
Chronicles of Lockdown III(Mission file 47: Unveiling the Dragon)

Jason's popularity had boosted Mylo's popularity and it could be even said that Mylo was enjoying some of Jason's spotlight.

Of course, the facts that almost everyone was home and didn't have much to do, and that Mylo's livestream was becoming a daily thing added to why he had so many viewers this early, yet it still couldn't be denied what Jason's show buzz effect had on Mylo's Instagram page.

Normally, there was no way in hell a mere U-18 player of the Porto team could come anywhere close to even a hundred thousand followers, but Mylo was enjoying a different case.

Due to that, most of his followers were also followers of Jason and would often ask about him a lot and Mylo usually answered as best as he could.

"The question about bringing Jason in on a live stream had come up the first time he had live streamed during the lockdown, and he had asked Jason about it once, but Jason wasn't really keen on answering the question which usually meant, 'No'.

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