


Third Person PoV

"So you killed her?"Stiles questions

"I dont know And then i just woke up" Says Scott

Stiles, "huh."

Scott, "im serious dude, i was sweating like crazy and couldnt breathe, I've never had a dream like this before."

Stiles Smirks and says, "Damn, well i have except it usually ends up differently."

Scott," A,i meant I've never had one that felt so real and b, never give me that much information about you in bed again please."

Stiles,"Look let me guess here…"

Scott,"I know i know, you think it got something to do with Allison, like im gonna go out with her, lose control and rip her throat out."

Stiles,"Noooo of course not..Yes okay that what i think.

Scott huphs in response and looks down, Stiles noticing this reassures him.

" Hey come on, its gonna be fine okay, i personally think your handling this freaking amazingly, i mean it's not like there's a lycanthropy 101 lesson you could take,"

"Not a class but… maybe a teacher."

"Who… Derek! Seriously" stiles slaps him over the head," You forget where we got him put in jail."

"What about Kai then?" Scott replies but this seems to push Stiles even further on the edge.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT! You forget what he did to you in the game? Plus hes the least trustworthy out of the two."

"What do you mean untrustworthy."

"Think about it Scott, we know Derek wouldn't hurt his sister and that's why hes here, but what about Kai, he has no reason to be involved and its pretty suspicious how hes revealing himslef as a werewolf just after there's a new alpha dont you?"

"That's a long stretch Stiles, even for you"

"Look, im not saying hes a bad guy, i dont think he is anyway and im usually right about this, but im telling you hes too involved for no reason."

"Okay, you kinda make a point."

"So what do i do then, im telling you Stiles, the chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it felt so real."

"How real?"

"Like it actually happened."

They leave through doors and look out at the police tape cordoning off the school buses. And there in the middle, is a bus that is exactly what Scott described.

Stiles, "Okay i think it did happen."

They then turn around and rush straight back into school

"She's probably fine,"

"She's not answering her phone Stiles."

"It could just be a massive coincidence, all right… a seriously amazing coincidence."

"Just help me find her okay." Scott looks around frantically unable to find her in the crowd and staggers towards the lockers, his breathing getting heavier and heavier in till he screams and punches the locker, denting its door fully. The sound and slight pain shock him back into control as he stumbles backwards and collides, with Allison, he locks eyes with her and his face is full of shock and relief and Allison says,

"You scared the hell out of me" Allison says raggedly, out of breath.

"Your okay" Scott says lightly.

"Yeah. Once my heart starts beating again."

The both look at each others eyes, full of stars and emotions, their feeling on display, almost visible to everyone around them, deeply falling for one another.

After a few seconds Allison breaks the silence.


"Im just happy to see you."

They lock eyes once again but the school announcement breaks their little moment.


Allison, with her books back in her hands stands up and playfully rubs Scotts hair before speaking.

"Save me a seat at lunch okay."

"Yeah" Scott replies softly

Scott walks off slowly but sees Jackson trying to open his locker. The locker Scott dented mere minutes ago. Next to Jackson are both Danny and Kai, the former looking baffled at how the locker was damaged and the latter laughing at it's state.

Jackson, seeing Scott looking his way, instantly insults him like the douchbag he is with,

"What are you looking at asswipe."

"Nothing," Scott replies smirkingly walking off to class.

Scen Cut

Chemistry Class

Third person PoV

Scott and Stiles hurriedly sit down, aware of Harris's volatile temper when it coms to student, specifically Stiles and himself by extension. They begin whispering, about the bus incident and Scotts involvement.

"Maybe it was my blood on the door" Scott says anxiously.

Stiles nods and replies, "Could've been animal blood, you know maybe you caught a rabbit or something "

"And did what?"

"Ate it."


"No you stopped to bake it in your werewolf oven. I dont know? Your the one who can't remember anything."

Their conversation is interrupted by Mr Harris, clearly displeased at their interuption of his lesson.

"Mr Stilinski, if that is your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull out your headphones every once in awhile, in fact i think you and Mr McCall would benefit from a little disgrace, yes?

"No," Stiles replies awkwardly

Harris points at Scott and indicates that he wants him to move tables and Scott complies. But they barely have time to settle in before a classmate shouts and point at the window.

"Hey, i think they found something."

And instantly the class gets up and rushes to the window, ignoring Harris demands. After a few seconds they see a body being wheeled to an ambulance. Not moving until suddenly just as it's lifted in they see the man sit up screaming, with his face all bloodied and teh class instantly recoils in fear and shock before starting to murmur on what they've just seen, all except Scott and Stiles who back away slowly. Stiles noticing the fear and shock on Scotts face, reassures him that's it not as bad as it looks.

"This is good, dead guys can't do that Scott."

But scott completely ridden with guilt replies firmly,

"Stiles, i did that."




