
Chapter XV: Set Goals

They walked through the temple's halls once more and entered a room with a familiar set of human statues oriented in a series of stances.

"The original firebending forms…" Nathan said, marvelling at the statues.

"These forms were derived from the dragons. As you likely already know, they were the original firebenders. If you want to become an excellent firebender, learning from them in person would be a good experience. Though you could say the same for learning from the original benders of the other elements."

"Are you talking about the dragons the Sun Warriors worship?" Nathan asked.

"Ran and Shaw," Roku nodded. "If things haven't changed, they are most likely the only remaining dragons in the world."

"I'll go look for them if I have the chance." He didn't think that would be anytime soon, though. "Do we start the training now?"

"Of course," he said, as he began pacing around. "Fire is the element of power. Its sources of strength are your inner fire—your drive to achieve what you want—and any extreme emotions, such as hatred and rage. This is why a firebender's bending grows in power when they are in a heightened state of emotion. Now come. I noticed your lack of breath control earlier. We shall fix that issue first before moving onto anything else."

While following Roku's lesson, Nathan posed a question to himself, feeling lost.

'My inner fire… What do I want?'


Just like when they trained his airbending, Nathan progressed through the firebending techniques relatively quickly. After three quarters of an hour passed, he asked Roku a question he just thought of mid-training.

"How do I make blue fire?"

That question had always been on his mind. The creators of the show were vague about it and just said it took prodigious skill, but that explanation always bugged him. There had to be a proper explanation.

Roku raised an eyebrow. "Blue fire? There's a reason why it's an incredibly rare ability. There is only one way to produce such flames naturally, and that is to be born with the innate ability to do so. And even then, to produce blue fire, one must achieve exceptional skill in combusting your fire at an extremely high heat. That itself requires immense control and power over one's chi flow."

"That… That actually makes sense." Nathan felt as if an ever-present itch in his mind had just disappeared. "So I just basically need to get really good at firebending and making my flames hotter, right?"

"That's the gist of it, yes." Roku nodded slowly. "It usually takes at least half a decade of dedicated practice for someone with the innate gift to start producing blue flames consistently. But for you… It would likely take you two or three years at most unless you focused on solely training your firebending in this mental world for the next year. However, don't take my word for it. That is merely a guess of mine."

"Good enough for me. At least I have a tangible goal for my firebending," he said. Having something to aim for always helped fuel his improvement before. "What about lightning generation?"

"It's still too early for you. If you tried to do it as you are now, it would simply blow up in your face," Roku replied. "Any more questions?"


Roku, ever the perceptive teacher, must have sensed something. He stopped his pacing and met Nathan's gaze head-on. "What troubles you, young man?"

Hesitantly, Nathan admitted, "It's… the whole 'inner fire' thing. You say it fuels firebending, but… I don't know what I truly want. What if my fire won't be strong enough because I haven't figured that out yet?"

Roku's lips curved into a gentle smile. "The inner fire is not just about a singular, overarching desire, Nathan. It can be a multitude of things—the drive to protect those you care about, the will to overcome a challenge, or even the simple joy of mastering a new skill. It's the burning passion that fuels your actions."

Nathan pondered this, a flicker of understanding igniting within him. "So, it's not about having one ultimate goal, but rather having the passion to face whatever comes my way?"

"Precisely," Roku said, a flicker of pride in his eyes. "Now, let's focus on your breath control once more. Remember, fire thrives on controlled bursts of energy…"

The following fifteen minutes blurred into a whirlwind of deep inhales, focused exhales, and bursts of flame that danced according to Nathan's instructions. By the time they transitioned to earthbending, Nathan felt invigorated, a spark of newfound purpose warming his core.

Roku led him to another hall, where they went down a long set of stairs. He pushed a set of doors opened and marvelled once more at the sight before him.

A robust and broad tree taller than most houses sat in the center of the wide, arena-like space with jagged walls. Pebbles and rocks of all sizes—even boulders—could be found randomly placed around him, and glowing gemstones the size of cars lit up from the ceiling.

