

Will the youthful and mysterious boy meet the descendant of the Creator (pre-release extra)

  The red moon in the sky exudes a strange light. A monster covered in bruises, blood, and losing most of its skin opened its eyes, looking at the desolate land around it and the strange beasts wandering in the distance, and felt A moment of strangeness.

  I am... Tentacles that were so dark that they were almost illusory rose from a pool of blood filled with flesh and dark blue scales, and moved from the edge of the monster's field of vision to the center.

  "It" looked at what could barely be called a part of its forelimb, and its brain quickly threw out a few corresponding words. "It"'s subconscious told him that this was "its" hand.

  Fortunately, this eerie calm was soon broken.

  Ethereal, as if coming from an infinite height, yet as if it were very close at hand, the voice whispered ambiguously against the right ear of "it", and at the same time, a completely different kind of violent roar occupied the ear on the other side of "it", which was bone-deep. The pain made "it" feel like a steel needle was stirring its brain, trying to break the few remaining souls of "it" into pieces and put them back together again with unknown others.

  said the gentle voice.


  "Sea of ​​Chaos...YHWH..."

  This can only convey a gentle and emotional voice, inorganically repeating a few words, which seems to be an obsession engraved in its bones.

  The strong desire infected the monster, and the illusory tentacles instinctively hugged each other. The colorless air twisted around "its" body, revealing the irregular spiritual world hidden under the material surface.

  The seven brilliance entrenched high in the spiritual world crawl forward in the fog that has covered the wilderness for some time. They have just been born from the corpses of their predecessors. They have not yet had time to spread or record much in this dark age where wild beasts are rampant. They, who are things, feel the desire from the monster itself, which is so strong that they cannot resist, and they can no longer maintain the mimicry of human form.

  The pure light symbolizing knowledge flashed at a high frequency, and pieces of knowledge containing high-level pollution flew along the ubiquitous fog toward the worm in the center of the illusory tentacles.

  They merged into the fog of history and resonated with a vague blue-black light gate at the top of the spiritual world.

  Logic is confused, distance is stolen, secrets are revealed, will is fooled, and destiny is about to move towards a determined future...

  A stretch of gray and white buildings hidden in a wide ravine gradually covered the records of the steel forest. The huge concrete buildings easily crushed the flesh and blood bodies frozen in the street. It seemed that it only took a few seconds more. Its projection at a certain time point will be successfully included in history.

  However, the thunderous roar that was almost suppressed before suddenly broke through the shackles, and the figure condensed by ten thousand rays of light was like a soldering iron, mercilessly burning part of the monster's consciousness, invading the depths of "its" spiritual body with black and blue. The dyed part was pressed down.

  His majestic figure, holding the due majesty, spit out the "key" turned into words like a charity.

  "Zhou Mingrui."

  This ordinary name, which does not contain any mystical meaning, is like a world-destroying flood, flowing down from the end of the world, destroying the gray and white continuous projection, dispersing the boundless fog, and covering up the trembling worms that are emitting. , a gentle voice.

  With an unquestionable dictatorship, He used the most brutal methods to block the transmission of other sounds.

  YHWH, or "God", the most tyrannical tyrant stood in the ocean of spiritual imprints, rushing into the territory of the dark liquid with the dark blue "jewel" under his feet. The two currents quickly merged after a brief mutual repulsion. , the overbearing pusher merged each other into a whole.

  He stared at another figure that was similar to him, showing no joy, no sadness, no anger, no resentment, only biological instinctive rejection.

  The two looked at each other silently, and in tacit understanding, they dived into the already dark blue and dark chaos. In the "ocean" where black had the upper hand, a broken, weak and upright creature emerged.

  The self-contradictory worm monster has more sharp scales piercing its limbs and growing out. The illusory tentacles gradually become real. The smooth lower part where the silk threads are condensed has more round suction cups, which shrink with each breath. With.

  Somehow, "it" felt that it had grasped the true meaning of the intersection of time and space.

  On a time scale of thousands of years, the consciousness of mortals has suppressed the mania of elves in the corners of their personalities. The memories of hunting humans and drinking blood are cracked, revealing the complicated daily life.

  With the innocent monster crying like a baby, Zhou Mingrui opened his eyes.


  "A fool who does not belong to this era."

