

I can't believe that commoner beat me in the ranking, and what makes it even more upsetting is that she is the number one in our room.

Who the hell is she?

I noticed her being approached by Prince Andrew one day, so I resolved to punish her later that day.

Instead of being furious, she smiled and proclaimed her love for me.

Is there something wrong with her head?


Anyway, I couldn't understand her.

A day later, my father decided to provide me with a personal maid within the academy, but she is the most excellent of all the participants.

Why did she want to be my maid?

That's not my problem; but, that commoner humiliates my father.

I believed he wouldn't hire her at first, but after she directly spoke with my father, he compelled me to hire her as my maid.

I recall her saying the name of a person and the number ten million, but I don't see any connections.

Ugh! What's the matter with this girl?


"She's insane!" "

As I walked away from my tea party, I said this.

I humiliated her by telling her she wouldn't get any chocolate from me; instead, she claims that seeing me without any clothing every morning is far more enjoyable than chocolate.

This is embarrassing!

I'm unable to stand near to her.

That's why I decided not to attend the rest of my lesson today so that I can unwind.

Well, she's also a classmate, which is why I'm avoiding her for the time being.

Don't get me wrong: I don't fear her or anything.

Wait a minute, why am I talking to myself like this?

Anyway, I wander around the academy's garden.

It is near the academy's forest area, but most people would not go here because it is farther than the academy's indoor garden.

I didn't expect to see anyone when I arrived.

Kaiser Kurogane?

Why is he here?

He swung a wooden sword many times, his face solemn.

"It seems I can't really activate it with this method."

He said that with disappointment.

What is he on about?

I chose to observe him from a safe distance.

He's done crazy stuff like jump next to a real sword, throw his sword and let it fall next to him while his eyes are closed, and finally run till he passes out.

Is this really training?

When he passed out, I ran to his side right away.

I mean, what sort of nonsense is this?

Ugh! He's dripping wet!

Still, I attempted to pick him and carry him to one of the benches here, but he yanked me away.

"What are you doing? Ugh! You're drenched with sweat, so let me go! "

However, he did not hear me, and when I look at him, he appears to be sleeping.

What kind of person is he, really?

Suddenly, I heard a scratch from the bush, and a woman emerged from it.

"I still can't believe it. What are the two of you doing here in secret? "

Kara Lin, from what I recall, is her name.

No way! One of the instructors observes me in this manner.

How will I face Prince Andrew if this becomes a rumor?

"Miss Kara Lin, let me explain."

"There's no need. It's obvious what the two of you—"

Kara Lin approached us and noticed something that was not what she expected.

"He's drenched in sweat and unconscious. I see. I apologize for drawing a conclusion from—"

However, he also grabbed her, and the two of us are now in his arms.


Kara Lin, on the other hand, is reacting as if she is still a maiden who has never been touched by her opposite gender.

Miss Kara Lin, you're supposed to be assisting me, not joining me!

It's simple to move away from him now that I think about it, so why can't I? Instead, I allowed him to hug me.

His body is also tough.

Is this a male body?

And, despite being drenched in sweat, his odor is pleasant rather than unpleasant.

Every second I'm around him, I feel at ease.


I was taken aback to see someone I don't want to see right now.

"What exactly are you doing here, commoner?"

"I came here to find you, but it appears that I don't require it. Anyway, I'm heading back now. Please have a good time."

"Wait a minute! "

I couldn't get away from him, though.

Seriously, what's the matter with me?

I immediately recall; it's only a split second, but the commoner has a murderous intent on Kaiser.

Is that my imagination at work?

"I'm an instructor, and you're my student; you can't do this kind of thing right now."

This is irritating me.

Miss Kara Lin, you're an instructor, and he's a student; don't get too comfortable.

You even hugged him; where's your moral? Where's your dignity gone? Where's the sauc—What am I talking about?

Ugh! When is he going to wake up?

If this continues, I may—

I, Kaiser Kurogane, have a wonderful dream.

Many girls surround me in that dream, and they occasionally call me master or sweetheart.

I hugged them and utilized my cheat ability to make them happy in bed.

However, this dream didn't last long, and I awoke just as the sun was setting.


My hands are holding two soft stuff, which remind me of Emily.

Emily? Soft things?

My arms feel heavy to me.

When I looked to my sides, I noticed two persons sleeping by me.

At the same time, I'm holding the mountain of my current issue.

Earlier, I was experimenting with my cheat ability to see if I could activate it while unconscious because I remembered those main characters who could utilize their powers even while conscious, but it appears that I made a mistake.

Because this location is so secluded, I assumed no one would be here, but it appears that I assumed too much.

After all, if the main heroine saw this...









Author's Note:

No, she is not the female lead, nor his mother, despite being the first one he got.

The female lead will be the president of the literature club since she is aware that this world is a novel, and I will give her the power to manipulate everything in it so that Kaiser will only choose her.

Nah. I'm joking.

Anyway, Voting Time!






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