
Why did you put yourself through this? How could you do this to me?

"Push the chest deeper. We must restore her heartbeat. Adeline, hold on!"

"Increase the dose of the elixir of serenity...!"

"Continue with the sutures!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The midwife responded promptly, her hands steady as she carefully closed the wound.

"Hand it to me!" Sophia's tone brooked no delay as she seized the syringe, swiftly tearing away Adeline's garments.

Her fingers traced the outline of Adeline's ribs, feeling for the exact spot where the heart beat beneath. Every second felt like an eternity as she sought the perfect angle for the injection.

Meanwhile, the other healers continued their relentless efforts. The rhythmic compressions on Adeline's chest continued, synchronized with the artificial breaths being blown into her lungs. Despite their fatigue, their movements were precise, their dedication unwavering in the face of impending tragedy.

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