
Chapter 57: Companion Like Behavior

Room 21, Roadside Motel, Baltiney, New York...

 Soft snoring filled the roadside motel room as a still-slumbering Dean Hudson continued to indulge in sleep following the events of Ken Ryker leaving him during the storm, he'd been so exhausted following their series of spirited romps that he had been out cold the entire time never knowing that Ken had left his bed at all. The lad had looked to have been quite comfortable nuzzling his nose against Ken's usual pillow with his pale bare ass in the air and his body curled in the wake of his passing out. He'd been rightly enjoying his dreams when a firm right hand saw an end to it all smacking across his exposed pale ass and jolting him awake much to the shock of the formerly slumbering lad as he scrambled amid the sheets and turned his attention to a highly amused and visibly high Ken Ryker who'd been laughing at his reaction. 

Dean narrowed his eyes at him and growled in annoyance. 

"Asshole," he muttered still groggy and annoyed. "Did you have to smack my ass like that?"

Ken smirked. 

"Would you have preferred I slide my big dick in it?" he asked with an arched brow.

Dean rolled his eyes and gripped the bed sheet bringing it to his chest in a huff. He had been enjoying his dreams for once and Ken had to go and spoil it in true "Ken" fashion. 

"Thought you might like to know I stopped off and got you something to eat and even had the presence of mind to get you a chocolate milkshake in the process," said Ken presenting the newly acquired meal and shake to Dean at the table. 

Upon hearing this Dean seemed to perk up. 

"I...how did you know that chocolate was my favorite?" he asked with an arched brow this time around. 

"You talk in your sleep," remarked Ken turning his attention to discarding his shirt and shoes before taking off his suit slacks. "I saw the way you were looking at it on the menu when we went out to eat so I figured you'd want one, no big deal."

Dean had been almost near tears given the gesture and here Ken was telling him it was no big deal. 

Chocolate milkshakes had been the only good thing about Dean's childhood and the only fond memories of his mother and Bushwah that he had to cling to. When he'd been younger and well before she decided to bail on him, she used to make him chocolate milkshakes and even let him assist in making a few. This of course had been when she wasn't strung out or felt guilty about something done to him or in front of him but it was the only time she'd been any sort of mother for Dean at all. 

 The lad had cherished those memories and they had helped to sustain him on even his darkest of days back in the trailer park and at school when he'd been used as a punching bag. He'd gotten old enough to make them on his own or managed to scrape together some money to buy one at the local malt shop but only on special occasions, which had been mostly on the worst days ever. 

Dean slowly climbed off the bed, his flaccid pink cock slapping between his pasty thighs as his slender figure moved toward the table and the chocolate milkshake he'd been alerted to. Just as he grabbed the container and attempted to get the straw in Ken wrapped his arms around his waist and pressed his groin against the lad's exposed pale ass making him moan in the wake of the close contact of Ken's boxer-covered body against his own naked form. 

"Mmmmm." moaned Dean leaning back against Ken's bare chest and into his powerful embrace. 

"Not so fast Joyboy, where's Daddy's kiss?" asked Ken leaning toward Dean's mouth to capture his lips from the odd angle. 

His towering height had been impressive even then to the naked younger lad whose messy peroxide blond pixie cut left a lot to be desired upon awakening. Dean could already tell that Ken had been aroused given how thick his cock had been while tenting the front of his boxers, and despite his protests upon awakening he had been excited to see him awake and once more his old self after the strangeness during the storm. 

"Ken..." whined Dean just wanting his food and milkshake for the time being. "It's gonna melt and be gross by the time you're done fucking me."

Ken smirked and allowed Dean to reach his prize but only after a heated kiss between the two of them. The older man once more smacked the naked lad across his pale ass and made his way toward the edge of the bed after grabbing a burger from the large white bag that had been on the table. 

"You can enjoy your precious milkshake crybaby, but once we're done eating, that tight little pussy is mine," growled Ken in annoyance. 

Dean smirked as he sat in the armchair his cock folded over his thigh and tore into his burger and scooped up a couple of fries. He had been delighted to get a sip of his chocolate milkshake and all of the good feelings and fondness he had for it seemed to return in a rush. It was strange to note that Ken had been responsible for most of his good feelings in recent times. Be it when they had sex or when they'd been simply hanging about enjoying each other's company.

Ken finished off his burger in record time and downed his soda as Dean continued eating his food. Growing bored of the silence Ken turned his attention to the television and leaned back on the bed with one arm folded behind his head and his right knee bent along the bed as he stared at the box across the room. He'd been semi-focused on the news channel and occasionally turned his attention to Dean watching to see if he'd finished eating as the massive tent in his dark blue boxer shorts remained visible. 

Dean enjoyed the remainder of his meal, occasionally glancing at the television as Ken flipped through channels. The lad finished off his meal in record time and slowly made his way toward the bed where a half-asleep Ken had still been staring at the television. The lad smiled as he climbed onto the bed and straddled Ken's waist still flattered that he'd brought him a chocolate milkshake in the first place. 

Feeling the added weight, Ken turned his attention to Dean who slowly ran his fingers along Ken's bare chest noting the sparse chest hairs and the onset of a five o'clock shadow. 

"You know you look awful sexy when you pout." Dean teased as Ken's rough hands gripped his waist. 

