
Chapter 8 First Day School Part 3

The dormitory building is behind the main academic building, looks modern and multi-story. Lucas tapped his card and entered the elevator. The room was on the fifth floor. From inside the elevator, Lucas could see the beautiful view outside, the view of Illois Magic Academy with beautiful natural landscapes, mountains and large lakes. At the end of the lake is a modern village.

Room E50, as indicated on the entrance panel. With another knock, the bedroom door opened and a thin and short young man like himself was already in the room. Lucas didn't expect that his roommate would be Peter Crouch. Like the short young man, Peter didn't expect Lucas to be his roommate.

"So the commotion in the hall was true? You are now a student at Illois Magic Academy?"

Lucas scratched the back of his head, which didn't itch. "Yes. I made the mess."

"Your parents, did they allow you to enter the Magic Academy?" Peter asked again.

"Mom doesn't allow it, but Dad does. Anyway, it's useless. I ran away from home," he said, smiling mischievously, showing his clean and beautiful white teeth.

Instead of being happy, Peter showed a terrible and frightened face. "You ran away from home?"


Lucas made Peter's face look like a statue. He just wanted to see his room, which was quite spacious, with two beds, two study tables and two closets, and finally the bathroom in the room. Tomorrow is Lucas' first day at Academics, after today's incident. On the other hand, his understanding of magic was still very poor.

Peter comes from a family of wizards, he shows the formation of his wind magic, even if it looks bad and only lasts for a short time. Lucas didn't learn anything about magic and mana, but taught himself instead.

Lucas is a wizard and has an aura of mana in his body. His ability is to make his body transparent, the power of punches that cause booms and other mysterious powers to 'disappear'. Whatever Lucas says to certain objects in front of his eyes, whether inanimate or living, will disappear. Lucas is not like other wizards who can use magic elements. So far, Lucas cannot use magic elements, or he has no magic elements at all.

"Can't you really use fire, water, or wind magic?" Peter asked.

They were both sitting on their respective beds. Lucas was stunned and thought. He put one hand on his chest and the other on his chin. His habit is that when he thinks, he thinks too much until he gets tired. "Not at all. I think I'm the stupidest and worst student."

"No. You are really great, Lucas. Besides, you are smart and can absorb all the lessons quickly."

"That's very true." Lucas laughed, proud of himself.

Lucas didn't bring much with him, so cleaning the room was quick. Peter was already asleep on the bed, a shabby and dull blanket covering his body. Unlike the blanket Lucas has, it is very thick, warm and clean. Lucas may have run away from home, but with careful planning, he brought the things he really needed with him.

On the other hand, like heaven and earth. His friendship with Peter goes back a long way, to when Lucas was in elementary school and Peter was in Wizard Elementary.

Peter always wore shabby clothes and carried a basket full of cakes to sell. At that time, Lucas was bored and ran away during his scheduled private lesson and wanted to play around. Lucas happened to see a skinny boy being bullied by three big teenagers, fat as pigs.

Lucas met Peter and Baul in an unpleasant situation when the bullying took place. At school, he is known as an excellent student and a genius, but not for his stupid behavior and always getting into trouble. Teachers could only shake their heads.

But Lucas was never bullied or picked on, on the contrary, he would bully or hit people who picked on the weak. Although he has a small body, he can be proud of himself.

Baul kicked and damaged Peter's merchandise, and the pig's friends also beat Peter. Lucas doesn't like being bullied in front of him.

Besides, Baul and the pig's two friends turned out to be magicians who use magic just to play tricks on someone.

"What if I play with you?" Lucas pulled Baul's hair so hard that he could have pulled it out by the roots.

Baul's two friends lay on the pavement. His face was blue and bruised all over, but nothing more disgusting than Baul's face, which already resembled a pig.

Baul grimaced, even tears came out, begging. But Lucas didn't care and made a cruel, merciless face.

"I don't care. Go away!" Lucas kicked Baul's big ass. The group of big pigs ran around. I can't help but laugh. It's very satisfying to beat up annoying people.

Lucas turned his head back to see the skinny boy picking up the cakes scattered on the floor. Feeling sorry for him, Lucas bought up Peter's cakes at an inflated price.

"Don't. This cake fell, it's definitely dirty," Peter said. His expression was very sad and his eyes were sad, showing the bad experiences he always had.

Of course, with a friend like Lucas, no one would dare to bully Peter. If someone bullies Peter, Lucas will not hesitate to beat him up.


The freshman building is in the front yard, while the dormitories are in the middle yard. Past a sports field and a large building that Lucas didn't recognize. Along the way, Lucas heard whispers from some of the passing students. It turns out that the incident where he just walked into the hall where a welcoming ceremony for first graders was taking place is still a topic of conversation to this day.

On the other hand, as he was about to enter the classroom, three large pigs blocked the entrance. Peter knew that the three big men always bullied him, so he hid behind Lucas' small body. It remains to be seen, but Lucas is quite good against Baul.

Lucas was like a basketball bar that became Peter's comfortable hiding place. Sounds ridiculous and silly.

"Seriously. Someone like you, making a fuss at the welcome party, why are you here? You don't belong here, you little runt."

Lucas rolled his eyes, his face very annoyed. "A pig's brain seems small, so you will quickly forget that I beat you," Lucas said, tapping his head. "Do you want to be beaten again?"

The first time Baul fought with him, Baul always lost in fist fights, duels or by cunning, by using magic. It didn't work at all, or rather, Baul always lost.

This time Lucas was very confident, he would win again, and Baul whimpered again like a little pig looking for the protection of a mother figure.

Lucas was ready, his hands clenched into tight fists, channeling the mana in his body, flowing into his palms. Like Baul, he created fire in his hands.

The atmosphere at the classroom door began to stir, several other class children also came out to see the fight that was about to take place between the children of Class 1B. But the fun had to stop.

Such a terrifying aura, great magic power. A tall woman, piercing eyes behind glasses, and long curly hair. Even the students looked frightened, and the crowd parted to let the woman pass.

"The first day of college, you want to start a fight? A fight in class?"

Peter tugged on Lucas' uniform, his face pale and frightened. "Lucas, never mind. We'd better go inside. This teacher is really scary."

Lucas and Peter have very different definitions of scary, even Madam Marietta, who guards the town library, is scarier, but what Lucas sees is not scary at all.

But this is his first day of school. Causing chaos is Lucas' hobby, and Lucas won't listen to this reprimand. What's more, the teacher's appearance saved him when he saw Baul's face.

The big pig turned out to be afraid of Lucas, so he just lied and pretended to be a brave man. But the chest did not swell forward, but the belly did, and he danced the pig dance.

The woman ignored him, saying that she could control the disruptive students. But that's not true at all.

Lucas doesn't have a muscular body, just a little muscle and a short body. But by channeling his mana into his palm, his punch once again made Baul's body roll around like a ball.


What happened after Lucas hit Baul was that two stone golems grabbed Lucas' body. Not only Lucas but also Baul had the same problem.

The two large, three-foot tall golems still grabbed Lucas' body and carried him into the classroom. In front of the 1B students, Lucas was embarrassed, his face was red and hot.

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