
Chapter 349: I Should Do That Too

So now how to fell this thing? Ares had been working on a super secret art here and there but he'd never tried it and couldn't guarantee it would work or even be remotely effective. He could, alternatively, just keep chucking Perish Wheels at this thing, regain his mana by killing the other monsters, and then chuck some more but Ares figured that such a method would not end up resulting in the death of this giant foe any time soon. Big Game Hunter might be useful here but Ares didn't think that would kill it either even if it was good for poking it a bit and wearing down its bodily structure in various places. Maybe he could Big Game Hunter to destroy the tentacles like what Rox did against the krakyrn before. Then again, Ares had no idea what breaking the tentacles would even realistically accomplish because he had zero clue what this Scylla could do in combat. What arts could it use, what affiliations did it have, were those two glaives treasures and did they have any special effects?... There were too many questions to ask Geordie and Hunter right now as they were already taking matters into their own hands and setting up defences for the laser beam whenever that arrived. Ares didn't want to be an obnoxious pest and start buzzing around them for information so he figured he might as well just go into this semi blind. He did still have his Omniscience so if anything magical was going to come his way he'd likely see it in advance and be able to react accordingly. Ares was still the biggest fish here, despite killing the Scylla being a real tough task that would take some time if he had to do it one on one, so he was fine to go about this however he felt was right after dealing with the laser as he could overcome whatever adversity came his way. Ares did sort of wish he could have a duel with the Scylla out in the middle of the ocean somewhere. Fighting it for a couple of days as they exchanged blows and ravaged the ocean until one titan felled the other... Maybe next time Ares found an unreasonably large kaiju type monster he could get his wish. By then he'd probably have Garmr too so it would be a real epic showdown.

Ares felt a surge of mana gathering in one spot so it looked like the aforementioned laser was about to make an appearance. Originally Ares had assumed the laser would just come from the mouth of the monster but it seemed like it was that beating red heart that was going to be the origin of the beam. The Scylla was funnelling mana into it via the tentacles which had curled upwards and all collectively gathered in one spot, acting like energy rods to fuel this art. This thing was going to pack a powerful punch and could maybe even rival, if not beat, a perish wheel after being charged for ten seconds. Sure this thing was at the peak of transition realm, and so it had an advantage over Ares in that regard, but that was still pretty incredible given that very few people could challenge Ares to a destruction-off and even come close to winning. This thing really was in a league of its own down here in Sheryashka, at least as far as Ares knew, but now he was really starting to wonder how this thing came to be.

Surely Scylla's like this weren't just born out in the wild? What really tipped Ares off to this monster being strange, though, was that his bloodline didn't work on it. Specifically the animal language translator one. He couldn't understand a single thing this Scylla had been humming all this while. Sure it could have just been melodic background noise but it seemed to be communicating with the other monsters, somehow, and Ares could hear those just fine, so Ares wasn't sold on the idea that it wasn't yet speaking. There was something very off about this monster but thankfully it seemed like Dominus had an inkling as he just muttered the name 'Sevorus' to himself and said little else. Dominus had mentioned this name before as the guy who might have been responsible for strange happenings in Sheryashka and that would align with the fact that this monster was an oddity. It was clearly a far superior being to literally anything else capable of being born in this domain, human or otherwise. This Sevorus guy, if he really was responsible, had basically dropped a tiger into a nursery and let it run wild. Now the question was, 'is this guy just seeing how much destruction it can cause in a lower domain or was he seriously trying to rear this thing?' Either way this was a pretty terrible prank and, worse still, this was technically the second time this happened! Why was Sheryashka a dumping ground for baby monstrosities?! First the mecha dryad from Serene and now this? Were there any other higher domain horrors lurking around?! Well, there was the giant Venator in Akarala... Sheryashka had seriously gotten incredibly unlucky with regards to going unnoticed by upper domain cultivators as it had failed miserably in that regard. Hell that one fifth of the scroll had also been found, presumably, somewhere in Sheryashka by the C.O so that was yet another ridiculously dangerous location to add to the list. Then there was also Dominus' Celestial Cluster treasure mansion... Sheryashka might honestly be cursed...

Ares thought things over for a little while as he waited up in the sky for this laser attack to finish charging. According to Geordie the laser beam from the Scylla was only supposed to take ten seconds but it seemed to be charging up for longer? Maybe it sensed Ares was a very real threat and wanted to evaporate him without leaving a trace. It had been staring at him for a long time now so maybe this creature was highly intelligent and could sense something was wrong. It had always pestered the Federation, in a bid to get it to stop coming around here, but it had never seen a person with an aura as ancient and destructive as its own. If it really had been born in the upper domains then it would naturally have a wealth of experience seeing experts with far greater cultivations than just this and, yet, it was Ares that worried it the most and so there was no pulling punches when it came to removing him from the equation. This was unfortunate news for Geordie who was wishing Ares would just disappear! If he was going to make the Scylla go berserk, or do an attack even he'd never seen before, then Ares was welcome to get lost! Of course it wasn't strictly his fault, there was no predicting this because nobody have ever seen this before, but Geordie was still convinced the laser couldn't be 100% stopped so it becoming even more deadly was utterly atrocious news.