  "The great master who is farther than the distance."

  "Rooted in the ancient mystical gods."

  In a dark and humid grotto, a group of half-clothed creatures sat around. In front of a male human sculpture with long hair and sharp ears, they imitated Elvish language lamely, feeling more fearful than pious.

  The hemp ropes fixed to the roof swayed randomly under the influence of the wind, as if imitating the tentacles of some kind of sea creature.

  They caressed everyone's head, taking away half of the believer's spirituality equally.

  "Teacher, are we leaving here tomorrow?"

  A child with black hair carefully put the notebook made of tree bark into his arms, and boldly poked the person huddled on the flat stone slab with his finger.

  The shabby robe turned over as the tentacles twisted. In the grotto separated by the wall, the hemp rope fluttering in the wind peeled off the earth-colored turf and peeled off into countless silk threads. The illusory darkness blended into the night, far away from the believers below. The scalp is less than one centimeter.

  "The undead spirits from the east are getting closer and closer. I have a hunch that there may be bad changes when the sun rises for the second time."

  "Teacher, aren't you afraid of the Lord of the Underworld...I mean, Gray, Gray Carrie?"

  The black-haired little boy, Roman, boldly looked at a tentacle extending from under his robe, which one was thicker than the long oval limb or his own thigh. His light blue eyes were filled with innocence and curiosity.

  "Haha, I'm not afraid of Him, and He can't kill me, but many things will become very troublesome when encountering Him. The strong cohesive force may also attract the madman Fregra, the vulture full of corpse odor, and Stupid wolf with shrunken cerebellum... It's unfortunate. I've been in a bad mood recently, and I don't want to run into anyone." Zhou Mingrui's stern face didn't waver much, and the whole face looked like a wax figure that had melted a little and was directly stuck to the skull, " Divination, divination, the most important thing is to avoid unlucky things and don't let yourself feel unlucky. Although you are an 'apprentice', divination is also one of the skills you must master. Only with good luck and correct travel planning can you Known as a qualified 'traveler'."

  When Roman heard Zhou Mingrui say that he was "in a bad mood", he immediately retracted his hand like an electric shock.

  He nodded thoughtfully, pretending to take the notebook out of his arms again, and looked at the crooked words in the notebook, the content only staying on his retina.

  "What about the people outside?"

  "Didn't you say that the mental state of your own believers, whom you haven't had close contact with for a long time, has been getting worse?"

  Playing with a bone handle that was dark blue and almost black, with some red stains in his hand, Zhou Mingrui raised his head, turned his eyes to the stone wall, and thought about this issue very seriously.

  "Secret Puppet."

  "What?" Roman almost thought he heard wrong.

  "Turn them into secret puppets. Secret puppets can also provide anchors. There are also my believers in other places. Although most of them worship because of the unknown authority symbolized by the name of the 'God of Mysteries', they basically worship It's a small tribe of mainly humans, and they can't unify the image associated with this name. It's better than nothing in my attempt to stabilize my spirit, but it still has little impact."

  "The conflict between Fregra and Kvasitun has almost reached an irreconcilable point. The fate of both of them has an obvious dead line. After their battle is over, I might try to accept it. One person's legacy, then the number of anchors will not matter."

  Zhou Mingrui stood up straight, holding the power in his right hand tightly. The bone product as long as an adult's arm seemed to be solidified with a storm, and lightning jumped out from time to time.

  The people who worshiped devoutly in the grotto suddenly felt an overwhelming fear, and they all knelt on the ground, trembling all over, and relaxed their hearts.

  The illusory threads stretched out from the hemp ropes gently touched their heads and shoulders.

  After a long time, these people raised their heads. Nothing happened, only their eyes were stained with darkness.

  At an infinite height, a cloud of gray mist grafted nearly a thousand spiritual threads from Zhou Mingrui's hands, connecting them with other densely packed threads that almost covered the sky.


  "...After the conflict with the 'God of Death' Greykari, the 'God of Mystery' who was forced to separate from the 'natural disaster' characteristics, the consciousness belonging to the previous 'Lord of Mystery' within the body accelerated its recovery, 'God' can no longer exercise any effective influence over Him."

  "However, since the 'natural disaster' characteristics and the 'Servant of Mystery' have been in a state of fusion for three hundred years, part of the spiritual imprint belonging to 'God' still remains in the body of the 'God of Mystery'. This is reasonable."

