
chapter 110

Andrew pov..

I quickly stood up as I looked at her.

"What are you?" I asked as she stood up as well and tried to walk towards me, but I quickly moved back, feeling a bit scared.

"I am like you, Andrew. I am the same thing you are. Why do you think I followed you? Why do you think I like you in the first place? I have been alone for years without my parents. I grew up in an orphanage home and I was rejected. I was called ugly, and no one liked me. I have lived in fear, looking for something similar to me. When I saw you that day, I couldn't take my eyes off you. I know I might sound strange, but I am the only one you can trust right now because I am the only one who can be a good friend to you."

I looked at her when she said that, and I just didn't know what to do. Since I met her, I have always felt happy, but getting to know all this about what's going on, I just don't know what to do.

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