
The Broadway girl

Baz Luhrmann passed through the rows and sat on the uppermost VIP seats of the Broadway theater. Alongside him was his companion for today, lead actor of his new movie Leonardo DiCaprio.

"Director, can you tell now, why are we here?" Leonardo looked helplessly at the director. They were doing the rehearsals for Director Luhrmann's new movie "Romeo and Juliet" till yesterday, and toda, Director suddenly took him to a Broadway to watch a play.

Baz Luhrmann replied: "We are here to watch a new candidate for Juliet."

"Why here, and why don't you audition it in the studio?"

Baz Luhrmann replied: "Cuz I cannot wait for another two days."

He has spent a past full year in adaptating Shakespeare's classical play "Romeo and Juliet" in a new movie version. For it, he spent a full year adapting the play to story board, and wrote a script for a which a studio would invest. Finally, his efforts were fruitful and 20th Century Fox, one of the big six of Hollywood got ready to invest. Almost all the preparations of the movie were complete and even the actors had been selected, but in the end a new problem appeared.

Natalie Portman, the actress who was casted to play the role of Juliet didn't match with Leonardo DiCaprio, movie's Romeo. It was a complete mismatch. They looked horrible together and it felt like as if Romeo was assaulting a minor. Natalie Portman who has title of good girl of Hollywood, immediately backed away. So, he had to stop the whole production and find a new Juliet. But even after dozens of auditions, he couldn't find a suitable candidate. He has auditioned many actresses of suitable age from Dew Barrymore to Reese Witherspoon. On one hand, funds are spent everyday on maintaining the crew, and on the other side, studio is also pressuring him to start the shooting.

In the end, 20th Century Fox gave a name of candiate for Juliet itself. Evelyn Wright Thompson, a completely unfamiliar name to Hollywood or movie industry, but is quite famous in the Broadway. She is said to be an acting genius who has been performing on broadway since the age of 8. She was nominated for a Tony award last year. What's more, she's also the daughter of one the executives of fox. The dates for her audition were set for the day after tomorrow, but he couldn't wait and finally took his lead actor with him to watch the candiate before the audition privately.

Leonardo chuckled: "So, we are private detectives today."

Baz Luhrmann didn't refute and replied: "You can say so. Now be quiet, play is going to start soon."

Leonardo made a lip sealing moment, but expressions on his face were still of naughty smile.

Baz Luhrmann just glared lightly but didn't reprimand. Leonardo DiCaprio is a new emerging talent in hollywood with good looks and acting skills. But in the end, just like most of the adolescent boys of his age, he is a brat. He likes to make jokes and is unruly, but knows how to measure himself. That's why, most of the people don't feel disgusted with his pranks, but in fact are quite amused.

He didn't pay more attention to the young actor and shifted his focus toward the stage. Soon, the curtains were pull upward and the musical started.

The musical "Beauty and the beast" started and along with it appeared Bell and other characters on the stage. The moment Bell appeared, Baz Luhrmann immediately said: "Leonardo, she will be your Juliet."

Leonardo DiCaprio also looked carefully on the stage, but after a single glance, he was stunned. Bell on the stage was so beautiful that it felt unreal. She has a beautiful face with almost perfect facial features, her long golden blonde hair are fixed behind her, and her eyebrows are slightly curved. She has smooth snow-white glowy skin, and that slender lean figure looks like a dancing lily.

"Yes, she's beautiful." Young Leonardo was so mesimorizerd by her that the words automatically popped out of his mouth.

Baz Luhrmann looked at the drooling boy beside him, and looked away in disgust. He knows what the boys of this age would think when seeing such a beautiful girl. The girl on the stage is indeed beautiful, but if you just dismiss her with the word beautiful, then you are just belittling her. As a director who works behind the camera, what he was seeing is not only a beautiful face, but also the unique temperament and the aura of grace and elegance on her. Those two light blue eyes which seems to be filled with the entire Pacific ocean have countless emotions running in them. Her every part of the body is expressive. Such a person is destined for movies and Hollywood.

Soon the play ended.

"Let's go." Baz Luhrmann said to the boy who was still busy watching the girl.

Leonardo stood up a little excited: "Director, Are we going to meet her?" It's not that he is in love with the girl, he's just amazed by her beauty. After all, this is the age when boys are most hormonal.

Director Luhrmann replied: "No, we will meet on the audition set, I mean on the shooting set." After that, he left without looking back.

Leonardo was a little dissapointed at not going to see the girl, but soon cheered himself up. Anyway, they will soon meet on the set, and he will have plenty of time then.

Eve who came to backstage after the performance, was busy removing the makeup and costume. She didn't know that the role she wad going to audition for was already in her bag.

Her co-star asked her: "Eve, Are you really not going to continue performing on Broadway?"

Eve replied: "Not for now."

"It's pity, but still wish you best for the next journey. I hope you can become a big star."

Evelyn smiled: "Thank you."

The makeup artist had finished removing the makeup. Eve changed into her usual clothes and exited the theater. The driver was already was already waiting on the entrance with her ford. She entered the backseat and greeted Ryan, who has been both her driver and bodyguard since the past 7 years.

"Good evening, Ryan."

"Good evening Eve. How was the last day at Broadway?" asked Ryan.

"It was a little sad, but I am still looking forward to the future." replied Eve.

Ryan was 24 when he joined Eve, and Eve was just a nine years old child at the time. For her, Ryan is like a guardian figure who has always been present for her even when her own parents were absent in her life. busy with their own careers after the divorce.

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