  "The remnants of this part of consciousness will guide him and the remnants of the 'natural disaster' in his hands, and interact with the agents of 'God', such as going to Levished or..."

  On the thick pale stone slab, a huge front paw stopped writing.

  A huge stone pillar of nearly 100 meters stood, with a long lizard-like monster parked above it.

  He squatted on the top of the stone pillar, just like a hill. His body was only covered with huge scales like gray-white stone, and his eyes were pale golden and vertical.

  On the long and narrow face of this giant dragon, there is obviously a hesitation that does not belong to him.

  But soon, this hesitation disappeared without a trace, and the huge dragon suddenly let out a painful roar.

  The top of his head became dark, and an ocean that contained all colors and secrets that could not be described in words emerged.

  This color that should not exist in the world flashed by, taking away his memory about this change and the period before and after. The paw that had stopped moved quickly, crossed out the first few characters, and re-wrote:

  "The carrier of 'mystery' and the agent of 'god' are about to meet, right at the edge of Fregla's territory."


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Old Stories about the God of Mystery: Meeting Him

  The man in black clergy robes narrowed his eyes at the same time.

  The projection opposite him has turned into a huge mysterious vortex formed by twisted worms. They extend transparent tentacles all around, and a storm condenses in the center. Just seeing it will make people lose their minds and go crazy.

  But the thin researcher did not feel any fear. A monocle made of crystal appeared out of thin air in the orbit of his narrowed right eye.

  As he reached out and pushed up the monocle, a distant bell also sounded in the wilderness.

  It seems to have traveled through a long history, slowing down everything around it, including the surging worm vortex.

  In mid-air, patches of darkness were punctured, revealing a huge wall clock carved from stone.

  As soon as this mottled clock appeared, everything covered by its shadow lost its original time and entered early aging.

  The worm whirlpool, whose thoughts were almost stagnant, struggled to speed up, and an illusory and unreal mask emerged in the center, with two black holes revealing a humanistic demeanor.

  The crackling silver in the center of the vortex stopped jumping and quickly reorganized to form a picture that was similar but different from the surface of the wall clock.

  Three transparent worms serve as hands, and the body surface is dyed with golden links, turning crazily in the opposite direction to the surface of the wall clock.


  The two bells sounded like resonance, and the order of time was temporarily suspended, giving up thinking.

  It didn't know whose instructions it should listen to!


  In the echo, the tide-like darkness stopped flowing, and the shadow of the ancient clock and the worm vortex simultaneously changed back to human form.

  Zhou Mingrui tilted his head, holding a cartoon toy in the shape of a black-haired child in his hand, and warily focused his eyes on the depraved aura at the researcher's feet and the monocle that had just melted into the shadow.

  "I haven't seen you?"

  "Are you the new 'bug'?"

  "Are you the master of Source Castle?" The researcher did not answer the question from Zhou Mingrui. He looked at the green-black light door opposite containing a great aura similar to his and covered with human skin with interest, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

  The term Source Castle suddenly popped into his mind the moment he saw Zhou Mingrui. It was a new thing he had never known before. At the same time, there was hatred and hostility from unknown sources.

  However, this dead obsession did not affect him much.

  The pure and innocent characteristics of the "sun" helped him easily resist negative emotions, and the authority of the "fall" also appropriately shared the thoughts that did not belong to him. Only the uniqueness of the "mistake" that was being herded made a little noise, seeming to be excited. , and seemed to be asking for help, trying to attract the attention of Qingheiguangmen.

  "Sea of ​​Chaos..." A word also appeared in Zhou Mingrui's mind.

  However, this term had already been deeply ingrained in his mind after he met the king of dragons - Angelweed, and it did not have much impact on him.

  Another new monster created by the Sea of ​​Chaos?

  The different mysterious patterns in his eyes changed their order crazily, trying to deconstruct the reality under the disguise of the researcher's human form.

  However, no matter how hard the "Decryption Scholar" and the "Star Key" worked hard, Zhou Mingrui still saw a blank about the researcher's past and origins.

  The other party was like a fantasy creature that suddenly appeared out of thin air. He had just been fabricated by the Creator and encountered Him.

