
Chapter 4

I'm hungry, so very hungry. I had brought all the guys' bodies into the basement of the loan shark's house or, I guess, my house.

I needed somewhere to drop em, and some of them even had some cyberware in em, so I could probably get a decent price for these bastards at some scavs.

Which means I'd need to talk to Padre soon.

Let's hope Pepe doesn't need me to jump around or give more than what I've already given him. There are other fixers in the city, and after clearing these fucks out, I'm sure to have at least gotten a bit more cred in Night City.

Funnily enough, in the basement, there were more paper eddies, at least ten grand, which was damn good money. I shoved it all in my pocket dimension. Didn't want to risk anyone robbing my place while I was gone.

I made my way up the stairs and out the front door. I did what was asked of me, and now it was time to collect.

It didn't take me more than a few minutes to return to Coyote Cojo. I opened the door, getting similar stares to the first time I was here, and once again, I ignored them as I made my way over to the barkeep.

Pepe looked up from the drink he was pouring before focusing back on his initial task. He handed the drink to the guy beside me before leaning closer to the counter.

"Job done?"

"I wouldn't have come back if it wasn't."

Pepe grinned at that, grabbing another cup and pouring me another drink. He slid it over to me, his grin growing just a bit as I picked it up and sipped.

"Good man."

I gave him a quick, appreciative nod, but we both knew his praise wasn't what I was here for.

"Padre?" I asked, and he gestured his head to the side of the bar.

A perk of the All-Seeing Eyes of God is that it lets me see better. It is way better than anyone can see without the greatest cyberware, and even then, I'd say I have them beat. I also can't be deceived by any illusion, even a divine one. Even more than that, it allows me to discern people's identities. Allowing me to learn someone's true name with just a glance.

And in the corner of the bar, had I not recognized his face, I most certainly recognized his name.

Sebastian Ibarra. Aka, Padre.

I gave Pepe a nod, picking up my glass, and getting up, making my way to the man who was meeting my gaze with his own.

He hadn't been there before I came; I knew that much because I had looked around the place. He chose to show himself now, perhaps by hearing Pepe out.

Let's hope I'm in his good graces.

I stopped once I reached his booth. There were two men on either side of him, and I could tell everyone in the bar was looking at us now. He had this place on lock, he ran this shit, and I wouldn't do anything to test that authority of his.

"Sit." He ordered…kindly, almost grandfatherly, and I followed his order, sitting at the opposite end of his booth. Both of his men were now standing right behind me.

"It's…good to meet you, finally, Padre."

"I'm surprised someone…unknown is looking for me. Is there something you need, young man?" He asked, but I could hear the hidden question in his tone.

'Are we going to have a problem?'

"There is." I nodded, taking a sip of my drink. "Lookin' for a fixer, and I there ain't one better than you."

"Flattery will get you nowhere." Padre smiled, relaxing his body and taking a long sip of his glass. "You've dealt with Malcolm and helped Pepe; that alone earns you a chance."

So Malcolm was the name of the loan shark? Doesn't matter. The dead tell no tales, after all. People die when they are killed and all that.

"That's good to hear, but a chance?" I questioned, a bit concerned that I still needed to prove myself. "I have no problems sticking my head to the dogs for your trust, but ain't taking out that loan shark enough?"

Padre chuckled at my words before waving his hand in front of him. "They were nothing special. Had you not, I was just about to send someone to clear them out."

"Okay, so what do you need me to do?" I asked, leaning forward. I was already willing to work for him and didn't plan on failing. Another job isn't a problem.

"Scavs. A group of them managed to cart off one of my boys. He's likely dead." Padre paused, closing his eyes momentarily and sending a silent prayer with the father, son, and holy spirit gesture. He reopened his eyes, and I could see why this man was one of the biggest names in Night City. "They will pay dearly for that. Flatline them, and bring me my choom's tech, clear?" He slid me some glasses, and I picked them up and put them on.

The information became clear to me. Location, how many there were, their names. All I needed to know to finish this mission and more.

"Crystal," I said, standing up from my seat. I downed the rest of the drink and returned to Pepe. I placed the empty glass on the counter, and before leaving, he gave me some parting words.

"Don't get flatlined."

I gave him a nod, not bothering to turn around as I went to the door and out. I had another job today, and I still hadn't eaten. This shit sucks, but all legend's beginnings typically do.

— Later —

"Pretty shit place." I let out a tired sigh as my stomach growled. I was fucking hungry, and my mind was weary. Food and sleep were all I wanted right now.

With that thought in mind, I activated Zetsu to conserve as much energy as possible and provide myself with the stealth necessary to complete this job.

