
Be wise and suck it up

"Not cool, Dr. Yang Mingshen. Neither the fact that my son could have died nor that it was your employee who brought him to this state."

The mother, Hou Huan, faced Mingshen akin to a tigress waiting to claw out his face. The air notched down by a few degrees. Though her face held slight wrinkles and grey locks of hair fluttered around her temple, she was in no way to be taken lightly. Her poised demeanor carried the weight of her political legacy and career. Her eyes contained an iron will and calculated grace which seemed to come from fighting a hardened battle of her own.

Mingshen smiled. "According to my employee's defense, your son hit the bed he was sleeping on. That's a big no-no for him."

She smiled back which was anything but cordial. "There are a lot of big no-nos' for me too, Dr. Yang. One of which is hurting my family member. But it seems like you got your arrogance from your father in legacy."

He raised his brow.

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