  "I guess you must be curious about my origins?" The researcher spread his hands to show that he was not hostile. "And I guess you must not have discovered anything."

  He took a step forward and showed himself openly.

  But Zhou Mingrui didn't appreciate his attempt to be friendly, and instead became more wary.

  "You made me feel in danger." Zhou Mingrui hugged the toys and power in his arms tightly, thick outlines were drawn under his robe, and the transparent black tentacles dragged on the ground, turning the wilderness of the main film into a misty Zeguo.

  "You are very similar to Angelweed, and you are also similar to Sunya Solem."

  "Who are you?"

  "Me?" the researcher said with a smile. The answer was stuck on his lips as soon as it came to his lips.

  He doubted himself for a moment, then decisively continued to smile and laugh.

  "I'm from Chernobyl and was a researcher there."

  "Of course, you can also call me 'The Sun' or 'The Hanged Man'. According to the view of the creatures on this land, I should be regarded as a god in these two aspects, just like other non-human ancient gods."

  Chernobyl? Zhou Mingrui slowly opened his eyes.

  He remembered the cement coffin used to bury nuclear radiation, and had also seen its entity in the Great Rift Valley on the border of the Giant Kingdom.

  It is filled with a stomach-churning smell and is a monster-free cavity, with few creatures wandering near the rift.

  Even he spent countless marionettes and historical projections before he could barely understand that in addition to the ruins of Chernobyl under the rift, there might be other sources of matter opposite to the Source Castle that bound him, suspected of being Chaos. Haiyuan quality.

  There was no emotion on his waxy face. After chewing on the answer from the researcher for a while, Zhou Mingrui relaxed the hand holding the handle and retracted the other hand holding the toy.

  "I can give this to you." He showed the researcher the items made from "natural disasters", "But I need you to explain to me, what is a non-human ancient god?"

  The researcher didn't even glance at the "natural disaster".

  "I didn't get any help from you, why did you give me something?"

  "Just answer a question, no cost."

  He explained what he had just said.

  "I just woke up not long ago. If I remember correctly, there doesn't seem to be a single human being called the Ancient God in this land, right?"

  "If you follow your logic, I am not a human being." Zhou Mingrui's face showed a rare change that could be called an expression. He frowned, "Although not all ancient gods were once human beings, the giants , vampires, elves, alien species, as far as I know, their gods were more or less related to humans at the beginning."

  "Sunia Solem even comes from the same land as me."

  He had sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​​​the giants, visited the court of the "tyrant" who tried to bring him back, had transactions with the vampires, and personally confirmed some histories that disappointed him. He would not be able to mention these sad facts much again. Fluctuations.

  "So that's it?" The researcher's pure golden eyes showed a thoughtful look.

  He struggled for a moment and then came up with an idea.

  "It seems that there is a problem with my preconceived judgment. UU read www.uukanshhu.net"

  He looked at his feet, then at Zhou Mingrui opposite who was obviously wary of him, and suddenly said:

  "Your condition is not good. Are you interested in joining an experiment to stabilize your condition?"


  Zhou Mingrui couldn't understand what he said.

  "That's right." The researcher stretched out his hand, no longer excited about any extraordinary power before, it was just a simple act, "You said you were once a human being, my authority... I mean 'The Hanged Man' One of the abilities is that you cannot use your words to separate this part, so you should be telling the truth."

  "And you had a funny reaction when I mentioned I was from Chernobyl."

  "All the ancient gods and their subordinates know about that ruins." Zhou Mingrui said with a sullen face, and the tentacles raised under his robe had vague signs of forming a whirlpool again.

  "But they definitely don't know the name Chernobyl, let alone its meaning." The researcher shrugged very relaxedly.

  He looked at Zhou Mingrui with eyes full of joy, as if he was sure that his idea would definitely come true, and there was no possibility of accidents.

  "I was a researcher at Chernobyl who fell underground during the disaster, and I think you know what that means."

  "I thought maybe you had a similar experience to me."

  "I wanted to create a country that you would definitely be familiar with."

  The researcher ignored the vortex of worms that was about to move, and without a doubt grabbed Zhou Mingrui's grip. Before he had time to transform his palm into a tentacle, he pulled him out of the fog.

  His pure eyes, shining with the light of pure ideals, extended the invitation.

  "Are you coming?"

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