
Anabella Fischer

Nathan had always prided himself on being calm and level-headed, but today was different. The cast of his ongoing movie production were being difficult, making him feel like he was losing control of the situation.

They were uncooperative and argumentative, causing him to feel frustrated and helpless. He tried to remain calm and composed, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.

As the day wore on, Nathan's anxiety and stress levels continued to rise. He felt like he was on the verge of losing his cool, and he had to leave the set before he could snap at anyone. He knew that losing his temper would only make matters worse, but it was becoming harder to keep his emotions in check.

Deciding to call it a day, Nathan left the production site and headed home. Seated in the dining, sipping from his wine glass while trying to wear off the day's stress, Nathan glanced at the door when he heard the sound of the passcode being typed in before the doorknob turned.

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