
Chapter 7: Quandaries and Clues

Istanbul, Turkey, 17 February 1990, afternoon 

The team gathered in the small, windowless room, their faces illuminated by the glow of the computer screens. They had been working for days, poring over the clues they had accumulated, but the pieces of the puzzle were still stubbornly refusing to fit together. 

"Let's review what we know," Maxine began, her voice steady and focused. "Pyotr Rozagin is the target of the plot. He had an intimate encounter with Isabelle, who is connected to Canan Furat. Canan, in turn, has had contact with unknown individuals in Moscow and Alma-Ata. Since we suspect that there might be a blackmail plot going on, it's possible that incriminating photographs were taken during Pyotr's night with Isabelle. The question is, how do we find the photographer?" 

Maxine thought for a moment before continuing. "Based on what we know about blackmail plots," she continued, "the photographer must have submitted the photos to someone who intends to use them for blackmail. They wouldn't have the power to carry out the blackmail themselves. We'd better identify this third party, the recipient of the incriminating photos." 

The team nodded in agreement, and they began analyzing their existing leads. They knew that time was of the essence, as the criminals might already be in the process of executing their plan. 

"Let's focus on Isabelle first," Maxine suggested. "We need to locate her apartment. And perhaps get more data, maybe a last name. Also, Isabelle might not be her real name." 

Xavier LeFeber spoke up. "Isabelle is known to Canan Furat. How about we examine Canan further? Maybe we could try breaking into her house or office? Check her phone records again? Follow her around? Or just arrest and interrogate her?" 

Maxine considered the options. Breaking in would be too risky. Arresting Canan was also out of the question, because they had no strong evidence of her involvement. 

"I guess we're back to checking phone numbers again…" Maxine sighed. "This time, do a local search. Remember that list from before, where we found info on contact with Alma-Ata and Moscow? There are local calls too, there. Let's find out who Canan's local contacts are." 

Maxine's decision to avoid risky maneuvers and focus on a more discreet approach seemed like the best course of action. The team diligently combed through the phone records once again, this time narrowing their search to local calls made by Canan Furat. They hoped to discover potential local contacts that could lead them to Isabelle's whereabouts or the mysterious photographer. 

As they delved into the call data, patterns began to emerge. Several recurring local numbers caught their attention. 

"A lot of chatter with foreigners," Maxine commented. "Why didn't I think of that before? Isabelle is French. Canan can speak Russian and English with Pyotr. She must be well-known in Istanbul's expat circles!" 

The revelation of Canan's ties to the city's expatriate community provided a pivotal breakthrough. Maxine recognized that within these circles, they might find leads to Isabelle or, crucially, the enigmatic photographer. 

New details were obtained. Canan was known to help foreigners get accommodation in Istanbul through her business, a rental agency. Maxine remembered. Perhaps Isabelle's apartment! 

"I think Fredrika Juvanen could pay a visit to Canan's rental agency," Maxine said, her eyes gleaming with determination. "As a Finnish journalist looking to do a story on the exhibition about medieval Turkish art from Soviet lands in Istanbul, she might be looking for an apartment to stay near the museum." 

Fredrika Juvanen was Maxine Remington's alter ego, a clever disguise she had used previously to approach Pyotr Rozagin in Moscow and Istanbul. Her identity as a journalist allowed her to gain access to people and places without raising suspicion. "It's a long shot," she admitted, "but it's worth a try." 

With her cover in place, Fredrika Juvanen walked into Canan Furat's rental agency, putting on her best journalist persona. She greeted Canan with a warm smile, hoping to gain her trust. 

"Hi, I'm Fredrika Juvanen, a journalist from Helsinki. I'm here to do a story on the exhibition of medieval Turkish art from Soviet lands at the museum. I'll be staying in Istanbul for a few weeks, and I'm looking for an apartment to rent," Maxine spoke in her best Finnish accent. 

Canan, always eager to assist foreigners, welcomed Fredrika Juvanen with a friendly smile. "Oh, that's fantastic! I can definitely help you find a suitable apartment near the museum. We have some great options for short-term rentals. Let me show you what we have available." 

Maxine nodded appreciatively, following Canan as she led her around the office, presenting different apartment choices. While they discussed the apartments, Maxine kept her ears open for any mention of Isabelle or any unusual activities related to the rental process. She also took careful notes about the location of each apartment. 

