
Don't Let Go!

The two villages that we stopped by were completely empty, devoid of all people. The buildings were destroyed, and many of them burned to the ground. The damage from fighting was everywhere, dried blood on the ground, but none of the body it had come from. This was the result of Akasha.

"Is it even worth looking for food here?" Lily asked with a dark look on her face from where she sat in front of me. 

During the trip, she had climbed out to come sit with me. We had been carelessly relaxing with her leaning back into my chest until the first smoking village had come into sight. After that she sat alert, taking in all the destruction around us.

I opened my inventory, and brought out 3 six-legged scuttle drones, activating my Chaotic Arsenal as I did.


| Chaotic Arsenal Activated! 

| 1500 mp x3 Consumed.

| Targeting (Divinatech Basic Drone) x3 

| Forge of the Abyss is Activated! 

| Scouter Sonar Enchantment bestowed!

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