
One Hellish Nightmare - Kevin's POV

Kevin took another deep, painful breath as he smiled mechanically and nodded at the parent of his newest twin students. It was dangerous not to pay attention to the customers who came in and out of his office every day, and he wondered when someone would finally call him on it. For now, he found it was enough to catch the final few words of what the people around him were saying and respond to that.

"...and so, we look forward to the progress that our talented twins are going to make with you!"

Easy enough.

"Of course, we are happy to take raw talents and help them shine as brightly as possible... Jack?"

Kevin's eyes drifted towards the door where the pale face of Natalie's uncle appeared bringing him a painful pang of hope and a simultaneous sense of stupidity. That was certainly not the face of a man with good news to deliver. She was still gone, and there was still absolutely no word from her.

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