

He stares at Roman with a hint of annoyance and he feels a pang of remorse as he sighs and nods his head. He speaks in a calm tone and his face remains neutral, not wanting to show too much of his feelings.

"I went to go apologize to her in fact I wanted to see if she would hear me out before I apologized but now..." He pauses and he looks at the ground, "You know just what exactly happened now"

As he sees the remorse in his eyes and the fact that he seems genuinely sorry for his actions, he feels his heart soften up a bit as well. He feels like he's being a bit too harsh on him right now, but he still needs to have a serious talk with him about not taking all these things that involve her lightly anymore. He speaks kindly but sternly at the same time.

"I'm glad you wanna apologize to her, I really am, but the least you could have done was call or text me to let me know that you were going there."

He nods his head at that and it's true that he could have but he wasn't thinking straight. He just wanted to act on what he had thought of without thinking of the consequences of it. But there was a part of him that didn't really want to involve Roman in this, and he feels a tiny bit of guilt that he didn't involve him.

"You're right, I should have said something to you... But I wasn't thinking straight. I was just trying to apologize and explain things to her."

He sighs and he shakes his head softly as he looks over at him. He can't help but feel a bit frustrated at how he was just going in with no plan in mind, but he realizes that he can't stay mad at his younger brother for long. He speaks to him softly and he places his hand on his shoulder.

"I know, but next time, I think it's for the best that you let me know so that I know where you're about to be and can make sure that everything is fine. Okay?"

He sighs and nods his head in agreement and he looks up at his brother with a serious look on his face now and a slight hint of a smile on his lips.

He is actually glad that his brother wasn't staying mad at him for so long and instead just telling him to let him know next time. He replies, "I'll make sure to do that next time. Thank you...and I'm sorry."

He smiles softly at him as he sees the hint of the smile on his lips. He feels like now, the situation with him isn't as bad as it was before and he doesn't have much to fret about, now all he had to focus on was Megan getting better and making sure whoever shot her died.



Megan slept in his arms after he had the nurse he hired to take care of her cleaned the bandages. It had been a week since the incident and he had been tracking down who had dared to try to hurt his brother and shoot his love. He didn't like knowing whoever hurt her was still out there ready to possibly do it again.

He wanted to see blood for the blood that she lost. He wanted to make sure the person lost his hands and would never be able to hurt her again.

He holds her close to himself and he kisses the top of her head. They're both wrapped in the blankets and he is more protective of her now and didn't trust anyone around her. 

As he looked at her sleeping face It felt like they could stay this way forever and he wouldn't mind it at all. He holds her even tighter as he whispers at her.

"I'm always gonna take care of you, no matter what. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you ever again, I promise you."

Megan slowly opens her eyes. "It was an accident. I wasn't meant to get shot, don't feel guilty."

He looks down at her and he smiles softly as he speaks to her in a soothing and calm tone.

"I know it wasn't, but that doesn't change that you got hurt that badly. You could've died just because you were trying to help that idiot of a brother of mine. You risked your life just so that he could live, and I'd be more worried if you didn't think that a big deal."

"You love Apollo and he is your brother...If I had a choice I'd save him again because I know how much you love him."

He looks at her with a soft smile on his face as she says that. Despite the fact that she's so selfless, he can't help but feel proud of her for being so compassionate. He nods his head and he whispers to her.

"I know you would've done the same thing if it was anyone else, but you need to take care of yourself as well. You need to value your life too, you hear me?"

She nods hugging him. "Okay, just don't be mad at Apollo cause it's not his fault too."

He sighs and he shakes his head as his facial expression softens again. He smiles softly at her and he nods his head. "Yeah, I won't be mad at him anymore. I mean after all, he is my brother, so it's not like I could stay mad at him forever, right?"

She nods but her thoughts are on how to fix her situation with Apollo. She just didn't like how things were between them.

"I think Apollo and I have to talk...I don't know why I get the feeling he doesn't want you and me to be together." She says finally admitting it to Roman.

When she brings up the possibility of his brother not wanting them to be together, a serious expression comes across his face and his eyebrows narrow. He looks down at her with a concerned look on his face as he gently places his hand on her forehead. He whispers in a soft but serious tone.

"Why do you think that? Did he say something to make you think that?"

She didn't know if she should tell him but Megan didn't want to keep secrets from him any more. "Remember when you and I had our big fight over what happened at the gala with your friend Jack?"

When she mentions the party with Jack, he remembers exactly what she was referring to and he feels a small amount of guilt creep up to him as he realizes that she remembers what he said to her at that time. He nods his head as he whispers to her in a soft but serious tone.

"Yeah, I remember that, what about it?"

"You and I almost broke up that time and Apollo showed up at my house and asked me if I'd forgive you...when I said yes...He got mad at me and told me I shouldn't get back with you..." She could tell he was getting pissed off. Things were gonna blow.

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