The two of them shared a few soft kisses as Ken eventually came around to indulging the naked younger lad who had been on top of him and more than ready for anything due to the nature of his pink cock already being hard as it rested against Ken's belly. 

"Think you're cute wise ass?" asked Ken with an arched brow. 

Dean treated the older man to a mischievous smirk as Ken reached up and ran a free hand through the lad's messy blond locks and stroked his smooth face just as Dean leaned into his touch closing his eyes in the wake of the intimate sensation. 

"You know this is our last day in this here fine establishment," said Ken looking up at Dean who seemed to have been caught off guard by what he said. 

"What?" the lad asked briefly coming to his senses. 

"You heard me, this is our last day here week's up remember," remarked Ken in something of a casual tone. 

Dean had nearly forgotten that their time at the roadside motel had been over and felt a bit out of sorts about it, it had been the first and only place that felt like any sort of home to him since meeting Ken. He did not know what to say and the expression on his face was so sad that Ken smirked as he pulled him into a heated kiss. 

"You ain't got to be so upset baby, you're comin' home with me remember?" he reminded Dean. "We just got a few ground rules to go over and it's no big deal."

"Ground rules?" asked Dean with an arched brow as he rest against Ken's body their bare chests pressing as Ken's rough hands gripped the lad's exposed pale ass. 

"Yeah, for starters, to qualify for the position at my company you need to be in school, now I don't know how you operate as far as other people being in your face about things but making less cause for their conversation is definitely the way to go," Ken explained. "And of course, the other thing that should go without saying, in public I got a lot of eyes on me as it is so, don't be surprised if I go along as if we ain't fucking as far as the public is concerned they don't need to know damn thing just know at home that tight pussy of yours is gonna get a workout you know what I mean?"

Dean nodded understanding. 

He had not thought much about what people would say concerning his relationship of sorts with Ken once they'd been in public but he had not wished to cause him any undo scandal nor himself for that matter. He wasn't much for scrutiny beforehand, but he knew what public bullying could be like for anyone. 

"If anyone asks you're my new personal assistant." continued Ken. "They don't gotta know how personal just that you'll be practically joined at my hip unless you're at school."

Dean seemed to get what Ken was saying and kissed him on the lips. It was kind of surreal to know that he'd be living with him. In a real house and not some motel room. 

"I'll take you shopping after dinner and get you some more clothes, maybe even teach you how to drive yourself to school just try and keep your nose clean and stay out of trouble at least in public, the last thing I need is for the old bat to get wind of you and me and have me committed." Ken further explained. "She'll look for any excuse to lock me away and tell everyone that I've lost my mind, she still ain't forgiven me for something I can't even remember like taking her actual son away from her, shit I barely even remember the accident and she never lets me forget that I don't exactly live up to her golden boy's image."

"Old bat?" asked Dean with a confused expression on his face. 

"My so-called mother," Ken replied. "She's old fashioned and old money so to speak and she won't hesitate to cart me off if it means pumping me so full of drugs that I can't think straight, now I'm all for a good party but that place is hell on earth."

Dean didn't seem to like the sound of that. 

"She doesn't seem very nice," he said observing Ken's reaction to his mother's past attempts to commit him. 

"Oh she's plenty nice to everyone except me, she calls me "the imposter" and longs to get her "real son" back," admitted Ken rather bitterly. "Anyway it's all gonna be fine if you must be careful around her, she doesn't need to know anything about you that you don't volunteer and she damn sure doesn't need to know about our arrangement."

Dean had been impressed that Ken's mother had still been alive given his age but he had been reminded of his own mother briefly and how he seemed to have been just as much of a disappointment to her as Ken's mother had believed him to be. 

"My mom bailed on me when I was little," he said finally acknowledging what he'd tried to keep silent for years. "She left me with a piece of shit that wasn't even my real father, Clint Hudson...as it turned out, he was a pimp and she was forced into working for him after he'd fed her drugs and spent most of his time beating her into submission....bastard did something similar to me when she wasn't around."

Ken looked at Dean for a few moments noting the tears swelling up behind his sorrowful blue eyes. 

"Shit....that's some pretty fucked up story kid." said the older man reaching up and wiping the tears from Dean's pale cheek as they continued their slow cascade. 

"He was...my first," said Dean with a good deal of shame as he attempted to look away from Ken who pulled him into another kiss. "All I remember was how much it hurt, feeling his dick going in my small ass and how much I wanted him to stop."

"Fuck that's some pretty heavy shit to deal with," said Ken trying not to show how visibly affected he'd been. "I'm sorry that happened to you."

Dean treated him to a sad smile. 

"I'm sorry your mother is so mean to you," he replied softly. 

The two of them shared a series of soft kisses just as Ken maneuvered Dean onto his back in the middle of the motel bed. The lad whimpered as Ken's rough hand wrapped around his bare cock and his hips bucked into the sensation of the older man's touch. 

"You're mine now baby," said Ken his voice riddled with lust as he slowly moved to tower above the younger naked lad. "And I'm the only man to claim your tight pussy so that's all that matters."

Dean once more treated him to a sad smile as Ken parted the lad's legs and fitted himself between the pasty thighs he'd become accustomed to. Their frequent kissing intensified as their mutual arousal began to get the better of them.

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