
Chapter 2: Dreams

(Third Person POV) Year: 1501 Location: Elegia

It had been a year since Crow was found on the shores of Elegia, and much had happened.

The first discovery was that the raven-haired teen had Observation, Armament, Conqueror's Haki, and the natural ability to manipulate fire. The discovery of his abilities surprised Gordon and Uta. Both had limited knowledge of Haki, as the only person they knew who possessed all three forms of Haki was Shanks. However, they both knew that Crow's Haki capabilities were immensely powerful for someone his age.

As for his fire manipulation, Gordon already knew that Crow's race could naturally control fire, thanks to Shanks, and was told to be tight-lipped with this information for unknown reasons.

Uta naturally assumed he ate a Devil Fruit, but that was quickly squashed away when she found the teen swimming in a lake. She chalked it up to being a natural ability he or his race possessed.

The second thing was that his relationship with Gordon and Uta had significantly blossomed.

Crow had a father-and-son-like relationship with Gordon. The older man was someone the winged boy often looked toward for guidance, which Gordon would happily give. The old musician went the extra mile caring for, guiding, and bonding with the boy. Crow, while somewhat rough around the edges, he was kind toward him and Uta. Like her, the older man saw incredible potential and couldn't wait to see what the boy would achieve.

He and Uta at first had a strange, mostly platonic relationship, but that changed after three months when they accidentally kissed each other.

While practicing her choreography, she accidentally stumbled on one of her more advanced dance moves. Seeing she was about to fall on her face, Crow went to catch the girl. However, instead of catching Uta, he tripped over something and crashed into the girl. The next thing they knew, Crow was on top of Uta, and their lips were connected.

Instead of turning into a blushing mess like most boys in his position, he smirked and commented a cheesy pickup line.

'Wow, it looks like I really fell for you, huh?'

That line causes the girl to blush scarlet and run away, her heart beating rapidly. After that, Uta avoided Crow like the plague for a week. The winged boy, while upset, didn't take it to heart and waited for her to approach him. Crow and Gordon instantly noticed how her demeanor changed toward him when she did.

Crow was hardly seen without Uta following him around like a lost puppy. She constantly clung to him, glaring at any female who attempted to get close to him when they traveled to other nearby islands. She watched him train and partook in his interests, even those she didn't care for. Uta was, as Gordon teasingly put it, Crow's number-one fan.

Crow didn't mind the change in dynamic between them. Uta was beautiful and was beginning to blossom physically in all the right places. She was charming, empathic, and incredibly loyal. These were traits he found appealing when it came to looking for a partner.

However, the winged boy didn't immediately pursue her. Crow wasn't exactly in a rush to enter a romantic relationship. He was only fifteen, after all. If something romantic did happen between them, he wouldn't complain.

The last thing that happened during the year was that Uta convinced him to try out singing. Initially, Crow was reluctant, but he eventually gave in, and when he sang, it shocked everyone.

'Was I that bad?' Crow asked, raising an eyebrow when he saw their jaws hit the floor.

'Y-You y-you were amazing!!!' Uta screamed with hearts in her eyes.

'A-Agreed," Gordon stammered, not knowing what else to say as he was still processing what happened.


Gordon nodded. 'I haven't seen such natural talent since Uta,' he praised, surprising the boy.

Uta got in his face. 'Crow, you can't let this gift go to waste! I always wanted someone I could sing with!!'

Crow smiled at the girl and shrugged. 'Alright, I see no problem with it.'

Since that day, he started attending singing and choreography lessons with Uta. He wasn't as passionate about the art as Uta, but he enjoyed it. It gave him something else to do besides training, and he got to spend more time with Uta, so it was a win in his book.

"Do you have a dream?" Uta asked out of the blue.

"Not really," he shrugged. "Why?" he looked at the singer.

"You've been with us for a year now, and I thought you'd have a goal besides getting stronger. It never hurts to have more than one thing to strive for."

Crow didn't say anything for a while and just looked at the sun going down. What did he even want? He isn't the most ambitious and is easily content with whatever life throws. So long as he had a roof over his head, good food, and people to keep him company, then he was happy. Although he had to admit Uta did raise a good point about having more than one goal.

"I want a family."

"W-What?!" Uta stammered, her face turning beat red, and her heart started pounding when she heard that.

"One day, I think I'd like to start a family," Crow answered, not taking his eyes off the sky. "It may not be something big as starting a new genesis, but it's something, and I like the thought of being a father," he smiled. "However, before I can have that, I gotta get strong enough to protect them and find someone worthy to be the mother of my children. Until then, I'll roll with whatever life hits me with."

"I s-see..." Uta replied, not knowing what to say, but she liked his goal of having a family. "H-Hey Crow, what do you think of me?" she asked shyly, knowing it was now or never.

Crow looked at her and smiled. "I think you're awesome. Everything about you is incredible. Well, except for when you start acting like a diva," he joked, earning him a playful slap to the arm. "Honestly, I can't imagine a life without you."

Uta smiled brightly and got closer to Crow. "Do you really think that?"

"I wouldn't lie to you," he also got closer to Uta.

"I know," she leaned closer toward his face, blushing hard.

Crow smiled and repeated the action. Their lips connected, and both knew nothing between them would ever be the same again after this. And they couldn't have been happier.

(With Unknown) Location: Elegia

From a long distance away, a red-haired man was watching the scene of the two teens sharing a kiss with a sad smile. Every once in a while, he'd come to Elegia to check on Uta and the Lunarian. According to Gordon, the two had gotten extremely close together, and Uta followed Crow around like a lost puppy.

Naturally, his fatherly instincts kicked in, and he wanted to scare the boy a bit and tell him to stay away from his daughter, or else he'd rip off his dick and feed it to him, but the redhead stopped himself from doing so. He had no right to do that, and besides, from what Gordon told him, Crow was a good kid and made Uta happy.

"You better treat her right, or else I'm coming for your ass," the redhead muttered to himself, glaring at the Lunarian.

That said, the redhead turned around and returned to his ship.


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