An idea emerged in Maxine's mind. Photographs. 

"I will be taking a lot of photographs of the exhibition," Maxine began, "Photography is my passion. I'll be taking pictures of artefacts, but actually my favorite photo object is home and apartment interiors." She threw the idea around, hoping Canan would take the bait. 

Canan's eyes sparkled with interest. "Oh, that's wonderful! Photographing home and apartment interiors can be a fascinating project. It allows you to capture the essence of the city through its living spaces. If you need any assistance in finding apartments with unique and photogenic interiors, I'd be more than happy to help." 

Fredrika smiled, inwardly pleased that her plan was working. "That would be fantastic," she replied. "I'm always on the lookout for interesting locations to photograph. It's essential to find spaces with character and charm to add depth to my photography. Do you have any apartments in mind that you think might be suitable?" 

Canan considered for a moment before mentioning a couple of apartments that she thought might be of interest to Fredrika. As she described them, Fredrika paid close attention, subtly trying to gather any information that might be relevant to their investigation. 

"Thanks for the suggestions so far! I'll decide on one of them later, Ms. Furat," Fredrika said. She tried a different tack. "By the way, By the way, I couldn't remember all the apartments you have suggested to me. Do you happen to have a full list of them?" 

Canan nodded with a smile, "Of course, I have the details of all the apartments right here." She turned to her computer and opened a file. She printed the file and gave the printouts to Fredrika. 

"Thank you, Ms. Furat. Now I must leave. I'll contact you later if I have decided," Fredrika, Maxine in disguise, said goodbye to Canan Furat, a potential clue in hand. 

Back at her base, Maxine showed the list to the team. "This is the list of all apartments in Canan Furat's rental agency," she said. "I know it's a lot, but maybe we can find what we're looking for here." 

The team gathered around the list of apartments, each member taking turns to study the details. As they combed through the list, Maxine instructed the team to look for any apartments that had been rented around the time of Isabelle's encounter with Pyotr Rozagin. She also told them to imagine what kind of apartment might be used for a secret liaison, which can be photographed. 

The team narrowed down their search, and they began cross-referencing the apartment details with the other information they had gathered. They eliminated apartments that were too far from the museum or outside of the city. 

The team scrutinized the remaining apartments, attempting to determine which ones might be suitable for a clandestine meeting that might have been captured on camera. They took into account factors such as the size of the apartment and whether it offered a degree of seclusion that would be conducive to such an encounter. 

"Also, imagine you're a snooping photographer," Maxine suggested. "What aspects of the apartment would help you to take pictures of people's activities in it?" 

The team took Maxine's advice and put themselves in the shoes of a snooping photographer. They analyzed the remaining apartments from a different perspective, looking for aspects that could facilitate taking incriminating photographs without being noticed. 

They noted that some of the apartments had large windows with a direct view of the living areas, providing an opportunity for someone outside to take pictures without being detected. Additionally, they looked for apartments with balconies or rooftops nearby that could serve as vantage points for a photographer to capture images discreetly. 

Another factor they considered was the level of security in each apartment building. If an apartment complex had lax security measures, it could provide easier access for a photographer to enter and leave unnoticed. 

As they went through the list, one particular apartment caught their attention. It was a penthouse apartment with large floor-to-ceiling windows offering stunning views of the city. 

"This apartment appears to be a good target for a nosy photographer," Maxine noted. "The large windows would provide an excellent opportunity for someone to take photos from outside the building. Additionally, it is a penthouse at the top of a building, which means people inside might feel secure enough to leave their curtains open." 

The team agreed that the penthouse apartment was a significant lead. They speculated that the photographer might have used the vantage point of an adjacent building or rooftop to capture incriminating photographs of Pyotr Rozagin and Isabelle without being noticed. The large floor-to-ceiling windows would have provided an unobstructed view of the apartment's interior. 

"We should investigate the buildings surrounding the penthouse," Maxine suggested. "Look for any signs of surveillance equipment, unusual activities, or individuals who might have been monitoring the apartment." 



Istanbul, Turkey, 18 February 1990, morning 

Maxine returned to Canan Furat's rental agency, still in disguise as Finnish journalist Fredrika Juvanen. She expressed her interest in the penthouse, as well as some others, as decoy. However, as the conversation continued, she noticed that Canan seemed to be subtly trying to steer her away from the penthouse. The penthouse itself was not among the apartments Canan had suggested earlier. 

