

In the midst of this, Anna, the physician and alchemist of the shelter, hastened to test the water's safety. But before she could act, Lucky, her faithful dog, had already lapped up the water.


Her eyes widened in alarm, and she called out to him, but it was too late; Lucky had quenched his thirst. She watched anxiously, counting the minutes. Five passed, and Lucky remained unaffected.

"Thank goodness," she sighed in relief. "Still, a second test is in order," she murmured.

Anna collected a sample of the water in a clean vial, holding it up to the light. She added a few drops of a reagent from her kit and watched for a color change, indicative of contamination. The water remained clear, a positive sign. She then placed a strip of testing paper into the vial; it too, showed no signs of impurities.

Of course, this 'paper' was something she made from a special leaf.

Satisfied, Anna declared, "The water is safe for consumption."

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