

On a windless night, the pale moonlight shrouded the earth, illuminating the ruins after the war.

A group of Pas natives with white turbans on their foreheads and skinny bodies hidden in dirty and tattered robes squatted beside the fire and made a noise.

There are many people like this in this port that is almost in ruins. They gather together in twos and threes, and most of them are lazy. Only a few unlucky ones who are drawn by lot have to patrol around with steam rifles on their backs and talk. He was speaking the Dutan language popular among the indigenous people.

As a pure Intis, a descendant of angels who inherited the blood of the great Duke of Solomon Empire in the Fourth Age, Jerry Zarath had never looked down on the indigenous language of West Balam Uttar Pradesh from the bottom of his heart.

But this does not mean that Jerry Chala, like many aristocratic young people in the Northern Continent who have the same ideas as him, is proud and disdains to learn the indigenous language.

On the contrary, Jerry Zarath spoke Tutan very fluently.


A Pas native wearing a robe whose original color could not be seen suddenly convulsed violently and fell to the ground like an epileptic seizure. Jerry Zarath looked at this poor guy who was about to go to the kingdom of death. Like other natives around him, Not only was he not in a hurry, but he also let out a weird, off-key laugh, laughing at his companion's poor appearance.

In their meaningless laughter, the head of the young man whose convulsions became more intense suddenly exploded, followed by his neck, and everything above the collarbone exploded into blood, making the already muddy and dirty ground even worse.

Tiny tentacles and bones like rough branches of branches pierced the skin, and the viscous blood was concentrated on the surface of a relatively regular bone, emitting a faint blood light.

For a moment, the natives who had just laughed strangely were still at the same time, holding their breath and concentrating, their eyes shining with the greed that hungry beasts can't hide when they see their prey.

After changing his native appearance, Jerry Zaratul, who was hiding among them, leaned forward in a dignified manner, his eyes narrowed in the gap in his turban.

is the extraordinary property of the "Prisoner" path.

The unlucky man who lost control and died suddenly was a "prisoner". His body was still warm, but his companions were already like vultures, eager to taste his body.

Jerry Zaratul had heard a little about this happening.

During the investigation, he heard a very interesting story. It was said that some senior officials of the "Rose School", out of bad taste, would deliberately let some members of the servant army who were coerced by them to eat up their extraordinary characteristics, which they called "extraordinary characteristics". Embrace God's will.

This kind of disregard for human life and treating compatriots as livestock for fun does not occur in all camps of the "Rose School", but it has also become a new "indulgent" trend, even if the rebels in the "Rose School" are bent on saving the country. If the leader intends to object, he can only prohibit it within his own jurisdiction, and has no control over the subordinates of other "generals" and "high priests".

Heavy blood-colored bones fell into the soil. The natives who had been sitting in a circle and enjoying themselves just now suddenly became red-eyed. They rushed towards the corpse like crazy, biting, pulling, and attacking each other, just to snatch the only " Prisoner" feature.

Looking at this barbaric scene, Jerry Zaratul instinctively felt uncomfortable. He resisted the urge to fire an air bullet at the natives in front of him. He pretended to be frightened and backed away slowly with his hands on the ground. Far from the center of the absurd blood type farce.

After an unknown amount of time, as half a barrel of kerosene was poured on the three corpses stacked next to the fire, Jerry Zaratul cheered up and took a look, and found that the number of dead had doubled, and the number of new "prisoners" "The eyes were bloodshot, human skin tissue and hair were still left between the teeth, and the mouth was bright red.

The person in charge of the Gaspar Port, a mixed-race Southern Continent native named Leon, was yelling at the troubled indigenous compatriots. No one dared to resist the power of the "living corpse", so he had to beat and scold him.

Leon glanced at Jerry Zaratul, the only one who was not involved in the fight, stroking the blond curly hair inherited from his father Intis, and snorted angrily.

"The new leaves will be here soon, it's time to load them on the ship, and it's time to check them. Don't let me find out if anything goes wrong again!"

"Boss, can you..."

Before the native who had the courage to interject had finished speaking, a fist with a cold metallic light had already hit his face, making him dizzy and breaking two of his teeth.

"Damn it!"

"I'm thinking about sucking it before I even start working!"

"Why don't you pull out your intestines and suck them in!"

After scolding, Leon's huddled face relaxed a little.

"I'll leave some for you after I finish the work."

The natives cheered immediately. Jerry Zarath looked at the pure joy on each of their faces, raised the corners of his mouth and snorted.

