
After hearing the verdict

As Lian Aiqing listened to the judge's verdict, she loudly screamed that she was not guilty. until the officials hurriedly dragged him away The judge also ordered officials to receive compensation from the Lian Aiqing family and deliver it to the other parties. The officer received the order and turned around and was about to walk out of the courtroom. Lawyer Jingguo hurried over and introduced himself as Huang Bailan's lawyer. And he will wait to receive compensation in front of the court. When the officer saw him, he pointed at the girl who had reported it to the security office. The official then said that he would hurry and come.

As for the Huang family who heard the verdict, their mouths were open from the announcement of the case. They didn't think there would be so many witnesses. There is also medical evidence from the district hospital. Huang Yiheng could only shake his head at Lian Aiqing's stupidity when the judge asked. What are you thinking? To answer like that But the important thing was the thousand yuan that Huang Bai Lan had to compensate. I don't know if his mother kept any of the money he sent. If it's not enough, he will surely suffer again.

Huang Yichen himself didn't know what to say after hearing the decision. He saw that his brother didn't say anything, indicating that there was nothing they could do. Now I have to hurry home. Because the officials are going to get compensation for that little girl.

Thinking of this, Huang Yichen immediately invited everyone to go home. If you're late and Mom and Dad cause trouble again, it will be even more difficult.

Lawyer Jingguo called the headmasters to wait in front of the court instead. After receiving the compensation, it would be better to find a house to rent. He didn't know where the mother and son were going to look for a house to rent, so he was afraid they wouldn't find each other. Huang Bai Lan and Jin Qin Yu listened and agreed to wait together. Anyway, they still don't know where to go.

The headmaster's wife also reassured the mother and daughter that she would be friends until they got a place to stay. They will be at ease. And if they are free, they can stop by and visit the two mothers and daughters. Huang Bai Lan and Jin Qin Yu nodded their thanks to everyone.

The officials cycled to Qingtai Subdistrict in less than half an hour. He first went to the brigade officer with the document of the judge's decision. When the brigade officer read the document, he took him to the Huang family in the rice field.

The subdistrict leader who takes care of the villagers at work saw the brigade officer and knew that the decision had probably already been made. Wait until the official sends the documents for him to finish reading. So he called Elder Huang out of the rice field. But when Elder Huang knew that he would have to pay a thousand yuan in compensation, he refused to pay. The officials who came to receive the compensation said that if they didn't pay, they would go to prison for 10 years. They had to choose whether to pay or not.

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