Maxine took note of this subtle attempt to push her away from the penthouse. It raised her suspicion further. 

"You're right, the penthouse does sound stunning," Maxine replied. "But there's something about the penthouse that intrigues me. I'd really like to see it in person and get a feel for the atmosphere there." 

Canan tried to hide her unease, but Maxine could tell that she was becoming uncomfortable with the insistence. 

"I understand your curiosity," Canan said, "but there have been some maintenance issues with the penthouse recently. I wouldn't want you to be inconvenienced during your stay. Perhaps one of the other apartments would be more suitable for you." 

Maxine pretended to consider Canan's words while inwardly growing more convinced that there was something suspicious about the penthouse. She decided to push a little further. 

"I don't mind a few maintenance issues," Maxine said with a smile. "As a journalist, I'm used to adapting to different environments. Besides, I'm drawn to unique places with character, and the penthouse sounds like it fits the bill." 

"I must insist on visiting the penthouse," Maxine said firmly. "If it's unavailable, I understand, but I won't be satisfied until I've seen it with my own eyes." 

Faced with Maxine's tenacity, Canan, though visibly uneasy, finally relented to her request. "Very well, I'll make arrangements for you to visit the penthouse," she relented, a hint of reluctance lingering in her voice. "But I must warn you, it's not currently in the best condition." 

Maxine thanked Canan for her cooperation and made arrangements to visit the penthouse the next day. She knew that she needed to be cautious during the visit and look for any signs that might confirm their suspicions about the photographer or other individuals involved in the plot. 



Istanbul, Turkey, 19 February 1990, morning 

On the appointed day, Canan found herself besieged by an urgent call from a British businessman, insistent on finding accommodations in Istanbul. Peculiarly, the businessman repeatedly requested Canan's personal attention, dangling the allure of enhanced remuneration. Succumbing to the entreaties, Canan agreed to meet the potential client and assigned her assistant to accompany "Fredrika Juvanen" to the penthouse. 

The day progressed with Canan's attentions consumed by the British businessman, unbeknownst that he was actually Maxine's colleague Lloyd Gannis, his mission to divert Canan's scrutiny away from the pivotal investigation. 

The moment Maxine stepped into the penthouse, her eyes were drawn to the stunning view of the Bosphorus through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The soft breeze from the open windows gently rustled the curtains, and the distant sounds of the bustling city below created a comforting hum. However, Maxine noticed that the penthouse apartment seemed like it had been vacated in a hurry. There was a half-empty glass of wine left on the coffee table, a disheveled bed with crumpled sheets, and a forgotten scarf draped over the back of a chair. 

Outside the apartment, Maxine's team members XL and Ashur, disguised as maintenance workers, were discreetly surveying the surrounding area. Wearing a hidden communication device, Maxine deliberately talked a lot about the penthouse's interior, relaying info like "I can see the Bosphorus from this window" and "So this is the bedroom" to her team outside. She also lingered for some time in front of each large window, knowing that she had instructed her team to try to take photos of her inside the penthouse. 

As she moved through the space, Maxine cleverly posed questions to Canan's assistant, disguised as a casual inquiry. "By the way," Maxine inquired with an air of nonchalance, "any idea who occupied this penthouse before?" 

The assistant hesitated for a moment before responding, "I believe the previous tenant was a foreign woman. She stayed here for a short period, but she left quite abruptly just yesterday. I'm not sure of her name, but I can check the rental records for more details." 

"That would be helpful," Maxine replied, trying to keep her voice neutral. "I'm always interested in the history of the places I photograph. Any information you can provide would be valuable." 

The assistant went to check the rental records, leaving Maxine alone for a moment. During this brief moment, Maxine sent a discreet message through her communication device to the team outside. She relayed the information about the previous tenant being a foreign woman and asked them to look for any clues or connections related to this information. 

When the assistant returned, she had a puzzled expression on her face. "I couldn't find any detailed information about the previous tenant," she admitted. "It seems like the rental was arranged privately between her and Ms. Furat. There are no specific details in the records." 

Maxine thanked the assistant for checking and tried to hide her disappointment. She continued to explore the penthouse, taking mental notes of the layout and any potential hiding spots where a photographer could have taken incriminating photographs. 

"I hope you don't mind me asking," Maxine said to the assistant, "but do you happen to know why the previous tenant left? I'm just curious if there was anything specific that made her decide to leave so suddenly." 