Twenty seconds of charging later and it looked like the Scylla was finally ready to fire the laser so Ares stepped through the air to position himself directly in front of it and, for the first time ever, openly pulled out the Primordial Blade. Everything with a pulse turned to look at the immeasurably powerful aura that just appeared out of thin air because it was something that even effortlessly dwarfed both Ares and the Scylla combined. The monsters looking was one thing, and not a problem because they were just dumb monsters, but the real issue was that everybody aboard the Federation also saw this. Though most were wary of trying to fight somebody wielding a weapon of this calibre, somebody who was literally flying on the front lines of a war and about to take on a gigantic laser bean, there were some absolute idiots who were salivating at the thought of owning this thing. People wanting Ares' Blade was going to be a very common occurrence, he figured as this wasn't even the first time this had happened since leaving Red Sun, but openly swinging it around like he was about to would only serve to exacerbate that issue big time. Still, what needed doing needed to be done. Ares handed over control of his body, magic, and pressure to Dominus and he made his presence known with a few shoulder rotations to loosen up his stiff soul. It was an incredibly strange sensation having been immobile for weeks on end and then being thrust into a perfectly energetic body with stamina to spare. His head felt sluggish each and every time even though the body was in tip top shape and he felt like a walking oxymoron who was simultaneously drained and pumped.

Dominus looked at the Scylla one more time, before it fired, and kissed his teeth, seemingly annoyed about something regarding this monster's origins, but said nothing and just let it be. It seemed his thoughts about who brought this thing here were correct and that there was probably more to the story but Ares figured he could ask another time if it was a big deal. It really was inconvenient trying to communicate with this damn revenant because whoever wasn't in control had a hard time making their voice heard. Dominus could go on a long rant here about what was up with the Scylla but he was choosing not to and was taking this all very seriously for some reason. Ares would just have to wait for bloodline awakening to ask him properly to explain what he knew. Anyway, for now, he seemed to be focused. This was a good sign as it meant that Dominus wasn't going to try and do anything silly like take on the Scylla as an apprentice mid fight and teach it new tricks. It was a monster, not a puppy! Well, to Dominus, it probably didn't matter and was all the same regardless. He was undaunted by the Scylla normally let alone with this weapon in his hand.

Dominus was so pleased with the weapon, in fact, that just looking at it wiped the loaded frown of his face entirely and it was replaced with a fierce smile. Either this guy's mood changed like the weather, which was ironic because a downpour of red rain had literally just appeared as an omen for the death laser, or he was just in a fantastic mood. Ares assumed it was both because he was sliding his palm across the sheathe rather tenderly but, honestly, Ares wasn't too taken aback by this behaviour. Dominus, during his training with Sadie and Rox, had told them to treat weapons like beautiful women. Now that could mean just about anything, especially for Sadie who didn't swing that way, but Dominus never clarified his intentions and felt it was better to be oblique in his teachings most of the time. Anyway, right now, the Blade must have been the most beautiful women this horndog had ever damn well seen because the caressing was getting oddly sensual! Don't do that in my body, pervert! Ares' words fell on deaf ears and it seemed like Dominus wanted to go even further and, metaphorically speaking, 'undress' the Blade to get a real good look at it. This was where a line had to be drawn though because unsheathing that damn weapon might actually put Ares right on death's door! Dominus could play with this 'woman' when he was older! He needed to let Ares get some more cultivation in him first before this was a manageable experience.

Thankfully, to this promise, Dominus did listen... Even though he was kissing his teeth and begrudgingly restraining himself. This was Ares' body so he didn't care! Unsheathing the sword and swinging it even just once... Dominus was convinced he could split this entire ocean from here to the nearest landmass with one hand behind his back even in this weak body. Put simply, this was the greatest sword ever. Even his own legacy treasure sword, that was basically tailor made for him, simply couldn't compare... Actually, speaking of his sword, and even the rest of his legacy treasures, he would have to guide Ares to them someday. The Moonlit Armory was every revenant's wet dream as it was a collection of basically every single weapon in existence with each and every single one of them having an entire shrunken moon embedded deeply into it. Moons were a revenant's best friend and could drastically amplify their performance so Ares getting his paws on this stuff would be fantastic for taking his weapon mastery to new heights. Also, there were a pair of spiked gauntlets in there that Garmr would do God only knows what with. It's not like that divine wolf needed anything else really but, at this point, Dominus just thought it would be funny to make Garmr as strong as humanly possible. He was curious to see if the word 'limit' existed in Garmr's vocabulary. Probably not but Dominus would get a good, irresponsible chuckle out of watching that thing just keep getting stronger and more and more impossible to ever beat.