There were two guys standing outside the front door, and the door was open. Good. I can work with this.

As I got closer, I realized that above them was a camera. I had no cyberware to hack it. Stealth…wasn't an option; right now, I am fully organic.

I aimed my gun at one of them and pulled the trigger. He dropped like a fly; the other one quickly went on alert, but another shot shut him up-,

Or at least he should have. He ate the bullet to the head like I had punched him instead of shot him. He turned to me, and as he did, I put another charged bullet into his eye, this one having the desired effect as he dropped dead.

I ran to the door, running inside before they could do some detrimental shit like close it and start the infiltration process. I didn't know where anyone was in there, and I didn't know the layout. On top of that, I had no cyberware or armor. I was at a disadvantage here, and the only thing that helped me was my Zetsu and Inverted Spear of Heaven.

I went to turn a corner but peeked around it first to see two guys and a girl, all on alert. The guy furthest from me had a pretty nice shotgun, while the girl had a pistol, and the other guy didn't look armed. With my Zetsu active, they couldn't hope to see me.

I drew my blade and held my gun ready as one of the guys grew closer and closer to my position. Upon reaching me, I slammed my blade into his neck, quickly spinning to put a bullet in the woman's head and then another in the other guy's head. They both dropped to the ground, and I pulled my dagger out of the shitty scav's neck. As an act of mercy, one he most likely didn't deserve, I put one last bullet in his head, ending his life.

I didn't sense anyone around, but just in case, I switched my nen from Zetsu back to Ten. I let the aura shroud around me and form a protective barrier in case anyone wanted to get trigger-happy and sneak up on me.

I made my way over to the middle of the room, where there was a body of a Hispanic man that was cut open. It was a disgusting sight; his guts were spilled out, and it looked like he was missing organs. Both of his eyes were missing as well.

There was a clear case beside him that held bloody cyberware. I'm guessing this is what I came for.

I walked back to the bodies of the three on the inside and started searching them. Scrounging up a couple of thousand paper eddies from the three of them. I grabbed the shotgun from the guy's corpse and threw it into my pocket dimension, along with the woman's pistol. I really needed to learn how to hack so I could take these bastards' funds in their cyber accounts.

I walked back to the guy's body, grabbed the case of his cyberware, and made my way out. Padre would surely send some guys over to pick up his body and the scavs, so I won't concern myself with them.

Upon getting outside, I put down the case of cyberware and looted the other two bodies before picking it up and rushing back to the bar.

— Later —

I tiredly entered the bar, still carrying the case. I didn't know why he wanted me to bring it in here, but I'm guessing he had his reasons. I made my way over to his booth and met his eye as I approached.

"Job's done."

"You made it back." He said, pausing to look over my body. "Unharmed."

"They weren't much," I admitted with a shrug, placing the case down in front of him. He tilted the case toward him, taking a look inside and grimacing. He reached into his pocket and, pulled out some paper eddies and slid them to me.

"You've done good work. Take this and get chromed up. You won't survive long without cyberware."

"Got it." I nodded, getting up. "We'll be in touch, right?"

"Come back here whenever you get chromed up; we'll talk about a… long-term plan."

"Thanks, Padre." I grinned, walking away and out of the bar.

The job was done, and I wasn't in any real rush…which means it's time to eat! I started jogging toward the nearest vending machine I could and bought as many burritos as I could before running back to my first house.

Just as I reached the apartment, I recalled that I still had corpses in the other house's basement. What a fucking waste. Their bodies would likely be useless by tomorrow. I should have asked Padre about it, but I fucking forgot.

A damn shame.

I'll just dump 'em tomorrow night.

I threw myself on my chair, turned on the TV, and started munching all while watching the news. Some shit was going down in Santo Domingo right now. NCPD vs some gang and the gang was getting their fucking asses handed to them.

Sucks to suck I guess.

The burritos tasted like shit, but they filled me up, so they'd do, but I knew my stomach would be screaming later.

Eventually, I finished all the ones I had bought, and I felt relatively full. I reached into my pocket dimension and pulled out the shotgun I had got. I didn't recognize it, but I knew it looked damn nice. Holo sights on it were perfect. Preem, if you will.

I tossed the shotgun back into my pocket dimension and let out a tired yawn. I made my way to the bedroom, opened the mini fridge and drank myself a beer as I sat down on the bed. The sheets were stripped from it because…fuck that, I don't want his semen-infested sheets anywhere near me!

I laid my head down, and mere moments after doing so, sweet unconsciousness welcomed me.

— Chapter End —

Beta Reader: Uncle Forz

Up to Ch.17 on Patreon. Link in the Synopsis.

Kakukamicreators' thoughts
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