


Zane's answer came as expected by President Ellis. He straightened his body in the raging wind, standing tall.

For the first time, Zane felt that the middle-aged man in front of him had a bit of qualification to be worthy of his attention, simply because of his current disregard for everything.

"If I add myself to the equation, the current President of the United States, the leader of the nation, is that enough?" President Ellis shouted resolutely.

For the first time, surprise flashed across Zane's face. He now doubted if there was something wrong with his ears.

This politician, who had always played various conspiracies, was now willing to sacrifice himself!

The huge contrast before and after even made Zane feel like this was not the same person.

"Why, just for these cowardly people down there?" 

As Zane spoke, he pointed to the dozens of government officials still hiding in the safe house.

Although the door of the safe house had been torn down by Lorna, they still refused to come out, as if staying there could bring them a sense of security.

President Ellis, following Zane's direction, saw the scene below and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

"That's right, it's for these people."

"I can do without myself, the United States can elect another president, but if these people below are gone, the United States will surely fall into turmoil."

"Why?" Zane asked in confusion, not understanding why the man in front of him had such a huge contrast in character.

"Why? To be honest, even I don't know. I admit that I crave power, like being in a position of authority, and I admit that I am afraid of death."

"But just a moment ago, I understood one thing."

"What?" Zane asked solemnly.

"Responsibility! What does it feel like to bear a heavy burden?"

"The feeling of bearing a heavy burden is that tens of millions of people are eagerly awaiting every word you say."

"I am the ruler of a nation, the mistakes made by the United States, I, Matthew Ellis, will bear alone!"

"It's okay if I die, but the United States must not be in chaos!"

After hearing President Ellis's impassioned words, Zane's eyes showed undisguised admiration.

Although he played political games, schemed against himself, and sent troops to besiege him, none of this prevented Zane from admiring the man who was now determined to die.

"I, the demigod Zane Sy, am willing to acknowledge you as the ruler of a nation!"

"I agree to your request, and these worthless people below will live because of you."

At this moment, if Zane didn't agree to Ellis's request, even Zane himself couldn't bear to see it.

"Thank you!" President Ellis said with a smile.

Zane nodded at him and said nothing.

Now, the only thing Zane could do was to give this man a magnificent funeral!

A funeral befitting his current determination!

(OG AN: This chapter deviates a bit from the norm, but I believe a president wouldn't be so disgraceful, so I wrote it like this. I hope you don't mind, it won't affect the plot going forward.)

"Do you regret it?"

In the last moment of President Ellis's life, Zane asked softly.

President Ellis didn't know if Zane was referring to his initial attempt to control Zane or his current willingness to sacrifice himself.

But regardless of which one Zane meant, he only had one answer.

"No regrets!"

Zane nodded knowingly. The next moment, the [King's Treasury] opened beside President Ellis.

A small super nuclear bomb appeared behind him, and at the same time, a vibrating gold chain tied him to the bomb.

The next second, this small nuclear bomb flew into the sky with Ellis still wearing a smile on his face.

Only when it reached the stratosphere did Zane press the detonator in his hand.

When the nuclear bomb exploded along with Ellis, the magnificent blue fireworks cleared all the clouds over Washington.

Accompanied by the loud sound of the explosion, all the people in the United States looked up at the sky at the same time.

In this moment, everyone was fascinated by the beauty of the fireworks, gazing blankly at the sky.

Until the magnificent spectacle gradually disappeared without a trace.

But it left a memory in everyone's mind.

I believe that when the truth is revealed, this fireworks display, along with President Ellis, will be recorded in history.

And this was the last gift Zane gave to this man...

"As you wish..." Zane looked up at the sky and said lightly.

As for why Zane didn't let President Ellis go, even though he had admitted his mistake. 

Zane just wanted to say, reality is not a fairy tale.

Others will not return the same attitude to you because of your tolerance and understanding; they will only take advantage of you even more.

Kindness is often taken for weakness, quite ironic, but also very realistic!

Despite the admiration, Zane was not so forgiving as to overlook the faults of the enemy.

And while Zane was holding the most magnificent funeral for President Ellis on Earth,

The Secretary of State on the ground had quietly contacted Tony and the others, who were signing the agreement with representatives from 117 countries at the conference.

Upon hearing about Zane's actions, Tony and the others immediately abandoned the conference and put on their armor, rushing towards the White House.

'Chickenhead, please don't do anything stupid!' Tony prayed silently as they flew.

Although he vaguely understood that with Zane's lawless personality, things would definitely take a turn for the worse.

Coincidentally, the venue for the signing ceremony was also in Washington.

Tony and the others only needed a short five minutes to reach the White House.

But in the end, they were still a step too late, only able to watch the fireworks blossoming in the sky from afar.

At the same time, the voice of the Secretary of State came through the communicator.

"Mr. President, he sacrificed himself..."

Iron Man Tony, flying in the sky wearing armor, paused for a moment, his eyes dimming considerably.

He knew that from this moment on, he had lost a worthy friend.

There weren't many people he could call friends, and Zane was definitely one of them.

But two people with different personalities and principles were destined to embark on completely different paths from this moment on.

When Tony and the others arrived at the White House, which had already become a ruin, Zane and his group had not left yet.

Accompanying Tony and the others were countless military forces, and all the heavy weapons were aimed at the menacing Statue of Liberty and Zane's group.

They were just waiting for the order to shoot Zane on the spot.

"Tony, you're here." Zane looked at Tony, who was floating in the air with his mask off, and said calmly.


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