A single figure can be seen overlooking the wreckage. On the phone, communicating to someone.

" Yeah i forgot to tell you this morning man i was really tired."


// Really Kai, you tracked the alpha without me, found it momentarily by tracking Scott, find the aftermath of a fight, and forget to tell me///

"Look i know its a shitty excuse but what difference does it make telling you last night or now when there was nothing that we could've done anyway,"

/// it would've given me time, more time to figure out the link between the victims or talk to the driver before he dies.///

"Okay I didn't think of that Derek"

/// No shit, look i get wanting revenge cos it attacked your brother, but without each other we have no chance, you gotta channel the anger, dont let it use you, trust me on that///

"Yess boss sir" Kai replies sarcastically

/// stop the sarcasm, the skinny annoying kid already does enough of it///

"Im in School with him everyday, it rubs off on you."

/// Go to class kid/// Derek cuts the calls instantly.

"Damn Stiles even when your not here your sarcasm gets on peoples nerves" Kai chuckles to himself before heading to class.

Scene Cut


Third person Pov

Scott," Something happened last night and I can't remember what." He says to stiles as they sit down at their lonely table.

Stiles," What makes you so sure Derek has all the answers?"

"Because! During the full moon he wasn't changed. He was in total control. Just like Kai." Scott replies but the last bit softer than the rest.

"No. No Kai, dont even think about it. Until we know more about him he is a no go area alright" Stiles replies harshly.

"Stiles its Kai… we've know him for years." Scott adds

"Exactly, so why is he suddenly revealing himself when there's some big bad wolf going around turning people, it doesn't make sense. So until we know he is patient zero okay, no contact, alright?" Stiles says pleadingly.

"Okay," Scott reluctantly agrees. "Then I've gotta cancel my date with Allison."

"NO! No your not cancelling, okay. You can't just cancel your life, we'll figure it out okay."

"Figure what out?" a feminine voice interrupts them and as they look up they see her sit down with them. Lydia Martin, sits with them, leaving stiles completely baffled at his dreams coming true and Scott in bewilderment.

"Figure what out." Lydia repeats, sitting next to Scott.

"Uhh homework," Scott manages to say before hes join by multiple other people, people he recognises as the popular cliche. Danny sits to the right of Stiles and Amanda to the left. Allison sits on Scott's right and Kai sits next to her. Stevenson sits at the head of the table for seconds before Jackson tells him to move. Stevenson asks why him and not Danny or Kai and Danny is quick to reply that its because he doesn't stare at Lydia's coin slot and Kai adds on that he'd beat the crap out of Jackson if he said that too him. They then start talking about the attack.

"What could do that?" Danny asks the group

"Probably a mountain lion" Amanda adds

"I heard cougar" Jackson slips in arrogantly

" A cougar is a mountain lion," Lydia adds factually, before acting ignorant and adds "Isn't it," With a tilt of her head

"A Mountain lion isn't doing that." Kai adds before taking a pause and making eye contact with Scott, the table all focusing on Kai before he continues. " If it was a mountain lion it would only attack because its hungry, no way was that guy fighting off a hungry mountain lion plus did you see the blood, way too much for one guy whose somehow still alive and a no animal body reported right?" The entire table is gobsmacked at his analysis left in thought before Kai smirks at Scott before continuing, " Then the last piece of eveidnece to prove it wasn't a mountain lion, way too big, mountain lions are 2 to 3 feet tall at most and only weigh about 150 pounds, it would need to be 3 or four times teh size and weight, so unless there's a mutant mountain lion running about, there's massive predator in Beacon Hills, and that my friends, should terrify us all." They all sit in silence and contemplation of Kai's words, struggling with the facts of his statement but struggling with his prediction of the animals size. Jackson is the first to break the silence,

"It doesn't matter, they'll find and kill it and besides the guy was probably a homeless tweaked a anyway." he remarks coldly.

"Actually no they just identified him, look" Stiles says and immediately shows everyone his phone and they all focus in on the news.

[[ It has just been confirmed that the victim of the attack has been identified as Garrison Myers's who is now in critical condition at Beacon Hills memorial]]

"Hey i know this guy," Scott says quickly and everyone looks at him so he continues ," he used to drive the uses back when i lived with my dad,"

"Enough about this, what are we doing for date night tonight?" Lydia asks Allison who is shocked at why she's being asked this by Lydia. Lydia seeing her confusion adds on, " you and Scott are hanging out tonight right, so we'll have a double date okay."

"Lydia im not sure…" Allison begins but is cut off by Jackson

"Yeah Lydia im not bowling with tool," he says as he gestures to Scott before continuing," besides i only play with competition."

"What makes you think we aren't competition," Allison responds challengingly

"Hmm" Jackson fires back

"You can bowl right Scott," Allison asks him expectantly

"Yeah..In fact..im a great bowler" Scott replies in false bravado


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