Dominus gripped the Blade's handle in his right hand and slowly lifted it until it was pointing straight into the air. Even just this raising of his arm was enough to slice a small line directly through the red mist above his head and reveal a ray of sunshine that illuminated him as though he were centre stage. Show-off... But, still, it was even more imposing than the Scylla's charging beam and so he'd already won the aesthetic war big time. Not that either him or the monster cared about such a thing, it was the clash of attacks that they were interested in and they were finally about to get a result on that front. The Scylla roared its non-existent lungs out in a way that was both hoarse and melodic simultaneously, like two overlapping voices, and its heart pulsed. This pulse affected everything nearby, causing all the boats, humans, and monsters to temporarily become distorted and hazy before reverting back to normal. That pump of the heart was enough to alter reality for a split second and was the starting point for the laser beam as a reddish swirl appeared in front of the heart. It grew progressively larger and larger until it was about the size of three of Ares' Yggdrasils stacked on top of one another. This thing was seriously a catastrophe waiting to happen and even Geordie seemed flummoxed back on the Federation. He wasn't aware that just doubling the charging time could more than triple the size of the attack and he was thanking his lucky stars the beast had never seen a reason to use this version of the attack before... But now that raised a question... Why not? It could have been rid of the Federation a long time ago so why didn't it do this? Better yet, now that Geordie thought about it, this monster never gave chase when the Federation finally retreated during their encounters...

Anyway, the beam's origin was fully formed and so a dark red flash of light signalled the extension of it outwards. The beam shot forth, towards Dominus, at ludicrous speeds but Dominus, with Omniscience, could never be blindsided by such an attack. It was a blitz but Dominus had seen worse attacks fired from baby monsters where he came from. This was child's play and he made it look as such by casually dropping his raised arm and taking a lazy swing that almost made the eyes of everyone watching pop out of their skulls. Was this man insane?! Standing in front of a country rending attack and just lazily swinging a sword!? Sure the sword looked powerful but there must have been a limit to what it was capable of if the wielder wasn't taking things seriously?! But little did they know that this swing was something widely considered by weapon exemplars everywhere to be the 'perfect' swing. There was no resistance in the air, no wasted movement, no ounce of strength left unused, no deviation in direction.... It was just pure perfection... Somewhat. Dominus couldn't replicate the feat. that he was actually one of the first to ever do, in this body; it would take thousands more years until Ares' body could handle such a thing. The technique was too hard for mortals, or people close to it, so Dominus was just going to have to make do with an imperfect version instead. Make no mistake though, this was a mighty swing. Hypothetically, if a mortal could do a perfect swing, even with a plain iron sword, they could cut a moon in half in one of the lower domains.

There existed a point of mastery wherein technique was more important than just brute forcing and this was usually where cultivators split. Those who used swords up until that point, either because they thought it was fun or because they acknowledged its lethality as a weapon of death dealing, would have to make a choice. Give up on weapons and use their fists or continue training diligently. Even people who were considered talented sword masters up until that specific point had to give up when they saw how difficult sword mastery could truly get. It was like a whole new world but, to be fair, that was true of every weapon. Every weapon had a cut-off point wherein people who weren't talented, or weren't willing to spend tens of thousands of years practicing a basic swing due to their lack of dedication, would just hit a wall. A wall that was arguably tougher than even the laser beam a hair's breadth away from Dominus and, yet, he'd cut cleanly through both and never even seen either as a problem.

The giant laser had paused the second the sword hit it and, though it took a couple of seconds, as though it were slowly realising it had just been cut, it was eventually cleaved down the middle and expanded outwards instantaneously. Rather than split the beam and have it fire off in harmless directions, Dominus had actually outright nuked the thing and broken it. The beam exploded because it was hit with enough energy and so it blew up sideways as going forwards passed Dominus simply wasn't an option. The middle of the beam, where the sword swing had cleared a a path, was completely calm, like the eye of a storm, but to either side was a raging, flat vortex of pure red that spread through the air and rumbled across the ocean. A good chunk of monsters were caught up in this hellish explosion and died the second it touched their skin, if they even had any, leading to portion of the army dying before the fight had even really begun. The torn-asunder beam kept blowing up for miles and, about a minute later, nobody could even see it anymore as it trailed off beyond the horizon. The crazy part was that such a powerful attack didn't even really belong come from the Scylla. It launched the beam originally but everything that came after was a calculated result of Dominus' actions so that sideways exploding red mist was actually his own doing. He could have easily cut the entire of the beam, turning it into nothing more than harmless red dust floating in the wind, but he went the extra mile to display a 'perfect' swing and reap the lives of some extra monsters. He wasn't doing it for Ares, or for the Federation, it was just a personal choice to enjoy his freedom just that tiny bit extra. As always, these lower domains weren't anything other than a game for Dominus and Ares was glad to have someone that competent around. He was a very convenient solution to most enemy-related problems that Ares didn't always have an answer for.