Roku stood next to him with an outstretched hand. "Welcome to the Earthebending Arena."

"This place is definitely the best one so far."

As Roku began outlining the principles of manipulating earth, Nathan couldn't help but ask, "Do you think mastering all four elements first would be better than mastering the Avatar State?"

Roku paused for a moment. "…Perhaps. It certainly would give you a more versatile set of moves. Do you wish for me to guide you with that goal in mind? It won't be an issue."

He nodded. "If you wouldn't mind. Please continue."

Nathan admired the way Roku could remain calm after someone rudely interrupted him. If it were him, he would at least be a little annoyed.

"As I was saying—Earth is the element of substance, of resilience. It's steady and dependable, like the mountains themselves. To bend earth, you must become one with it, feel its rhythm."

"Like concentrating on the vibrations in the earth?"

"No," Roku answered. "Feel the ground beneath you with your bare feet. Sense its solidity, its connection to everything around it."

Nathan questioned Roku's instructions. It went against everything he knew of earthbending from the show, where Toph just taught Aang to be as stubborn as a rock and to have a steady and strong stance.

"Focus on my instructions. I can sense your doubt. It will make sense as long as you do as I say."

Concentrating, Nathan closed his eyes.

Roku continued. "Imagine the earth as a giant badgermole. It moves slowly, but with unstoppable power. Now, picture yourself as a part of that movement."

"Okay… I think I feel it. A slow hum, like a giant heartbeat."

"Excellent. Now try to move that energy with your mind. Not forcefully, but like a gentle nudge."

Focusing with his eyes open, he pictured himself moving the earth with his mind. He strained for a moment, then… a small pebble at his feet wobbles slightly.

His eyes widened. "I did it! I actually moved it with my mind!"

Roku smiled at his excitement and held his hand up. "Slow down, young earthbender. This is only a taste of psychic bending. Tell me, why do you think I made you try it out on earth first?"

Roku's question made him think, and he crossed his arms as he attempted to deduce the reason.

"I think it's because… earth is the most stubborn element out of the four." He peeked at Roku to see if he was right or wrong, but his teacher showed no signs at all. He continued after a bit of hesitation. "…By letting me practice psychic bending on earth first, it will make bending the other elements with my mind far easier in comparison. Did I get it right?"

A sense of accomplishment and validation rose within Nathan as Roku wore a proud smile on his face. "Impressive. You're correct. From now on, we will begin allotting a short amount of time towards exercising your psychic bending for each element. It is my hope that by the time you've begun your Avatar State mastery, you'll be capable of proficiently psychic bending all four elements at once."

"Man, that…" Nathan grinned with equal nervousness and anticipation. "That sounds like a really high bar. You really think I can do it, Roku?"

"I know you will do it. Even with my guidance, it may take many years. But I have no doubt you will be capable of it before a decade passes," Roku said, without a hint of doubt in his expression. "It is mine and this mental world's role to help you advance your skills. You've progressed quickly in the bending arts, and that can be attributed to this world's special effect. However, do not discount your dedication and determination. Without those, neither I nor this world could have done much to help you improve as rapidly as you have."

With gratitude in his heart, Nathan bowed with Fire Nation's salute of respect. "Thank you, Master Roku. I'll do my best to match—no." He shook his head and stood tall, now possessing a burning drive to improve. "I promise to exceed your expectations."

"I look forward to it," Roku said, smiling with anticipation. He gestured to the adult sized boulder behind Nathan. "Now, push that rock with all your might. I trust you know what to do."

Nathan positioned his body sideways from the rock, feeling the solid ground beneath his feet, and he imagined the exact sequence of movements in his mind before putting them into action.

He assumed a rigid stance, arms close to his stomach, and stomped the ground, seamlessly transitioning into a horse stance. With a powerful shout, he thrust his leading arm forward without touching the rock.

It crashed into the wall, embedding itself into it and creating a violent tremor.

Grinning, Nathan looked towards Roku.

"What's next?"

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