
The cause of death

Jia's mouth twitched and she looked back, finding Mingshen furiously waving his hand at her in delight. Accompanied by Huojin, she bent down from beneath the yellow tapes that only allowed the police team to head further inside to the accident scene.

Walking carefully so that she wouldn't disturb any evidence and the sanctity of the incident's scene, she gritted her teeth as she came to a stop. "Yang Mingshen!"

She quietly but indignantly exclaimed. "Can you tone down on that enthusiasm? A member of somebody's family has died and here you are looking all cheery and excited. How would the family feel with this lively attitude of yours when they are mourning their closed one's death!?"

Bojing internally cried.

I was thinking of the same thing!

Huojin sighed and agreed with Jia too. "You will make the cops look irresponsible, Dr. Yang."

Mingshen looked hardly affected or offended. "Are you expecting sympathy from me?"

"We are expecting basic human empathy from you," Jia narrowed her eyes.

"An emotion which eludes me, dear Spicy. My sympathy and my empathy are reserved for only a handful of people who I deem worthy enough to grant it to them," he said with a feelingless chuckle.

"A son who has lost his mother is not worthy of your empathy?"

Mingshen craned his neck and shot a lazy look at Dai Fengge once. "Nope."

"You are a doctor. I know a crazy one but still a doctor," she emphasized.

"Hardly relevant~"

"Then why are you a part of this investigation team in the first place?"

He bent in slightly with the contours of his handsome face inching closer towards her, carrying a glint of craftiness in his orbs. "For you, my dear. It's only you."

If not for the investigation that was going on right now, Jia was sure that this movie theater would have ended up with an additional corpse.

Why did I even bother talking about feelings to this person? He is a devil through and through!

Before her blood pressure rose any further, she reeled in all her focus back to the case. "What have you found?"

She asked as he slipped her hands in the gloves that Bojing handed to her, followed by Huojin.

Jia slightly bent in and observed Mrs. Dai Yaling. She was seated on her chair with her head rolled to the right side. Her hands were slightly away from her lap, hanging outside the seat. Her position made it seem to Jia that she must have indeed struggled painfully before she gave up and met her demise. One obvious thing that she noticed on her body was the redness and rashes that appeared on areas like face, neck and arms.

In front of her feet lay a sprawled over medium sized handbag, whose zipper was half-open with some personal items spilled on the floor. The tip of her small purse sprouted outside just narrowly at the boundary of the handbag's half-open zipper. A handkerchief, a small bottle of hand sanitizer, some hair pins and a set of keys which Jia presumed to be house keys was scattered near the fallen handbag. Some hairpins were also scattered on the front row's floor.

"Quite a mess here…" Huojin commented.

Jia was quietly taking the mental note of Mrs. Dai's surroundings and asked, "What are those red rashes?"

Bojing took charge of relaying their medical findings before Mingshen would or he feared that there could really be a second dead body soon.

"Hives, triggered by an allergy reaction."

"Allergy?" Jia was taken aback. "Wait, did she die because she suffered an allergic reaction?"

Mingshen smiled. "More precisely an asthma attack."

Huojin asked, "Is it an asthma or allergic attack?"


Mingshen pointed out his index finger closer to her lips. "Look at her lips. They have turned slightly bluish. See further down and you will find her neck and chest looking a little off."

Jia looked closely at where Mingshen was pointing. "Her lips are indeed discolored and her neck and chest…it looks kind of like something has sucked them in?"

"The discolored lips are a symptom of cyanosis which occurs when there is a shortage of oxygen in blood. Her neck and chest looked sucked in because she was having extreme difficulty in breathing. It made her suck for air harder which is why they look like that. Typical symptoms of an asthma attack."

Bojing added. "When we do the p-post mortem, we will find more e-evidence. Her airways in her lungs would be in-inflamed and constricted. That's another sign of an asthma attack."

Jia asked, "So she suffered an asthma attack which was triggered by an allergic reaction?"

"That's why the hives are there."

"Did you find what caused the allergy?" Huojin asked.

Bojing shook his head. "We didn't find any visible t-traces or fibers on her body. It might be s-something very fine that caused this to happen. Only a p-proper post mortem analysis will let us know."

Jia stared at Dai Yaling and then looked down at all the items scattered from her handbag outside as if she was in a trance.

"Sis? Sis?" Bojing asked, she had kept quiet for a while.

She broke from her stupor and cleared her throat. "Ah sorry. It's nothing."

She immediately noticed Mingshen lazily observing at her, making her irk.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I should ask why you look to be in deep thought?" He tilted his head.

"There is a case going on here. Why wouldn't I be thinking?"

"Are you sure?"

Her mouth twitched. "Are you asking about the case at this point?"

"I am asking about your thoughts~"

"Which are slowly growing violent towards you so exercise caution," the glint of danger in her eyes wasn't missed, making Bojing sweat.

B-Boss can you please not make sis angry? He sobbed.

Mingshen simply chuckled.

"Anyway, what I was thinking about was one crucial thing," Jia pointed at the floor with all the dispersed items and asked, "Mrs. Dai Yaling was an asthma patient. But I don't see any inhaler here."

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