Possession of his body was returned to Ares, as Dominus was feeling weary after such a large attack, and he immediately almost fell out of the sky. He was able to fix himself in due time by sacrificing a fish to his Converter but that was seriously a close call! He'd been expecting backlash but this one was more significant than he though it would be. It must have been Dominus exhausting his body and, surprisingly, not the Blade. Even Ares could swing the Blade around here and there and not suffer like this so it must have been that carefree punk's fault instead. Some people still had a war to fight out here! Well Ares would be fine anyway. He took one of Allie's stamina restoration pills as a cautionary measure but, even then, it felt like overkill. He really wanted to kill this Scylla, though, so he was going all in! He would even consider using a Canis Stimulant if the need arose so he really did mean business here. Garmr could kill this thing, because realistically what couldn't Garmr kill? But Ares would still rather save the Stimulant in case he really needed it to save his life during an emergency. Using it to earn a trophy, in the form of this thing's head, felt like overkill and a complete waste so he would only really consider doing that as a last resort!

The Scylla roared once more, seemingly annoyed that Ares wasn't dead but, in all fairness, everyone was shocked at that. The people on the Federation were gobsmacked and most were standing around with their jaws dropped because this person floating in the sky, apparently, was just as dangerous as the giant monster opposite him! There was something truly odd about the size discrepancy between Ares and the monster not matching the predicted outcome but they were glad to have the tiny, comparatively, man on their side! If he could beat that thing then they would be happy to worship the ground he walked on for saving their lives, they didn't much care about the fact that many people had seen him acting like a weirdo earlier in the week! Geordie and Hunter were about to breathe a sigh of relief and move onto step two, fighting the monsters down below with the cannons, but it seemed the Scylla was going to pull out all the stops today in light of Ares.

The laser was just one of many attacks it knew, plenty of which Geordie had never seen before, so this monster was going to be using way more arts this time around compared to usual. Was Ares a blessing or a curse?! Only time would tell but Geordie figured it was best to leave him to his own devices. This was clearly a realm that he and Hunter could no longer participate in so he turned his attention elsewhere and begun sending out orders for the cannons to start firing now that the monsters were in range. As he was doing so, behind him the Scylla had raised its glaives high into the reddened sky above its head and was slowly twirling them. The bright red veins left a trail in the air with every rotation of the gradually speeding up glaives and the air was growing thick and heavy. The clouds overhead became even darker and the pouring rain intensified as it appeared the Scylla was launching another major attack, one that was making its grand debut for the first time and taking Geordie by surprise. The glaives had become imperceptible now, as they were spinning too fast to be seen with the naked eye, but more concerning were the portals opening up above them. The war was really kicking off now and Ares was going to have really put in a lot of effort to keep up with the pace this monster was setting. Everyone waited with baited breaths to see what was going to descend through those portals in the sky but the result was not a pleasant one. Geordie froze for a moment but instantly leapt back into action and left the quarterdeck quickly so as to position himself on the front lines and start raising multiple earthen defences. Amidst the storm wetting his swaying hair and pushing back against him, he leant forward and puffed up his chest while roaring to propel his voice across the entire Federation.


'Impact' was perhaps the under-exaggeration of the century as what was heading in their direction was a catastrophe of epic proportions. A meteor storm of demonic, ashen, building-sized rocks was being regurgitated through the each of the two portals and spat right at them. There was simply no way of defending against all of this so the Federation was about to be shaken to its core and the amount of people who would die from this was going to be impossible to count. Bodies would not be found after whatever this attack was as the sheer destruction it wrought was going to become a stain on this country's record for all eternity. This monster had single-handedly brought about doomsday, Armageddon made manifest, and was preparing itself to keep launching more and more attacks. It was decided, Ares was a damn curse after all! He'd angered this bizarre alien and now it was directing all of its wrath in the Federation's general direction as punishment. He'd better pull his own weight!... Although, for some strange reason, he was just floating in the air and staring at the incoming meteor storm... Now was not a good time to be impressed damn it! Unbeknownst to Geordie, however, now was the perfect time for Ares to be impressed actually. It was usually when Ares felt respect, pressured, or jealousy, that he really put in the most effort and right now was no different. As for which one of those three was driving him to a new feat of ingenuity, it would be the latter. He was asking himself a very simple question right now, one that would no doubt change the tide of this fight as soon as he answered it. Why don't I have a meteor storm art like that?

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