The artillery roared, and the lead shells smashed into the sea, boiling the sea.

The deck of the "Blood Treasure Tree" bumped and shook violently with the waves. Just one calibrated shot from the battleship completely woke up the pirates who were intoxicated in the backward era and still relied on swords and brute force to fight.

Twenty minutes passed, and the distance of sixty-two nautical miles was reduced by half. With the support of a sealed artifact and the storm priest on board, the two pirate ships fell into the hands of the "Punishing Knight" without realizing it at all. palm.

Orders one after another swept from the deck of the second-class sailing battleship, like hurricanes, towards the sea stained red with blood and gunfire, forcefully suppressing the extraordinary power of both parties. For a moment, the curse weakened, and the dawn flickered and was close to extinguishing. It seemed that the situation had been decided, Loen The Navy's victory was assured.

The sound of grease being burned sizzled, and the irritated Senior roared. His sharp claws transformed into a werewolf, regardless of the enemy or friend, grabbed the two bodies and tore them into pieces.

He fired another scream at "Twilight Lieutenant General" Bulatov Ivan, and then quickly retreated from his position, using his little sense to suppress his bloodthirsty instinct, and returned to the altar of flesh and blood.

"Light the altar!"

He gave the order to the second officer without any secret, adding wood and materials to the altar while harvesting lives.

First Officer Gomora stopped the only "Guardian" on the battlefield. The body of the "Living Corpse" was easily torn apart by tendons with the Great Sword of Dawn, all relying on its strong vitality to delay it.

Under Senior's death order, a "werewolf" who believed in the "Mother Tree of Desire" took heavy steps and jumped into the flaming altar in confusion. As a sacrifice, he started the most blasphemous and depraved journey. ritual.

Several silhouettes of "demons" and "alien" with deformed and twisted bodies were hidden in the flowing wave of shadows. Ferocious blood-red sights were cast from all directions, adhering to the bottom of the altar made of bones and flesh and blood stumps. On top of the strange pattern that is a mixture of two holy emblem symbols with completely different symbolic meanings.

The octagonal altar emitted a rich purple-red light, and mud-like flesh and blood clung to and wrapped around a thigh bone, intertwining and growing into a thick arm.

The arm opened its deformed fingers, and with a snap, it was firmly clasped on the edge of the altar, as if it was dragging an extremely terrifying figure out of a space that was different from reality.

The dead body burned and melted, and the blood and water were molded by spiritual hands behind the "arms". The pieces of flesh turned into robes, and the bones turned into bodies. The shadows were draped over the shadow's head, like baptismal olive oil, pouring God's Grace gives the Holy Spirit, who descends from heaven and walks among the earth. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

"The resurgence of 'alien species' is prohibited here!"

The majestic and deep declaration resounded throughout the sea, and the altar burning with purple-black flames exploded. The "shadow" that was about to take shape bent down in pain and lowered its head. The spliced ​​flesh and bones fell like raindrops, and the body that should have been complete seemed to be in danger. A clay sculpture of water, with bright red mud constantly sliding off the surface.

Jax, who failed to descend, roared in pain, turned his head suddenly, and blasted a scream towards the source of the law.

Immediately afterwards, his body collapsed completely, and a slightly transparent figure appeared next to the altar at some point. His skin color was brown, the wrinkles on his face formed deep ravines, and his white hair was as sparse as autumn leaves. It seems to have lived for many, many years.

Thanks to the special ceremony, Jacks, who came in the form of a pure spirit body, ignored the support of "Admiral Blood" and aimed at the "Punishing Knight" on the bow of the second-level sailing battleship and pounced at high speed.

As long as the Luen people are stopped, he believes that Senior has the ability to deal with Bulatov Ivan.

"Kill them!"

"Blood sacrifice to the blood tree, soul sacrifice to the abyss!"

The two-meter-tall "werewolf" stepped on the deck and screamed loudly. The madness in his voice infected all the pirates who were addicted to the battle, no matter which side.

"Madman"'s ability overdrawn his judgment, leaving only the instinct of a creature. "Lieutenant General Dusk", who was fighting with all his strength, was too red-eyed to care too much.

As the battle reached its climax, neither of the two pirate generals noticed that two strange figures climbed out of the sea and climbed up along the side of the ship.

I am a miscellaneous fish, I am a miscellaneous fish, I have two thousand left to write tomorrow, I give up, I am a female brat...

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