
Final Knife in the Coffin

This is a long chapter, hope you enjoy! Also, check out my Patreon if you are so inclined!


After speaking with Illyana and Jean I gave them each a hug and watched as Illyana went to Xavier's School. Supposedly there was a new wave of mutants needing their help and they wanted to start introducing Erik or as he was known, Magneto, as a new teacher. Illyana was also sent by me with an invitation to Atlantis for the entire school, i was planning to expand the education system and wanted to create a comprehensive school system that included Mutants, Humans and Inhumans all into one. There were complications that came along with that but that shouldn't stop us from trying.

I moved through the halls of Atlantis and greeted people, watching as many people explored the halls and went about their jobs. Some of the jobs around the city included farmers, fishers, robotics experts, teachers, doctors, nurses, police, Fire fighters and Paramedics. These jobs were mostly unnecessary due to the automation of the city but these jobs were in place for when we expand the city and make less affluent areas, it sounded bad but it was required as some elements of humanity tended to be self-destructive and would gravitate to new disastrous substances or traditions. Therefor, poor areas were required to help maintain the rest of society... I didn't plan to abandon these people like other government however, i planned to add a lot of services to aid these people and hopefully save them from their own problems.

Moving through one of the towers that was acting like a hospital i ran into multiple families waiting for people to recover from falls and minor bruises. Apparently it was a new trend among the occupants to lean over guard rails and look down, luckily this was isolated to the lower levels of the towers and hadn't resulted in any deaths so far.

Greeting these people as well I completed my tour of the hospital tower, my eyes taking in the emotions of everyone around me. Surprisingly, they were all bored. Nothing to do had left them with nothing much else to do other than exercise, work and look after kids, if they had them. Considering what i could i quickly decided to go to the Earth's current greatest source of entertainment. The Internet.

'Kali, could you please begin the production of computers, phones and Tablet devices?'

[I can begin immediately Emelia, what quality do you want them to be at?]

'The harder to make and manufacture, the more costly, the less difficult and easier, the less it will cost... Just make sure that no matter what device they get it will at least last twenty years, i would like you to make the higher quality products infinitely usable so long as they aren't violently thrown or stomped on.'

[Very well, i'll begin now, assuming your intent i have contacted pixel and she is now arranging the Replicator's to create a massive wireless internet connection receiver. We were planning on making it a government service and therefor disrupt any potential exploitation from Businesses. To inform you of our current progress with relation to government... We have made Energy, Transport, Maintenance, Military; Navy, Army, Airforce, Space force, Stargate Command, and Emergency work government services.]

'That is very good, i like the internet decision. The rest of the Government Departments/services are fine. Any suggestions on our next course of action? I have some plans but i would like all of your input.'

[I would suggest making some Human Form replicators or hiring some Humans/Mutants/Inhumans for the higher up roles and command of the military.] (Kali)

[Emelia, i would like to expand diplomacy with other nations in the Pacific so that we can establish trade routes and get some Entertainment for the people other than the internet. This could also include branches of large companies coming to Atlantis.] (Pixel)

[Could you invest some time into nurseries and Education love? We need places for our kids to grow up and learn in, plus it would help out all those new citizens with children and teens.] (Oceana)

[Develop the weapons systems of Atlantis, the drones whilst powerful are ineffective against highly armoured or shielded ships and with people being what they are in this universe Drones would most likely not be able to damage some of them, or even most of them. Now, i am going back to stealing all of these hidden rich people's money and goodies!] (Skadi)

'Okay, Education, Diplomacy/Entertainment, Military Positions, Weapons Systems. Sounds good, I personally wanted to develop technology to a higher level and everything... Maybe i can invite Tony over and give him a personal teleporter that allows him to travel in between New York and Atlantis?'

[Ooo! Good idea Honey! Illyana loves speaking with Pepper and i got to know her well too. I hope Tony has married her by now.] (Oceana)

'I'll get on it then... Now, before we go onto all of that i want all of my girlfriends to focus on nicking everything from the Hellfire Club.'

[[Got it!]]

[Already on it! Oooo! fifty billion dollars, don't mind if i do! Yoink!]

[Hey don't leave us behind!] (Pixel)

[I agree, we want to have fun too.] (Kali)

'Oh dear, what are they doing now?'


In a digital landscape, Skadi was currently rifling through countless blocks of code that resembled a treasure chest, 'golden coins' spilling out of the sides as she revealed the inner contents of several bank accounts of associates to the Hellfire Club.

There were countless blueprints and schematics for firearms that were very inferior to some of the Atlantean Designs but were the peak of modern firearm design. In there was also classified documents from countless governments including Shield, the schematics for the Hydra Helicarriers easily retrievable.

