

"Congratulations, Miss. Li, Miss. Tang. You did a great job with the competition," Xun Chunlei smiled. "As a reward for winning the competition, we invite you to join our prestigious project, Project Nexus."

Zexi beamed ecstatically. She bowed. "Thank you so much Sir Xun! I will do my best!"

He smiled. "Yes, that is the spirit."

Beiye thanked him more or less the same way.

"We will start with your project onboarding activities sometime this week. You will receive all the necessary emails and tasks to do. I am really happy for you two. It's a great chance for you two to learn."

Zexi shone. She knew that her primary purpose was to investigate Zhang Luqi's case, but she was still thrilled to know that she won.

Xun Chunlei suggested. "We should all have a party to celebrate your win and joining. Let's have a team dinner tonight. I will also introduce you two with the rest of the members."

Zexi clapped in delight. "Yes, absolutely!"

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