
Male Slaves Duty

 When Alros woke up, he felt two soft sensation along his arms. A quick look showed both Diana and Eliana wrapped his arms around theirs, resulting in their bust enveloping said limbs. 

 He have nothing against the arrangement, and instead bask at the sensation, his tail even playfully teasing the two bust, making them let out cute moan.


 When the rest of his favourite woke up, Alros left the room after washing himself. While wanted to spent more time with them, he still need to deal with the rest of people he took with him.

 For the women, it simple. He will fuck them and then be done with it, applying Subdue at the same time and making them his loyal follower. He already did it with Diana and Eliana, so there is no need to worry about them.

 As for the male slaves, that is the main issue. He was able to buy the loyalty of the defective male slaves by healing their worse injuries and promising to do the same with the one he could not cure for now.

 He already preparing for it, the Growth Tube is being used to grow several hands and even eyeballs, all to be used for the surgery. 

 For the male slaves he obtained from the raid on Jasari Slave Market, aside from food and women, there is nothing else he can offer to them. He wish it would be enough but he can never be sure.

 While he can subdue them, actually, why did he not subdue them? After all, they will work for him, and the pretext of allowing them to do it with the women would help him earn more LP. With more 100 male slaves doing it with the 700 settlement women, even if they can only cum once or twice a day, he would earn 35000 LP a day.

 Combined with the women masturbating, the amount will get a lot more. And he could just upgrade them, maybe even increasing their stamina and gave them skills that will help them down there.

 While giving them new skills will be harder, he can enhance their strength using several attributes stones. However, while he can use Lust Essence to effect them, he is not sure of the effect on human. 

 Hopefully he can test it in the near future. For now, he should talk to the male slaves.


 "Looks like all of you have gotten acquaintance with the security group," considering the large hobgoblins is already troublesome for D-ranks, his demonic variant is even more fearsome, capable of holding, and even beating a C-rank.

 Without any weapon and no way out, the male slave opt for the safest option, follow the order and do not do anything to antagonize their captors.

 This seem to be the correct one as they are treated nicely, being given good food and have nothing horribly wrong done to them. So, they are content.

 When they saw the horned man entered the room, his wings and tail shown to them, the content feeling disappear. Demon had been infamously known to eat other races, and with them being in the hands of a demon, their future is going one direction, inside.

 Seeing their fearful face, the demon laughed before shaking his head, the figure looked masculine.

 "I will not eat you," some of them let out sigh of relief. "Instead, I will offer you, well, it is not a job because you cannot refuse so it will be more like what you suppose to do if you want to continue having such good life.

 The slaves looked at one another before nodding.

 "Good, then your job is simple. You will continue to live your life as before. I will even make your room bigger and prepare a lot more facilities to make your live better. You even have good food and women to have fun with," the slaves looked at each other, the offer being too good to be true.

 "Of course, that is the carrot. As for what you need to do, you have to train yourself and become capable combatant. Once in a while, I will test you and if you did not reach any of the standard I set, I will take back certain privilege. If you tried to rebel, well, there is only one answer to that," the demon hand turned into an enormous claw before it strike the wall, leaving a hole on it.

 "This will happen to you if you manage to piss me off. And that is if you are lucky. If not, I will have my monsters eat you alive," the slaves nodded frantically, some even proclaiming an oath to do what he said.

 "Training will start tomorrow, and you will be self-taught. The end goal for this week will be for you to able to handle one of my goblins. The one that manage to defeat the goblins will be given more privilege, so all of you better train hard," as he left, the demon turned towards them and told them.

 "By the way, food will be at the same place as before. As for the women, there will be behind this very door. Have fun," as the demon finally left, the men warily examined the new doors fearing it will be a trap.

 One brave man opened it while the rest run away. When they see the person did not die, they walked towards him, the man seemingly paralyzed. 

 When they did so, they saw the reason, and become paralyzed as well. After all, the assortment of women in very revealing clothes is something that took them by surprise. 

 Their little brothers stood at attention. The women turned towards them before giving them sultry smiles. 

 "Come here, boys. Have your treat. The others are already here," surprised at the mention of others, they enter to see other men already doing it with the women, the women moaning as they are ravaged by the men.

 The sight make their blood boil as they all ran like maniacs, each heading towards the woman of their choice. Soon, all the men joined in, food being pushed back for now.

 Every men find himself a woman, some even getting themselves two women to entertain them, not there is any lack of women in the first place. Some of the men fight for the beginning for a woman, before deciding to work together and gangbanged her.

 This scene is not just one of a kind as some of the men decided to just gangbang some of the women while some decided to go to the harem route, surrounding himself with beauties and enjoying himself.

 As the male slaves immersed themselves in debauchery, the demon smiled, watching as his LP getting higher and higher.

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