The assistant hesitated for a moment, not wanting to reveal too much information. However, Fredrika Juvanen's friendly and curious demeanor put her at ease, and she decided to share what she knew. 

"I'm not sure what happened," the assistant said. "Ms. Furat told me that the previous tenant left yesterday, but she didn't say why. It seemed like something urgent came up, and she had to leave in a hurry. She might have left some of her things behind."

Maxine nodded, acting as if she understood the situation. "I see, it must have been quite sudden. I hope everything is okay with her," she replied sympathetically. "It's always interesting to learn about the stories behind the places we stay in. You never know what kind of history a place holds." 

As she continued to explore the penthouse, Maxine carefully looked for any personal belongings left behind by the previous tenant. She knew that any trace of Isabelle or the photographer could be a crucial clue. While pretending to admire the penthouse's decor, she discreetly inspected the rooms for any signs of the previous tenant. 

"I don't suppose you happen to know if the previous tenant left any forwarding address or contact information?" Maxine asked the assistant, her curiosity well-masked by a friendly smile. "I'd be glad to return any belongings she may have forgotten." 

The assistant paused for a moment. "Ms. Furat might have that information in her files," she said. "I can check if there's a way to contact her for you." 

"That would be great," Maxine said, maintaining her friendly demeanor. "I'll be happy to return anything she might have left behind. It's the right thing to do." 

After a few moments, the assistant returned. "I'm sorry, but I can't find anything. You could ask Ms. Furat yourself if you want to." 

After spending some more time exploring the penthouse and chatting with the assistant, Maxine wrapped up her visit. She thanked the assistant for her help and assured her that she would be in touch regarding her decision. 

Back at the team's base, Maxine shared the information they had gathered so far. The team conscientiously reviewed the information they had gathered from their visit to the penthouse and Canan Furat's rental agency. 

"Here's a picture of you," XL showed a freshly developed picture of Maxine, taken from a place outside the penthouse, through one of the large windows, showing a clear shot of Maxine while she was in the penthouse's bedroom. "I think I can use it to extort you," he joked. 

Maxine chuckled at her team member's joke but quickly returned to the seriousness of the situation. "I discovered that the previous tenant is a foreign woman, and she left abruptly. The assistant knows nothing about her. Says her boss arranged the rent privately. Something's going on here." 

"I think Canan prefers to work that way," said Lloyd, who had posed as the British businessman to keep Canan occupied all day. "After spending the day touring luxury apartments in Istanbul with her, I got the impression that she's more interested in personal connections than formalities." 

Maxine nodded in agreement. "It seems that Canan prefers to handle things personally and keeps some information off the record. It's a part of her strategy to maintain control and discretion. But this also means that there might be more to the story than what we currently know." 

"We need to find out more about this mysterious foreign woman who rented the penthouse," Maxine continued. "She could be Isabelle." 

Ashur reported. "I spoke with a few people who live in the neighborhood," the team member said. "They confirmed that a foreign woman matching Isabelle's description did stay in the penthouse for some time," the team member said. "However, no one seems to know much about her. She kept to herself and didn't interact much with the neighbors or anyone else in the building. They didn't know her name. But they mentioned she's a redhead who often wears makeup. People noticed her leaving in a hurry yesterday, but no one knows where she went." 

Maxine's mind buzzed with the newly acquired information about the elusive foreign woman, a puzzle piece that fell into place. "Red hair, makeup," she pondered aloud. "Doesn't it ring a bell? The woman in the museum footage, with her bold lipstick. I recall someone mentioning she could be either blonde or redhead." The memory of the lipstick stain on Rozagin's shirt collar that very morning added to her suspicion. 

The team members nodded in agreement, their eyes narrowing. They saw the connection Maxine had made. The description of the mysterious foreign woman staying in the penthouse did match the woman they had seen in the museum camera footage with Pyotr Rozagin. 

"It's highly likely that the woman in the museum footage is indeed the same person who rented the penthouse," Val Pulgram said. "But we still need concrete evidence to confirm it." 

Maxine nodded. "You're right. We need to find a way to link this woman to Isabelle and the photographer. We should also try to identify her real name and any other relevant information that might help us unravel the whole plot." 

However, Maxine thought, they still have no clue about the photographer. And the blackmail plot might still be underway… 


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