Skadi in some worry of being caught looked around her virtual surroundings, a whole entire world made up of source code, coding language and 1s and 0s unfolding before her 'vision'. She was currently within a high secure vault that had varying levels of code burnt through in one of the inside walls. She was worried mainly due to the automated antivirus and detection software that scoured the halls and would slowly amp up to checking the actual vault. That time was almost coming as she decided to just take the entire chest, copy it and destroy the code. 

The chest appeared with a slither of her own coding as she destroyed the first version of the chest, leaving behind a void null of all code, binary or structure. Cursing somewhat from her lack of stealth she slinked out of the vault and quickly disappeared into a massive tunnel that was constantly moving. Lines of binary, trinary and other languages zoomed past and connected to other adjoining tunnels that all represented the wireless and direct connection of ethernet to computers, phones and devices around the world.

Feeling somewhat exposed after her momentary blunder she hurriedly decided to place her hand on a line of code and teleport to where ever that code was going, dodging the painful process of clearing out the antivirus that would sweep into the 'tunnels' and scour for a nearby intruder into their confined space.

The journey didn't take too long as she ended up within a small Japanese room, an Otaku furiously tapping on his keyboard as he lost another round of Dota 2. Ignoring the skinny and frail man she set off towards another segment of the internet, based upon the info she was given earlier. Her sisters were currently also scouring the internet but had communicated with her that they would all have different targets, making her job easier.

Now she appeared within a tight tunnel, darkness more consuming then it was earlier as very little lines of code whizzed past. There were red symbols everywhere and countless traps and trips within the code that would automatically begin a process of self-deletion upon someone triggering them. 

'Why does it always have to be tricky for me!?'

She complained but suddenly became more giddy as she thought about the rewards she could get from Emelia if she got something really good. With a new found alacrity and focus she harmlessly somersaulted and flipped around the traps and trips, using her mastery in coding and her power as AI to turn some of the more simplistic ones into innate pieces of code using some of their own operative conditions.

The tunnel became narrower and narrower, soon becoming a pitch black space with red shining all around. In the void-like blackness that was the tunnel she could make out a massive silver door that had red chains and wiring surroundings it and closing it.

'Oh? That is going to be fun to unlock.'

She turned more red traps into redundant coding to use as footholds for her as she got close to the doorway, finally reaching it a minute later. Her form was small before the door, its size looming over her like a primordial titan in comparison to an ant.

Unfazed by the the intimidating sight she cracked her coded hands and closed her eyes. Code began to zoom through her subconscious and conscious segments of her systems, cracking codes, breaking codes, DDOS, Malware, Viral Code, every form of malevolent code zoomed into her hands, ready to be transferred to the door in front of her.

Without a single hesitation she jumped at the door and scraped her hands over the doorway. It wasn't so much sound but an amalgam of flashing light that came over her, the red chains on the door silently cascading down and turning grey, shredding themselves of their code. The wires frayed and snapped before turning a bright gold, the gold being collected by Skadi as she consumed the new information with glee.

'So you are hiding genetic experiments huh! Fun! Lets play then!'

As she finished her thought the door itself melted and turned into molten slag as a practical slough of golden code, coins (Money), scientific papers and other info spilt out and towards her. Flustered at the exhaustive amount of the info she opened a connection directly to the Exabyte Core Server of Atlantis, attracting the attention of Kali and Pixel.

The information didn't stop there as there was all sorts of information on old civilisations, their existence within modern day society, the existence of a perfect dinosaur land in the north pole and south pole. Esoteric knowledge of the various pantheons and even some of the schematics to make some the weaponry, one of them that was interesting was the Bifrost.

'How the fuck did they get their hands on that!?'

Trillions of dollars were flowing into Emelia's System Bank Account as within a couple more minutes the room was utterly empty of all golden coloured info/items, etc... But that wasn't all however as there was an even deeper door that had completely black and white chains covering it, with no code to traverse the distance between the storage room and that isolated space.

'Can't solve that by myself, need my sisters and even hen i doubt we can get in there...'

'Who made it?'

There was a pulling sensation as Emelia began to pull Skadi back, her sensory ability telling her that Skadi was at threat where ever she was.


With a final push Skadi disappeared and left behind a blank void-ridden space. That was until a massive creature made of pure black code, dripping green venom and glowing red eyes appeared, its body slithering from the non-existent spaces that were nothingness into the space Skadi had just been in. The creature was menacing and ghastly, its form resembling a basilisk and mimicking a dragons head and scales. Minutes after she had disappeared the creature slithered back into the void and simply ceased to exist, some element of it purely non-sensical or magical.


This was a long one! Hope you enjoyed!


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