

" Of course, I know about it. What I don't know is why you've refused to address it all these while. Does it scare you?" His grip on my waist loosened, letting cool air fill in the gap. For some reason, I wanted his arms to go back to staying firmly on me but I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"I just found out last night, Rowan. It wasn't on your medical records when I checked. Was it omitted on purpose?" I return my response with a question.

"What do you mean by omitted. There is no reason for..." He trailed off as if he had just remembered something. " Cal. My assistant must have omitted it. If I am correct, he helped me erase that portion of my medical records everywhere it was mentioned. I must say, he did a great job."

"You ordered him to?" I asked, baffled by why he had done that.

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