
I'll always be here, forever

The winter night's alcohol always warms you up first, then cools you down.

Every night Mia drank seemed to follow this pattern.

But tonight felt different. Returning to the bustling street, the boy beside her was as calm as if nothing had happened.

Mia admired Sam's ability to adjust.

He didn't change his attitude towards her just because of what had happened earlier.

It was as if he intentionally gave her space to process her emotions, neither too close nor too distant.

This made their interaction comfortable and reassuring, like old friends who didn't need to say much to create a unique atmosphere just by walking together.

Looking at the lively street, Mia remembered something.

"So, you don't have to come to work on New Year's Day."

Sam had planned to ask for that day off, but he had forgotten due to the many sudden events and the urgency of the situation.

He hadn't expected Mia to bring it up herself.

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