
Fixing up an issue

The ceremony came and went and soon the five year prefects began showing Connor and his classmates the way to the common room.

Connor tried to pay as much attention as possible as he walked trying to memorize the place, but at the same time he was getting stuck on the most little things, the way the portraits moved, the ghost, Fat Friar who came with them all the way to the common room, everything was so magical.

It didn't take them a lot of time to arrive to the common room where professor Sprout was waiting for them with a smile as she began to speak.

"First years, welcome, I know that others might see you as a weakling because of your house but you ought to remember a couple of things, firstly you are hardworking and patient, those are the qualities of the most powerful wizards and secondly houses will never tell if someone is smart, strong or powerful, there has been as many powerful wizards from hufflepuff as there has been from any other houses and if anyone tells you differently then they are just lying, you have to know your worth:" Professor sprout spoke proudly of her house showing just how much she cared about the students in it.

Most of the students clapped including Connor who didn't want to feel left out.

"To all of you, classes will start in two days, on monday, so meanwhile explore Hogwarts, it is probably the most magical place many of you will get to see, so try to look into the mysteries, the prefects will guide you to your classes for the first two weeks, after that be careful to arrive on time, as I have nothing left to say you may go to your dorms, as you will see the dorm that has your name is the dorm you will have for the rest of your stay in hogwarts."

All of them headed out and went to sleep but before he could get to his room he saw an annoyance, well who was he lying to, he saw his friend waiting for him.

"Hey mate!" Cedric said cheerfully "I will lead you to the great hall tomorrow wait for me ok?"

Connor only nodded in reply and went to inspect his dorm.

As it turns out it was quite spacious and it already had Connor's trunk in it so it must be work from the house elves.

He had a mission before going to bed, yes he was tired but he needed to do one thing, first he took a quill and left it on his bed.

Then he, without a wand, said "Wingardium leviosa" and with his stretch out finger he began to make the feather float without a problem, now came the difficult part.

Connor stopped the spell and grabbed his wand he pointed at the quill and once again said "Wingardium leviosa" casting the spell but this time, his first time casting a spell with a wand, besides feeling even easier screw up his control as even the bed started to rise up even though he didn't intend on it.

'Yeah this days I have to get that fixed'


The next day Connor woke up and got ready for what he guessed would be the most tedious day of his stay at Hogwarts. 

He started by getting a shower and putting on some clothes and then went outside to the common room only to see Cedric waiting for him, grinning at him.

"Took you long enough to reach here." Cedric tried to tease him.

"Are you sure you are not a slytherin I mean you must have other friends, but you still hang around a first year, that's suspicious" Connor tried to tease him back

"As if you were a normal first year, you are on par in theory with most third years" Cedric said acting offended.

"But not with you?" He said trying to understand how good was Cedric with magic

"You will find that I'm better than others"

"Are you sure you are not a ravenclaw"

"As if you were on to talk firstie, come follow me to the great hall."


The two of them had breakfast together and then Connor excused himself and went to fix his issue to the only room he knew he could practice spells in. 

The room of requirements.

It took him a little bit to find the specific painting that was next to the room but after that he began to think

'I need a room where I can practice magic, I need a room where I can practice magic, I need a room where I can practice magic.'

And as he thought he walked through the wall, once, twice and finally on the third time a door appeared.

He quickly entered, not wanting anybody to see him and was shocked at what the room had conjured for him.

There were some dummies, a place to practice some specific charms like 'incendio' or 'reparo' and finally there were some materials to be transfigured.

Finally he got to work.


It took him two days to be able to do it but he barely, could control the output of his magic through his wand, even though it was much easier casting spells, he was so accustomed to casting wandlles magic that it was hard to put enough magic for the spell to work but not enough to overpower it, but he more or less got the hang of it and soon the day was to arrive his first day at hogwarts.

AN: Thank you to all that gave me powerstones and also to everyone who reviewed, you guys motivate me to write and I do it for it to be even more people doing this, thanks to all of you for reading and have a wonderfull day

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