

As the smoke billowed out, a glaring red light appeared deep within the cracks.

Next, countless streams of lava surged from the fissures, and the volcanoes on Kree Planet began to erupt as well.

In an instant, volcanic ash covered the entire sky of Kree Planet, blocking out the once bright sunlight.

The whole Kree Planet, once bright yellow, now turned into a lifeless gray sphere.

However, this was only temporary. As the mantle's lava flowed back in, Kree Planet was engulfed in blood-red lava in just five minutes.

Perhaps due to the different composition compared to Earth, the lava on Kree Planet wasn't just red but a blinding blood-red, looking like fresh blood.

In an instant, all life was cut off!

Only those in spaceships flying in the sky survived; the rest of Kree Planet had turned into a hellscape.

A planet that once housed billions of life forms, Kree Planet, was now completely dead.

This was the true power of the Star Destroyer Cannon. Completely shattering a planet was exceedingly difficult, so Skynet developed the Star Destroyer Cannon based on planetary structures.

And indeed, Skynet's theory proved correct, and the Star Destroyer Cannon lived up to its name.

From Zane's perspective on the Ark, Kree Planet now resembled a blood-red gem shrouded in smoke, a sight of unparalleled beauty.

For a moment, its radiance outshone even the eternal stars.

This beauty had a name: Death!

The few million survivors of Kree Planet, filled with a mix of relief from surviving the disaster, grief over losing their homeland and loved ones, and uncertainty about the future, prepared to leave the now hellish planet in their ships.

As they broke through the volcanic ash clouds and the atmosphere, they were met not by the dark expanse of space but by countless blue-purple energy projectiles.

In an instant, dozens of spaceships were destroyed, falling back to Kree Planet and splashing into the blood-red lava like tiny droplets.

Next came Bastis's massive claws, seemingly tearing through space.

Lorna used her abilities to crush all nearby ships with magnetism and threw them back to Kree Planet.

Feeling unsatisfied, the violent beauty pulled out the massive blade from her Gundam's back and crazily split one spaceship after another in half.

Little Bone's efficiency was somewhat lower. She jumped onto a spaceship, incinerated the pilot with hellfire, and then used the hellfire to transform the spaceship into her weapon, blasting other ships with energy cannons imbued with hellfire.

Rocket, meanwhile, piloted a medium-sized warship, laughing wildly as he fired the weapons.

As for Groot, there was no need to worry about him...

Half an hour later, Kree Planet was annihilated.

All that remained was a blood-red gem in space, surrounded by countless fragments of spaceships held in orbit by gravity.

The billions of beings on Kree Planet had all perished.

"Boss, Kree Planet has been cleared," Skynet reported.

Zane nodded in satisfaction.

"What about the subordinate civilizations of Kree Planet?"

Green data streams flickered in Skynet's eyes as he linked to the network of deployed magnetic robots.

"They are expected to be fully cleared within an hour."


At this moment, Lorna and the others returned to the Ark.

"Did you have fun?" Zane turned and asked with a smile.

"Mm-hmm!" Lorna's face was flushed with excitement and joy as she threw herself into Zane's arms, grabbing the now-shrunken Bastis from Zane's shoulder, where she was cuddling up to him.

Holding Lorna, Zane watched the others, who still seemed unsatisfied, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

It seemed he had led these guys astray.

But seeing them like this, he felt it was great!

An hour later, with the last subordinate civilization flattened by a super nuclear bomb, the Kree civilization officially exited the cosmic stage.

The only evidence of its existence was the scattered Kree people left behind.

Interestingly, Xandar, previously threatened by Zane, would likely be grateful to Zane for eliminating a formidable enemy.

Simultaneously, the system notification sounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing task two: Destroy the Kree civilization.]

[Evaluating completion...]

[Evaluation complete.]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving one SS-grade skill lottery draw.]

[Would the host like to proceed with the draw?]

Although Zane had anticipated getting the SS-grade draw, hearing the official announcement still filled him with uncontainable excitement.

"Wait a moment, I need to prepare."

Zane then went to bathe and change clothes, washing his face and hands countless times before heading to the sealed room.

Suppressing his excitement, Zane solemnly said, "Start the draw!"


"Drawing complete, congratulations to the host for acquiring the SS-grade passive skill [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception]."

For a moment, Zane's heart skipped a beat.

It was that godly skill!

Although Zane in his past life hadn't studied it in detail, he had heard of the [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception].

The bold declaration, "Even a god, I will kill for you," had left an indelible impression on Zane.

Now, he had unexpectedly obtained this skill, confirming that he truly was a man of great fortune.

Overjoyed, Zane opened the system panel to check the skill's description.


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