
Japan(part 2)

Early fall, 1020 A.D., Japan

"You should really banda-" Isaac spoke as he kneeled in front of the young girl, only for his words to be cut mid sentence, as he felt a sharp pain, going through his back, and straight through his chest, as the metal head of the arrow passed straight through him, stopping only mere centimeters before the young woman's face. 

With his eyes wide open, Isaac collapsed to the ground, right in front of the shocked eyes of the young girl, whose already white face, turned an even paler paper-white. She let out a sharp scream as she moved towards her unknown savior, not knowing what to do, as she turned him to his back, holding his face in her arms. Tears formed in her eyes as she felt no heartbeat in him. 

Meanwhile the young man looked at the nearby roof at the already fleeing archer, who wore all black, just like the other seven that Isaac has just killed. Only when the archer disappeared out of view did he turn back to his sister who was crying over the body of their savior, he was about to come closer, when the young girl suddenly let out a scream, only it didn't last long. 

His steps turned hurried in a second, only he reached her a little to late, as next to her, who was now laying on the floor, already stood a tall wolf, 1.7 meters tall, its mouth bloody.

Only a moment earlier, as the young girl's hand passed over Isaac's face, her bleeding cut wrist passed near his mouth. It was only one drop, but the moment it touched Isaac's lips, his wide open pupils turned blood red, and closed again. At that moment, the change in his body was faster than ever, his limbs turned and shifted and his bones were reshaped, all in the manner of only five short seconds. 

Just than, laying on its back in Isaac's stead, was a large black wolf. Opening its eyes, its feral red pupils burned with rage, as it immediately caught the hand that hoovered over it's face with its teeth, and sucked the blood out of it in mere seconds.

The young girl's sudden scream prevailed for only a short second, before it was dimmed, as her lifeless body fell to the ground, he tearful eyes, stayed wide open, reflecting the shadow of the full moon.

The wolf rolled to the side and stood on its feet, standing eye to eye with a young man, whose dark eyes looked at him with with a mix of shock, disbelief, sadness and rage. It sniffed the air for only a second, and connected the scent of the arrow that just fell to the ground, with one that was getting further away with every second.

Meanwhile, the young man grabbed the sword of one of his dead pursuers bodies and thrusted it towards the beast that had just killed his sister. Only his attack was so wiggly, slow and clumsy that the wolf didn't even see it as a threat, as with the side of it's head, it hit on the blunt side of the sword, pushing it to he ground. 

The young man, with bloodshot eyes pounced again, now barehanded, only for the wolf, who saw the ridiculously slow movements to lightly catch his arm with it's teeth, flinging him to the side. It could feel the care in the eyes of the man for its latest prey and decided to spare it, respecting his familial bond. 

Ignoring the man who hit a nearby wall and fell flatly to the ground, the wolf shot forward towards the one who shot it, reaching him in only a moment as he stood in a small narrow alley not too far away. It grabbed the archer by his shoulder and drugged him at an incredible speed into the nearby forest, were it mauled him down, killing him slowly as his screams went unheard into the night. 

And as it finally finished the job, it let out a long howl.


Mid fall, 1020 A.D., Japan

In the bustling small town, the prominent clang of metal echoed through the crowded street, drawing the attention of passersby. The source of this symphony of craftsmanship was a modest yet unique workshop. Smoke billowed gracefully from the chimney atop its roof which was the only chimney in all the street, distinguishing it from the other establishments.

The workshop's front resembled a miniature armory, a testament to the masterful creations crafted within it. Swords, knives, arrowheads, and gleaming armors adorned the wooden walls like a display of deadly art. Each piece meticulously arranged, catching and reflecting the ambient light from the open door and the two small windows at the center the room's walls left and right walls.

A small group of men, clad in a mix of light armor and robes, congregated within the shop. Their eyes fixated on a particularly striking Tachi sword, its polished surface revealing a flawless sheen. The air around it seemed charged with a hint of envy and greed. This Tachi was no ordinary blade; it was renowned as the pinnacle of craftsmanship, created only by a select few.

This exceptional sword bore the distinctive mei 'Ōkamitsumeki' (Record of the Wolf's Claws), a mark that added an air of mystique and exclusivity. What truly set it apart, however, was the exquisite inscription of a howling wolf, a signature touch of the elusive and highly skilled blacksmith known only as 'Okami' (Wolf). For years, the true identity of Okami had remained a closely guarded secret, as he discreetly sold his masterpieces through an infamous local blacksmiths family.

The allure of Okami's craftsmanship extended beyond the boundaries of the small town. Nobles from distant regions eagerly paid a premium to wield a blade forged by this mysterious artisan. The combination of secrecy, skill, and the distinctive mark of the howling wolf had turned Okami's creations into highly sought-after treasures, coveted by those who recognized the unparalleled artistry and power encapsulated within each carefully crafted weapon

Beyond the captivating display of weapons and armor, a curtain of heavy, dark fabric separated the front of the shop from its rear. The atmosphere shifted as one passed through this threshold. The air was thicker with the scent of hot metal, and the steady rhythm of hammer against anvil became more pronounced.

In the rear of the workshop, a small forge roared with controlled intensity, its flames dancing with an orange brilliance. Amidst the glow and the lingering warmth, a shirtless man toiled over a partially completed blade. A few beads of sweat glistened on his skin, testament to how intense was the heat of the forge.

