
The Little One's Snotty Crying Face

Soon, CEO Xu learned the reason behind his little daughter's snotty crying face.

Chuckling, Leslie waved at Calix to come closer. As the confused man did as he was told, she whispered the entire story into his right ear.

"I wanted to walk to the couch when... Poppy cheered and jumped around me... She tripped on her foot so I tried to... catch her..."

Leslie stopped the wheelchair quite a distance away from the couch. She wanted to practice her walking after seeing the satisfactory result during her rehab today.

As Leslie took slow steps, the happy Calliope clapped her small hands and hopped around her mother. The little one eagerly expressed her encouragement.

Unfortunately, Calliope stumbled. A panicked Leslie quickly grabbed the little one, exerting her body beyond her current physical ability.

Calliope didn't get hurt even the slightest but, Leslie got bruised on the right calf as she tried to shield the little one. 

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