The man's sculptured physique spoke of years of training and dedication to the body. His powerful muscles moved with precision as he wielded the hammer, shaping the molten metal into the perfect form. His eyes, focused and determined, surveyed every detail of the blade, ensuring its flawless execution.

The back of the shop was messy, racks held various stages of completion—blades waiting to be tempered, intricate fittings waiting to be attached, and raw materials awaiting transformation. Tools hung on the walls, each with its place in the meticulously organized chaos of the workspace.

The shirtless blacksmith moved with a grace born of experience, seamlessly transitioning between different tasks. A large sesame-oil bath nearby, emitted a soothing hiss as he quenched a newly forged blade, filling the space with the aroma of melted metal and burning oil.

Despite the intensity of his work, the blacksmith maintained a quiet focus. The only sounds in the back of the shop were the rhythmic clinks of metal, the occasional sigh of the bellows, and the steady breathing of the artisan fully immersed in his craft. Here, in the heart of the blacksmith's domain, the true essence of Okami's artistry unfolded- Or by his true name-Isaac.

Gazing upon his handiwork, Isaac admired the inaugural katana—an exquisite blade that seamlessly balanced beauty and function. With its flawless polish and a mesmerizing hamon gracefully adorning the 74-centimeter blade, the katana held a perfect equilibrium between cutting prowess and maneuverability.

He marveled at the peerless grain pattern of the Tamahagane steel, knowing that, in his hands, he had crafted not just a weapon but a work of art, perfectly balanced in every aspect. This was the world's first katana, which he created after years of training and guidance from the local masters. The best weapon he had ever made. 

Leaning forward to look at the blade closely, making sure it was absolutely flawless, Isaac moved his hand over its lower part, as his fingers turned into sharp claws. With the tip of his finger, he started carving slowly the shape of a wolf into the handle part of the blade, when the sudden sound of the thrust of a blade sounded behind him.

The sword just missed him, as he moved his head to the side, only the sharp sound of a metal being scratched followed, making Isaac's face turn pale. Looking down towards his masterpiece, a thin line passed from the back of the wolf in a curved line upwards, making Isaac's eyes turn red, a small tear forming at the corner of his eyes.

Turning towards the culprit, he looked at him as if he was a dead man, as he moved, and in a single second, he appeared right in front of him,

"you are gonna suffer!" Isaac closed his hand over the man's throat, holding him in the air with one hand. Isaac's hand tightened on the man's throat, only for him to struggle with all his power, which was quite impressive as it made his hand move, even if just a little.

Many famous warriors had been in a similar position in the past for various reasons. Some wanting his creations, some wanting to stop him from creating and some were just paid to do so by others, all failed so miserably. Isaac felt like he was fighting some little kids, no matter how hard they tried making him budge seemed impossible to them.

Intentionally letting go of his assailant's neck, as he got curious and surprised by the man's strength, he let him fall to the ground, struggling to breathe. Tearing off the mask covering his face, Isaac's eyes widened in disbelief as he recognized the face of the intruder. It was the brother of the girl Isaac had unintentionally killed on the night of the last full moon.

His anger disappearing the moment he saw the man's face, Isaac felt the weight of his past actions, his inability to control, suddenly pressing on him. Looking at the man, he wasn't sure what to say...

"I... I didn't mean for it to happen," Isaac uttered, his voice heavy with remorse. His gaze shifted from the man on the ground to the katana he had been working on, the engraved wolf now marred by a thin line.

The brother, finally managing to steady his breath, pushed himself up from the ground. The atmosphere in the workshop grew tense as the two men locked eyes, the unsaid words hanging heavy in the air. The man, fueled by grief and anger, spoke with a voice that trembled with emotion.

"You took everything from me. My sister... She's gone because of you," His words were laced with bitterness. "I've been tracking you, waiting for the right moment. You will pay for what you've done."

Isaac looked at the man, who seemed like he hadn't slept in days, the dark circles under his eyes clearly visible even in the dimly lit space. Organizing his thoughts, Isaac sniffed the air a little, finding it quite weird that he hadn't noticed the man's presence earlier.

Only his eyebrows furrowed slightly as the scent entered his nose. It was familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time, as Isaac could swear he smelled it before, yet, as if a word that just hung on the tip of his tongue, he couldn't seem to recall what it was.

"I'm really sorry for your sister, and although I know it probably won't make a difference to you, I really had no control over what happened. Can I ask for your name?" Isaac, looked at the young man, who picked up the sword and readied himself for a second attack. Looking at Isaac with a desperate gaze, not of one who came to kill... No... But of one who came to die.

"My name is Sato, Fujiwara Sato. Don't you forget it."


VOTE and and give me some POWER STONES if you like the story so far...A REVIEW will be much appreciated as well.

As I wrote in the synopsis, and the last chapters, this is just the result of a writing blockage regarding other stories, but at least for now, it will become one of the main one I try to update regularly. 

I still don't have a synopsis, and to tell you the truth, it doesn't bother me that much, but if you want to, you can share an idea for one, and if I like it I might choose to use it... 

Anyway, leave a COMMENT if you don't understand something, or have any idea, I promise I read every comment related to my story, won't address toxic people though...(there was a rant here at the beginning, though I changed it as it only concerns one individual...) 

Also If you want you can give a try to my other fanfics:

HP: Lost Legacies of Magic (Adventure,...)

HIMYM :Barney Stinson... But with a vampire system?! (Harem ,Fantasy, Comedy)


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